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Everything posted by Sabel79

  1. San Jose just makes too much sense...
  2. There's a place across the street from my office that does what amounts to a chicken finger sub, except all that's in it is hot chicken fingers, bacon, cheese. It's fantastic.
  3. I'd put Black Celebration over Stripped, but both good songs... as a matter of fact, I'm reversing my earlier statement and saying Black Celebration is the Best Depeche Mode album, now that I think about it...
  4. I try not to be that guy who likes to argue with people about matters of personal taste. Like what you like. That song though... legitimately makes me angry. It's a me issue...
  5. Ugh, for the love of...
  6. Seriously. You have beeen tricked into thinking eating rotten things is good if we pour enough vinegar on it. I mean...
  7. Perhaps. David Hasselhoff did it better. (also garbage).
  8. Dude...it wasn't good then..
  9. Okay, everybody... sauerkraut is Satan's vegetable. Thousand Island Dressing is what they put on Big Macs. Stop. Both are gross. Together they create a borderline hazmat situation.
  10. Beef on weck seems to be overlooked here. Trust me, as a part of the diaspora, you don't know how good you have it. Even the French dip comes dry down here...
  11. Speaking of Enjoy the Silence... this might just be the most perfect rendition of that perfect song...
  12. You are correct, but Personal Jesus is actual garbage. They can't all be winners. You are also correct. You are also also correct. My six-year old singing "Where's the Revolution..." is probably the happiest I've been in forever.
  13. I love Depeche Mode. However, I want to fight jsb for nominating Personal Jesus...
  14. Listening to Joy Division and rocking back and forth right now...
  15. If in WNY: a beef on weck. I had one when home for the holidays and cried for an hour. Elsewhere: take as much corned beef as you can wedge between two slices of rye and put a little mustard on it.
  16. There is no depth to which humanity will not sink.
  17. NBC paid an obscene amount of money for those rights. It'd be on if it was Stoke-Huddersfield.
  18. NBCSN has a Man United game this afternoon, NHLN is doing Sharks-Kings at 4. Could probably have done both, but ehhhhhh? It is the free game on the dot com.
  19. I will take automatic demerits for the misplaced apostrophe...
  20. I mean do what you want, I suppose, but take it off this forum. Other than Millbank, of course, you're always welcome.
  21. Oh hell, a politcal debate's been started, or else it would not have been brought up. Of course, our affirmation will be met with much more vengeance that the initial "innocent" post.
  22. This is fair, but XGMTM coming in and trading every draft pick that wasn't nailed down (with returns of varying quality) didn't help afterwards...
  23. Arsenal are an abject tire fire. We get needs to go, would probably be signed to a new contract if he dies. Alexis is gone, Ozil will follow...who’s going to want to come in? Between this, the Sabres, and the Mets, I’m starting to think the problem is me... Effective immediately I am A leafs, ManU, and Yankees fan... nah, who am I kidding, I enjoy the pain.... *Wenger, not we get. Stoopid phone...
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