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Tom Backyard

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Prospect (1/8)



  1. I follow it from a distance, checking in on the Nottingham Panthers from time to time. I studied abroad at the University of Nottingham back in the day and the city still holds a place in my heart. Still a big Forest fan, and although I have never caught a Panthers game live, I have visited the National Ice Center. Nice place!
  2. There are some things to like about those jerseys. However, the oversized crest isn’t one of them. For me at least.
  3. Thanks for the input.
  4. Is anyone else having issues with the WGR or Radio.com? I know I read they were having issues with it in the summer when they first launched it but I’ve never had a problem before. I’m trying to listen to the game right now, but it’s stuck in endless loop of commercials. Any suggestions how to get past this?
  5. If I heard Ray correctly, Chara became the all time most penalized Buffalo opponent tonight. What a villain!
  6. Anyone having problems with their MSG feed? Mine me keeps cutting out, saying it’s unavailable. Spectrum Cable in the Northern Catskills.
  7. Good topic. Funny you should bring it up. The timing is really a coincidence since I’ll be starting a radio show next Sunday on WIOX FM Roxbury (a community radio station in the Catskills, where I live). It’s called The Spirit of Radio: Reagan to Clinton. It’s a retrospective of college rock, new wave, synth pop and post punk from 1980-1992. I’m pretty excited to weigh in on this topic. I’ll come back later.
  8. Due to recovery from his injury, his off season workouts would have been very limited. He most likely is not at the optimal fitness level for an NHL player.
  9. Lindy is working for the Rangers. Assistant coach.
  10. Consider it done. Are we the only two people who own Craig Rivet jerseys? Maybe if enough of us wear Rivet jerseys tonight, the streak will end.
  11. So, based on superstitioun alone, would this be a good night or a bad night to pull my Craig Rivet jersey out of the closet?
  12. Okposo's name was spelled wrong on his name plate. Image was attached.
  13. I was listening in the car today since I was on the road. But when I got home a friend of mine sent me this picture. Did anyone else notice this? Is this organization just a total disaster or what? It's like amateur hour from the top down.
  14. Pretty much, but it wasn't registering.
  15. Man guys, I have probably been to a dozen Sabres-Islanders games and I have never been treated like I was tonight. It wasn't just a few meatheads either. It was pretty widespread throughout the night. Started outside Barclays and continued right through until we got into our cab. Bathrooms, concourse, seats. You name it. Anyone else share that experience?
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