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Everything posted by Sabel79

  1. So, I've had hockey on the tv continuously since noon today. Haven't been sitting here watching it the entire time (laundry, house cleaning, paying attention to my dog, finished a book, eating) but yet, whenever an announcer's voice rises my head snaps up or I run into the living room... I think I have a problem..
  2. As I mentioned in another thread earlier, literally can't remember which one, there are 25 guys under contract for next year, including Rochester and Moulson. Whoever gets traded between now and October further diminishes this number in all likelihood. This is a blank slate. JBOTs and Housley are on the clock effective next season.
  3. If you include Moulson and everybody in Rochester, there are 25 guys currently under contract for next year. A few of those guys may be leaving via trade in the next week or this summer. JBOTs is going to be busy indeed. Both teams will be unrecognizable by October. It's going to be interesting.
  4. Five goals and two fights in the first 15:00 of the Flyers-Rags game so far this afternoon. Shame both teams can’t lose, but this is an entertaining game.
  5. Yeah, watching the replays he definitely has his hands/stick high, but that doesn’t explain the rest. I guess it is the fall as opposed to the hit that’s ugly. By the way, this announcer seems to be aiming for a demographic entirely comprised of blind people who have no idea what hockey is. Not a fan.
  6. Watching Germany-Norway. Just saw one of the ugliest hits I’ve seen at any level in awhile. Norway player goes high on his check at the boards, spins him around and drops him on his head. Clear concussion, don’t know how he didn’t break his neck. 5 and a game. Now this game’s getting ugly.
  7. One of them may fetch something on the market...
  8. On the bright side, Dunleavey has affirmatively acknowledged all the goals this afternoon.
  9. Nice to hear the school is still run by halfwits.
  10. And this is the thing. It's entirely in his head. And won't get better... no matter how many great saves he makes, he will, almost without fail, throw one or two in his own net.
  11. As long as you're not going to hold him responsible,for knowing where his posts are. Otherwise... ugh. And not to argue with anyone in particular, but the Sabres lack of scoring, while an issue, isn't all of the issue. Tonight the boys fought hard scored two... TWO!!!!! Goals. Played D well enough to have that's stand up. Lenny is horribly out of position (again) and a tip that shouldn't have mattered loses his team the game. Should they score more? Absolutely. Anyone saying Lehner isn't a, or indeed THE problem hasn't been watching. The above has been deliberately (somewhat) overstated. LEHNER SUCKS, basically.
  12. Terrorist cell also comes to mind. Of course, there is info floating around now that the dude in charge of this particular nazi/terrorist group is actually full of and playing the media into pumping his tires. We are doomed.
  13. "Militia Group" There are better terms for it.
  14. The NRA is nothing more than a trade association meant to represent the interests of gun manufacturers in Washington and various statehouses. Boosting sales is literally all they are about. Yes, incidents like this boost sales when the specter of impending gun control rears its head. Almost like they think dead children are an acceptable advertisement for their products.
  15. On and off the ice...
  16. Fentanyl is absolutely awful. The stuff is so potent, and you can't tell what it is just by looking at it. There have been a few instances of police officers dying during searches because they touched it. Now nobody's field testing, forensic labs are swamped, and cases are taking even longer. Nothing else to do about it though, nobody else needs to be dying because of it.
  17. Bump. Same as it ever was.
  18. Sorry, man. This is indeed rough. I have two elderly Bulldogs on borrowed time. I can only hope to face the end, when it inevitably comes, with as much fortitude as you have here.
  19. I'll put it to you this way: don't be surprised when he trades his three year extension for three nine-month extensions.
  20. Bob McKenzie tweets that Vancouver is about to announce an extension for Jim Benning. Wut?
  21. Can we all just agree that everybody's terrible? Left my iPad at home so I couldn't put the game on. Probably for the best...
  22. Perhaps a bit.
  23. I don't think this was the best way to state this by me. If a dude is good you draft him. If a dude hits free agency and can help you, then sign him. The situation with College players not having to go back into the draft gives them leverage, and I think that there is a perception that college UFAs in general have some sort of value above and beyond other players at the same age, when other players at that age have been playing pro for a couple of years by then.
  24. The decidedly inexpert opinion of this particular internet JAG formed from a combination of assorted anecdotal evidence, looking at a lot of charts showing who got drafted when and from where, and a deep and granite-hard hatred of the NCAA.
  25. I'll take on board that the standard and players coming out of college hockey have improved, but I still find the focus on and investment into college players disproportionate to the outcomes (Again, other than the blindingly obvious outliers) Not a clue. The draft pick, in and of itself is not the issue in a vacuum. As one of the far too many a certain former GM dished out for a less than adequate return, well, that's the problem. The guy who might be a JAG if he's lucky the Sabres could have drafted would be preferable to the nothing that ended up coming back.
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