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Everything posted by 7+6=13

  1. There's no way they have that much leverage to command those 4 players and they know it. They're the one's in a bad spot not the Sabres.
  2. If the opportunity truly presented itself to acuire a player like Stamkos there's no one on the roster besides Jack that should stop that. With that said obviously it would take multiple players and picks and I'm pretty sure there's not any two players on our roster that I wouldn't trade besides Jack.
  3. I said that prior to the game earlier in this thread. I thought Kane was giving outstanding effort.
  4. I think Kane has been playing excellent. Maybe a bit reckless but he's flying around, hitting, creating opportunities for himself. It's just a matter of time that his effort pays off.
  5. My fault. I misread this as who will lead the Sabres in goals. Have no idea where I got that, haha.
  6. I voted Kane and I don't think it'll be close.
  7. Hey no politics allowed - ever how right you are.
  8. Now I'm not posting here anymore either.
  9. I can't help but feel responsible
  10. I'm not sure if that's his normal stride as I'm not as well versed as most of you - but it would seem on this play the wide stride was to shield from the defender until he was passed him. If you look close his first few weren't wide - then got wider as he got closer to the blue line - then he just coasted as he set up his choice of shot.
  11. Do you think Fairchild would hinder us in extending O'Reilly?
  12. Do you think it's possible Buffalo would take a run at Stamkos in a trade later in the year or if he becomes a FA?
  13. This guy definitely spent a lot of time specifically on Franson. Interesting read for sure. If this information translates it says two things, one is obviously we are getting great value and two Murray is on top of his game.
  14. Yes, it's a new thread being started.
  15. Good advice. Are you still in Holly Springs? Heard it's great up there. Going to the Carolina game in March?
  16. I can understand what you and WildCard are saying - I agree and disagree. I'm somewhat active on TBD and can totally appreciate your sentiment on the amount of threads and the amount of posters that offer little. I understand long time posters find fewer threads easier to have a rolling conversation but for someone new I find it difficult because there's multiple topics within it and don't know where to jump in. Obviously my example is the Eichel signing a card deal in the "2nd overall pick" thread. Please don't take this the wrong way but I just feel the current setup here while probably makes long time/high count posters happy- it makes it a bit more difficult for new posters to get involved. Am I making any sense? Just offering some feedback from a newbie trying to be more engaged here and that finds it interesting to see a new topic.
  17. I hate having so few posts that I don't get responded to much. I hate that I'm so narcasistic to think I should get responded to.
  18. This should be it's own thread. Interesting stuff that if I didn't look in the 38 page thread under "2nd overall pick Jack Eichel signed" I would never have seen it. Unless of course outside of this site. But my point is there really aren't that many new threads started here - is there a reason? Just wondering because it just seems like the same ones are in the opening page day after day after day.
  19. Well they better figure out some kind of creative way to get more money in or figure out a way to get back on prime time TV.
  20. I think more than just us know why it happened - NHL players have seen how this works and that it works. Most every NHL player is aware of Buffalo from ownership to we're headed in another direction on the ice. I do think you're right in that they would prefer to go to a team further along or in the middle of the prime of being good - however I don't think Buffalo is a last resort destination anymore.
  21. Why do you think he'd rather go elsewhere? Seems as though this would be an attractive destination with an opportunity for significant playing time.
  22. I love when people know it's my birthday.
  23. I think it all depends on the companies advertised too. For example if it's local companies that most fans identify with anyway I think it could be a real good idea.
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