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Everything posted by Sabel79

  1. CP will very likely end up at Bayern. I'd have him at Arsenal in a hot second. Mkhitaryan and Aubameyang are already there, he'd be a perfect fit wide in a front three, and Alex Iwobi and Danny Welbeck could finally be fired into the sun... A boy can dream. Oh, and now they're buying Papastathoupous. Literally every ex-Dortmund player with an insane name is a bold roster building strategy...
  2. I don't trust Belgium. They're a sexy team on paper. It never goes that well on grass. Can't see past Germany in terms of picking a winner. They're still a notch above anybody else. There's a few teams who could conceivably get hot and knock them off, but I suppose we shall see.
  3. Yeah, sorry, had no idea what thread we were in. It is cool.
  4. Putting these here where I thought they were to begin with. I need to look at thread titles...
  5. That's still a stodgy team though. Going to be no fun whatsoever to watch until the get knocked out in the last 16 as is their wont.
  6. I think he suffers mostly from the insurmountable disability of not being RJ. I know I still find it unsettling to hear Dunleavy call games for that reason; I’m sure others do. He’s not awful, but not particularly good. If someone takes him to the side and drills home that people like to be told when goals happen it’ll improve things greatly.
  7. http://buffalonews.com/2018/05/16/dan-dunleavy-sabres-expect-to-agree-to-new-deal-very-soon/ Per article, he and RJ will split next season 50/50. Uninspiring.
  8. FWIW: I think the Canadian slang double-entendre makes it work.
  9. You’re not wrong.
  10. Remember when he got suspended for having the temerity to suffer a life-threatening medical condition? Pure class, OSP.
  11. For the right price you can have Risto. Or anybody not named Eichel or Dahlin. The rumored involvement of Chiarelli makes me pretty confident, provided any of this is actually a thing.
  12. We're gonna need steel wool and bleach to fully wash the Bylsma off him...
  13. Replace the word "sports" with literally any other noun and you're accurately describing the way the world is heading. Housing, food, water...
  14. That's a civil issue. Mostly to be argued about by horrible people with more money than sense.
  15. The legal terms are Adultery (having sexual relations outside of one's marriage) and (having sexual relations outside of any marriage at all). Seriously? Forn I cation gets filtered?
  16. Several states (my current home state, errr, Commonwealth, Virginia included) have laws against it. All of them are horrendously unconstitutional. Still obvious grounds for divorce and all that entails.
  17. Moulson only makes $2 million in real money this year. Kind of why I'm hoping and think it's possible a cap floor team takes him on this offseason.
  18. Sabel79

    Bobby Hull

    Of course, the possibility that he felt (entirely correctly) that that he could trot that out for a Russian audience and get no blowback is there. "Not running for office" indeed...
  19. Sabel79

    Bobby Hull

    They still ran with it. “I heard it from somebody else” is not a defense to libel.
  20. What I’m the world is Tyler Myers doing there and why is it not a penalty? Dude checked a guy in the face with his fist...
  21. Sabel79

    Bobby Hull

    The Chicago Tribune, though?
  22. Sabel79

    Bobby Hull

    Here's one article: http://articles.chicagotribune.com/1998-08-26/news/9808270083_1_worthy-idea-nhl-players-nhl-star-bobby-hull
  23. Sabel79

    Bobby Hull

    I vomited in my mouth a bit every time NBC cut to him in Winnipeg. The man's an incandescent dumpster-fire. There's still a statue of him in Chicago... Also, the Nazi stuff went a bit farther than "Hitler had some good ideas" as I recall. I'll see if I can dig something up.
  24. Cliff Pu, consummate gentleman. https://twitter.com/jeffmarek/status/995642901261516801?s=21
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