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Everything posted by Sabel79

  1. https://www.thestranger.com/slog/2018/04/24/26091377/bruce-campbell-has-retired-from-playing-ash
  2. Just be grateful none of it made it in your mouth...
  3. Totally whiffed on the third one. RJ Umberger disagrees.
  4. Looked it up because it was bothering me. I was right about the first one. Way off on the second...
  5. Currently sitting in a park while various people I don’t know poke around my house. They’d best be making offers...
  6. I saw a pig flying outside my house this morning. Instinctively looked at twitter and confirmed: Arsene Wenger announces he’s leaving Arsenal after this season. I am both incredibly happy and incredibly sad...
  7. It's all good, but thanks.
  8. From what I recall when we bought the place, the Seller's realtor was well--known to be an actual crazy person. Our realtor expressed on more than one occasion that she hated dealing with her, and that the asking price was a joke. Plus which, the seller was building a house elsewhere and ran out of money... I'll probably end up renting something in the short term. Selling because of the impending divorce, effectively. Would like to have kept it but it just doesn't make sense, money wise.
  9. I didn't notice that. Nice.
  10. Welp. Having finally admitted to myself that it mKes no sense for me not to, my house is for sale. Somebody buy it please. https://www.trulia.com/p/va/salem/111-deer-trace-ln-salem-va-24153--2022629948
  11. Point of order: It's me who hates the La's.
  12. Giving idiots time to use those resources demonstrably doesn't work. Hindsight vision being 20/20 yadda yadda yadda....
  13. Nothing has ever been good enough, as judged by the deatrth of Stanley Cups in the cabinet. This is the norm as opposed to the outliers ina few towns. It's okay, the franchise is actively trying. Not well, but I'm personally a lot less pissed than I have been in most years since about 2002.
  14. Good player looks better on good team than he does on tire fire alert.... yawn...
  15. Is it just me or have there been an inordinate number of bad hits / a stupid amount of general buffoonery for 2 or three games into the first round so far?
  16. Actually don't think it was, but there's another good example.
  17. It’s actually a fairly well-known phenomenon in the show biz... my guess: industrial espionage / studios trying to get one over on each other by rushing their own Volcano thriller / buddy cop movie with a dog being the other buddy / Asteroid catastrophe prevention film to market. Here’s a by no means exhaustive list from fairly recently: http://twistedsifter.com/2013/04/strangely-similar-movies-released-around-the-same-time/
  18. For the most part, it rhymes with "Chiarelli"
  19. There's a whole lot of "meh" on that list, TBF. Points at Steve Bernier: "This guy here is dead..."
  20. Reading that it’s a dislocated kneecap and torn quad. Ouch.
  21. Way to go, NHL, we're reviewing a play that was fractionally offside if at all to wipe out a playoff OT goal. If they overturn this... Ha, never mind, goal. Still, get rid of the offsides challenge. Blech.
  22. That escalated quickly...
  23. And? Yeah, this might be more a me aggressively not caring about this sort of thing issue. I dunno.
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