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Everything posted by Sabel79

  1. And while we're on the subject of dirtbags getting away with nonsense: I give you Brad Marchand.... https://twitter.com/peteblackburn/status/980506172187987968?s=12
  2. It's from Full Metal Jacket, with names replaced.
  3. Not a word out of player safety. They did fine Ian Cole for tripping last night....
  4. Thank you for not saying "fine"
  5. You don't get a + for goals scored, but you do take a - for shorthanded goals against.
  6. I was out last night, put the game on when I got home. Fell asleep at 3-1. Woke up and checked the score this morning, wondered if I had somehow been watching the wrong game. Going to have to try again tonight. This one seemed fun, minus the scary hit on Antipin. Also, just read that last night was the first time the Sabres have ever scored three goals on one major penalty, and the first time they've managed more than one since 2010.
  7. Semyon Varlamov done for the season. That might just be Colorado donezo.
  8. fify
  9. Duffer taking the makeup brush to his head is by far the funniest part of the video, IMO.
  10. This. This is awesome. https://twitter.com/buffalosabres/status/980082231514484736?s=12
  11. Go have that argument with a Marlins fan. Rather, the one remaining Marlins fan...
  12. Quiet, you...
  13. I mean, the Red Sox ARE the Yankees and have been for almost fifteen years...
  14. There's going to be a bloodletting and subsequent transfusion. Has to be.
  15. You.... I like you...
  16. Any decision made with the effect of making me have to watch Lehner play less is a good decision.
  17. It's terrible luck, and I want him to succeed more than anybody else on that team, but he very possibly could be very permanently broken.
  18. I need you to get into your time machine and have a chat with TM.
  19. Fine, I'll amend it to won't/can't. My thing is I don't think whining about all the Emo stuff so we can hear it is a good look one way or the other. He needs to keep quiet or actually do something.
  20. He had/has the opportunity to grow a pair and be a leader. Won't.
  21. Perhaps, but we don't really need to hear it.
  22. His inability to understand the irony inherent in his media routine is nearing Mike Weber levels. Albeit in different directions. I'm ready, JBOTs, move him.
  23. Does his attitude scream: "Part of the solution?"
  24. Part of it is the nature of the position itself, hockey goalie is unlike any other in all of sports. Even in soccer, you lose your goalie without a sub an outfield player throws the gloves on and off we go. Not sure that's possible here. Every team should have a house goalie for absolute emergencies, which is pretty much the case here. I mean, the odds of what happened last night happening are astronomical, and we'll likely never see it again. Many legitimate sticks with which to beat the NHL. Don't make your own out of toothpicks.
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