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Everything posted by 7+6=13

  1. I think we'll be there in the end.
  2. Seriously? You're responding to a post that wasn't to quote another post or you. Yet you're asking about responding? Rich
  3. There's nothing manly going on with these threads crying about the same exact things. Beta!
  4. Didn't say anything even close to that. So more nonsense when people laugh at your pity party.
  5. What a boring response.
  6. It's actually pathetic that so many of you want to talk about this nonsense again. As if it's some original thought. Epic fail/thread.
  7. He was noticeabley excellent tonight.
  8. Really nice win. A lot of good went on tonight.
  9. I wish you well personally and hope you and yours have a great Thanksgiving. I think what you said is a bit more than just being critical. That's not really a fair assessment. You said something extreme and kinda crazy and got met with equal opposition. Definitely more than just, don't ever say anything bad about the Sabres or .....
  10. Shame on you bro Then you're just too selfish.
  11. That's not the wack part. We've sucked is true. Having the opinion that selling the team, even if it means them leaving Buffalo, is disgusting. Try and keep up. I shouldn't have to explain that to you and your minions.
  12. This is disgusting.
  13. Yes and do it tomorrow and every day thereafter. You will then be smart like everyone else. This is actually quite obnoxious.
  14. Very nice McLeod. Went back in D then transitioned to great position down low.
  15. Even Duff and Marty showing confidence by wearing loud jackets.
  16. Beautiful PP killing Tuch.
  17. Very nice awareness Power.
  18. Dare I say, this team is playing with confidence.
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