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Everything posted by Sabel79

  1. The Sens future is depressingly bleak at this point. The Sabres at the very least have an owner willing to spend money. Hopefully he's learned lessons about handing the checkbook to idiots. Time will tell.
  2. Nobody is trading for Lehner. Heck, nobody is signing him after the Sabres non-tender him.
  3. Most definitely not. New Linky: https://deadspin.com/cristiano-ronaldo-executes-juventus-with-gorgeous-leap-1824295626/amp
  4. Christiano Ronaldo is good at the soccers. Link to goal: https://twitter.com/hughwizzy/status/981262526527795200?s=21
  5. As I recall it was heavily GoDD related. Things went places... Anyway, the majestic pointlessness in what has taken place in this thread the past few days is astounding. JW, picking on some guy on the internet. Again.
  6. This is, what, the third time a local jurno has flamed out on this board, due to what I can only assume are “reasons” those of us who didn’t get a J/MC degree can’t possibly understand?
  7. The look on Bill Daly's face as he turned the card over, coupled with Connor McDavid trying his best not to cry as he answered repeated questions about his opinions on Edmonton is just about all the proof we need that the lottery isn't rigged. Dumb, based on outcomes, but not rigged.
  8. Karlson is so very gone... https://twitter.com/bradytrett/status/980995343218167809?s=21
  9. It's almost as if he's trolling with zero regard for presenting an actual opinion.
  10. Were any doors harmed?
  11. What's the over/under on the number of people in Sabres gear rooting for the Otters Wednesday? It'll definitely be more than zero, but I'd prefer we not walk down that road again...
  12. That screw up by Johnson was almost a perfect puncture mark to place at the end of this game. Woof.
  13. On the bright side, Tennyson and Gorges are still being played, together, and the score hasn't hit double digits yet...
  14. You need to keep -talking... it's the only thing that'll score us goals tonight, it would seem...
  15. It doesn’t help that Johnson’s trapper is apparently for decoration.
  16. The film of Gorges and Tennyson out there together is going to be the exact opposite of a highlight reel.
  17. It come in from the outside...
  18. I thought it was Vanilla that they used Beaver juice for, since actual vanilla is crazy hard to get. I could be completely wrong though.., Wait, you actually typed vanilla and I can’t read. Disregard.
  19. Polak, Dynguis day or not, is indeed gsrbage.
  20. Almost a break for Jack... we need to convince him he’s playing Toronto every night...
  21. Benoit Pulliot, ladies and gentlemen... not giving the slightest of in front of the net...
  22. Rolling my eyes so hard right now...
  23. There's a lot to unpack here. None of it good, with the exception of pointing out that Hartnell is dirty. Which we all know already.
  24. i used to take VIA Rail from Niagra Falls to Toronto all the time. The station there is 15 feet off the Whirlpool bridge as I recall, drive through customs, leave the car in the station lot, and off you go. Of course, this was fifteen years ago the last time I did it.., And still doesn't get you anywhere near the airport.
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