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  1. Soooooooo….. literally none of this is true. Not even remotely. No basis in anything other than confederate apologia and white-supremacist propaganda. I’ll link to one fairly recent article… many are available, along with copious scholarship not beholden to the daughters of the confederacy… https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2017/06/the-myth-of-the-kindly-general-lee/529038/ That’s enough internet for me today…
  2. That was a good one. I got hung up on 12. Never would have gotten Duff in a million years.
  3. I’m going to put this in the same category of the Mike Weber meltdown after the infamous Arizona game. Dude, you’re a pro athlete, and have no connection to the slobs in the seats. They do / care about stuff that may or may not have anything to do with you personally. Move along. For some reason, some guys don’t get that.
  4. Not thinking or caring about what Jack Eichel is up to. I'm begging everyone.
  5. Sigh. Fine. Not surprised he veered away from the high road, but whatever. Great, now I'm participating in this same conversation in two threads. boo. Great. Let's all follow his example and reciprocate.
  6. That Jack is still evidently bothered enough about it to bring it up in this of all moments speaks volumes. October can not possibly arrive soon enough...
  7. Evidently the NFL and Premier League are their bread and butter. The PL stuff is really, really good. Worth keeping it for that, if you're me or similarly interested.
  8. Peter Chiareli in 2015. Actually, given what we know about him, he probably did.
  9. That would be fun. I do not see the NHLPA ever agreeing to it in a million years, or the teams for that matter.
  10. Franchise agreements, be it a McDonald's in BFE or the Arizona Coyotes, are going to have language binding the franchisee to a certain set of standards, giving the franchisor (the NHL) the right to revoke the franchise if the standards are not upheld. We actually saw an (extreme) example of this when the NBA took the Clippers away from Donald Sterling after his shenanigans hit the news. These are, as far as I'm aware, not public, and I haven't read one. However, the League (and every other owner who I'm sure is not fond of the revenue drain the Coyotes have been throughout their entire existence) will definitely have a leg to stand on if this reaches the point where the plug needs to be pulled. I mean, in their opinion. Anyone looking rationally at the situation from outside would have identified that point as having been reached several years ago.
  11. Everything you cite applies. Came in as the savior when the Knox family could not carry on. Bought the team with money that he didn’t have/didn’t exist. Oversaw incredible success (relatively) for a period. Everyone in on it, the atmosphere incredible in ‘98, ‘99 (we’ll skip right over ‘00) and ‘01. The house of cards it was all built upon collapses and we get NHL ownership and the resultant hot garbage for several seasons… had OSP not sensed and opportunity to flip a distressed property none of us would be here.
  12. That’s enough internet for you for quite some time.
  13. That’s enough internet for you tonight.
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