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Everything posted by phil_soisson

  1. WGR acting like the sycophants to ownership that they are. I despise dishonest media.
  2. Maybe he can help Cozens pick up his game; they had great chemistry last season.
  3. The futility starts at the top, with ownership; he was meddlesome from the start, bringing in the Ted Blacks and Craig Patricks, and his picks for GM's have been dismal. Now he's awol.
  4. I could put them away in a box, and just check where they are at from time to time, not actively following them, and if some how they turned into a championship calibre team, I would start following again. I could do this without feeling like I'm just a "fair weather fan" because I feel like I've earned the right; I've put in the time, going back 53 years. I've done that with the Bills.
  5. I love that commercial, especially with the piano rendition of the Beatles' "In My Life".
  6. You say, "Ownership has nothing to do with it. Never has". Then, "KA should feel a lot more heat at some point than Granato". Where exactly is the. "heat" on KA supposed to come from? You've contradicted yourself.
  7. The 1969-70 Buffalo Bisons Hockey Club winning the Calder Cup their last year in existence in the AHL; from GM Fred Hunt, HC Fred Shero, Trainer Frank Christie, Zamboni and skate sharpener, Shorty Lalonde, Trottier, Ouelette, Kassian, Jones, Rivers, Knibbs, Hextall, Ingram, Hamilton, Blackburn, Villemure, et al., with special memories of beat reporters, Charlie Barton, of the Courier, and Dick Johnston, of the BEN, and of course, WGR Voice of the Ice Bisons, Phil Soisson.
  8. You're right, it's not that simple, but Granato's "more compete" schtick was tired last year.
  9. I'm telling you, that Taj Mahal locker room screams "pampered". Could help explain why their home record is atrocious. This is not a workman blue collar team, or organization.
  10. You lost me at "...I want him to be coach". Can you imagine Imlach, Bowman, or Ruff putting up with this crap show? They need an experienced, respected NHL coach to light a fire, who will not tolerate playing soft, and not being ready to play at game time. A competent power play architect, assistant coach would go a long way too.
  11. Could Craig Anderson been that much of a difference in the locker room? I'm having trouble understanding how guys have regressed? I expected a solid D corps this year. Power and Samuelsson have been awful. Cozens isn't the same player; did his girlfriend dump him or something? Thompson was ineffective before his injury. The power play is just unwatchable. I have no confidence in this coaching staff and management, or ownership. Fans are between a rock and hard place; neither the status quo or another tear down/rebuild are acceptable. Hockey hell.
  12. When I first saw the title of the thread, I wasn't wearing my glasses, and thought it read "Any pallbearers here?"
  13. A healthy Quinn playing at the same level as last season won't be seen until 2024-25, if ever? You keep hoping.
  14. FFS, I long for the days of Darling, Jeanneret, and Hannigan.
  15. Seriously? This team is on the road to futility...year 13.
  16. 72 point pace,...not going to get it done.
  17. Canalside, the Cobblestone District, the Theatre District, the Fruit Belt,...all of these have no meaning to me, being a Buffalonian from the early 60's to mid-70's. At first glance, they sound like contrived gentrification marketing terms that make realtor's and property broker's eyes light up, and hands rub together, with visions of dollar signs.
  18. This team is unwatchable. Granato gone by Christmas.
  19. Respectfully, I get that, and I support the the right of any person that finds that post(or any post) offensive. I just abhor censorship, independent of whether for not I agree with. a particular point of view. Personally, hockey for me is a diversion from the crap show that is modern politics, socioeconomic, and geopolitical turmoil. Heretofore, the closest we came to controversy of that nature on these forums was the "pride" warm jerseys, which is a nothing burger.
  20. I never watched the "Jerry Springer Show", but this is America, and one thing that Mayor Springer said in concurrence with that is, "If you don't like it, turn the channel".
  21. I'm wondering if rewarding him with the big contract so early is having a detrimental effect in the locker room? I'm ready for Mike Peca.
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