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Everything posted by 7+6=13

  1. I hope I dont' offend anyone by saying this, but I think calling every case Rape should be revisited. I understand that most of the states consider those under 18 are incapable of consenting to sex - but it just seems too broad of a law. If a 17 year old women/girl looks older and maybe in some cases says she's older - I find it difficult to determine how for example a 24-26 year old man could difinitively know wrongdoing.
  2. No one knows what my user name means - would be my alter
  3. 7+6=13


    Fair enough. The only thing that I'd say is I think Briere would add to that mix nicely (obviously IMO). It looked to me like beyond the overall lack of talent the offense looked disjointed. Now we have talent but it's all young so it would seem reasonable it will look a bit maybe hectic is the word. I get that maybe Briere isn't the guy but I'd argue that we need a bit more than Gionta, Moulson, and Legwand to help Bylsma get these extremely talented young players to play correctly.
  4. 7+6=13


    I get most of that for sure. So in the scenario you describe albeit you say "long term" the 4th line guy is a tough guy that eats up some minutes and is difficult to handle physically - doesn't it make sense at all for next year to entertain Breire in that spot? Obviously not for the physical side but to play a limited role on the ice but it would seem he could teach young kids how to play.
  5. 7+6=13


    Ok so help me understand - how do you see the Center position initially? I'll self admit I watch almost every game but I don't always understand what all is happening strategically on the ice. Are there only 4 centers identified on a team or could there be more but at a reduced role than the first 4? Do you see it? O'reilly Eichel Ennis Girgensons
  6. 7+6=13


    O'reilly or Reinhart? I'm not as educated on hockey as most of you are. I've always followed the team and watched most games - but I think because I didn't play and it wasn't my main viewing sport growing up there's a lot I don't understand, so I'm not being smart here. I understand it appears the team is crowded on the offensive side and because of that there's a lot of uncertainty on what position guys may be asked to move to etc., but I see a void at Center in terms of leadership on the ice. I respect your opinion so I'd like to hear more about what you're thoughts are.
  7. 7+6=13


    Briere is contemplating retirement as he's deciding if he'd rather play or begin a new chapter in his life by dedicating all his time to his family. Perhaps his decision will be made for him if he's not getting offers to play. What would you all say about bringing him back as a possible 4th line center? I'll start with my opinion. I know we've got some veteran leadership in Moulson and Gionta for example - but really only Legwand at the center position. I think he'd be a nice addition for one year to teach these young centers (however that's decided). I also like the idea of the feel good story that would naturally be attached with him coming back. http://www.nhl.com/ice/news.htm?id=775778
  8. Huge fan of the first season but I'm having a hard time staying interested in season 2.
  9. But we'd end up having to pay one of our young players that develops into that type of player when their contract is due. So I'm not sure whey paying a player that's there now is so far fetched.
  10. "To clarify, we're not even considering the double whammy of being a Sabres fan and a Bills fan." - Well he should because having one owner of them both is something to be considered. Pegula, Murray, Reinhart, Harbor-Center, Kane, Eichel, Girgensons, Bylsma, penty of cap space, etc. - if there was any torture it's over in my mind. IMO, there's not many franchises I'd rather be at the moment.
  11. I would hate for a scenario to end up with the Sabres not either having the rights or having Grigorenko on the team. He's one of the reasons - for me, the next few years are promising.
  12. I said that wrong. I would give up this years 21st pick considering the odds are we will have a much lower pick - and as you said a chance in the lottery.
  13. I think I would give up a 1st round pick - but a better question might be would you give up this years 21st pick or the 2016 1st rounder? If this past season is an indicator you'd have to do better than 90 points to be in the top 20 teams. I think I'd lean towards giving up next years.
  14. Every year I find a city close to attend a Robert Cray concert.
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