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Everything posted by phil_soisson

  1. From an administration that touted itself as the most transparent there's ever been, there was absolutely nothing transparent about the formulation of the ACA. It was strictly closed door negotiations with government, big pharma, the AMA, and healthcare insurers at the table. That my friends is called fascism; the merger of state and corporate powers. We were even told by that dingbat representative from northern California that "we have to pass the bill so we can find out what's in it." Well, what's in it is 11,000 new pages of regulation which I strongly doubt were read by any congressional rep voting for it. It's a cash grab, plain and simple. Look at the share prices of health insurance stocks since the passage of this monstrosity,... up on average 300%. I resent the coercion of the state. They threaten with violence, and will ultimately come with guns to your front door if you fail to comply. What's even worse is the emperor-in-chief unilaterally making changes to the law, as bad as it is, without the consent of congress. The executive branch does not have the constitutional authority to make legislative changes upon its whim. We no longer have government by the people, it's government by the corporations, and for the corporations and the banking elite. There isn't a dime's difference between the dems or the republicans. The false left/right paradigm has us divided over things like gay marriage while the mega banks loot the nation. They own the congress, the White House, the courts, and the regulatory agencies. The average middle class American citizen has seen their net wealth decline since the crash of 2008. It was entirely engineered by the Wall St. banks with their liars loans, and cashing in their credit default swap schemes, and yet we haven't seen one Justice Department prosecution of a banker since them. Hell, just the other day, HSBC bank agreed to pay a $5 billion fine for drug money laundering,...no indictments, no prosecutions! This has kind of turned into a rant, but you get my drift. Carry on!
  2. If you like your hockey team, you can keep it!
  3. I thought he looked like Obango too! More honesty in cleaning that mini van than listening to the State of the Union.
  4. Through this process, I've come to feel the Senators are a class organization. For having budgetary strains, they seem to do a darn good job.
  5. You would have loved Dick Johnston, from the Buffalo Evening News, and Charley Barton, from the Buffalo Courier Express. Now, there were some hockey writers!
  6. Don't know that Latvia has any shot, but if Girgensons is playing for them and Nolan is coaching them, I'll be rooting for them.
  7. The most annoying word in the English language (as voted in a Marist poll)..."whatever"
  8. Rick should take the group to Buffalo for the Winter. Walkers an't walk outside...their bodies would freeze up pronto
  9. Wow...Season 4 mid season finale was intense! Sorry to see Hershel die.
  10. The way the gov offed Martinez was sick! Mid season finale preview said " some will fall". I'm thinking Herschel, Glenn, or Sasha.
  11. ACA was passed on strictly party lines. Apparently, the individual mandate only applies to @8% of the population. With the uproar over the " if you like your plan...", which has been exposed as a premeditated lie, it will be interesting to see the effect on people covered under the employer mandate, which is over 150 million people. Speaking of which, Obama acted completely outside his constitutional authority. Whether it was his unilaterally delaying the employer mandate portion of the act, or sending a letter to insurance commissioners, telling them to retroactively allow people to keep plans which don't comply with the statute's mandate, no president has the authority, short of declaring martial law, to suspend or delay constitutionally derived federal laws or acts. Simply, Obama doesn't get to choose which laws are binding and which are not. He's in impeachable territory, but with a democratic majority senate, this is unlikely. I think we see a massive repudiation of the liberal left at the polls in 2014. With other scandals, such as the NSA spying on citizens, the seeds of libertarian republicanism( not to be confused with the republican party) have been sown. Slowly and inexorably, people are awakening and the desire to throw off the shackles of big, intrusive government is coming to the fore
  12. A sad state of affairs, given the available resources. It's almost like a government operation,...a complete misappropriation of capital
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