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Everything posted by DaveSnuggerud

  1. With all the things in the world to be pissed about I just realized that I no longer need the Sabres for my fill of aggravating content.
  2. The coach we deserve!
  3. I want to see their response to a bad 10 game stretch coupled with some injuries. If they can bounce back without falling into previous patterns, like taking the remainder of the season off, I'll buy in some more.
  4. It can't be discussed in the memorial thread so here goes...
  5. On another note, I'll never forget being so tired of watching the news coverage by mid-afternoon, that a buddy and I decided to go golfing. We first tried Beaver Island but all state parks had closed for the day. We ended up playing at Sheridan. It was really nice weather and the course was full of others who likewise needed a break from the insanity.
  6. Agreed. We haven't had the ability to consistently push back against opponents since 07ish. We have not been able match other teams' aggression, talent, desperation, physicality, etc. One of my favorite experiences with prior teams (mostly the ones wearing black goathead jerseys) was watching them escalate effort, intensity, and physicality to produce results. That's toughness to me...and I miss it dearly.
  7. This seems like a bad question, considering this is a discussion forum about the Buffalo Sabres. The Bills currently look like geniuses compared with how far the hockey team has fallen. I like Allen.
  8. I agree, to a point. Edmonton is an obvious example of a talent influx which has not translated into a winning club. I said this on another thread but the Kane - Faulk kerfuffle was really interesting. Faulk called him out big time. The team responded by beating CBus the following night. I have been a part of team process conversations, in my line of work, where an individual was called out for having a negative attitude and have seen the larger group respond by functioning better. Here's the thing - even if Kane is the biggest problem, which I assume he is, there remains a laundry list of other issues. It seems like, after yesterday's drubbing, that we have entered the trade deadline, where am I going phase of the season. I doubt we can expect to see any improvement until after the trade dust has settled. Even then, improvement will probably not be measurable in more victories. Botterill has his work cut out for him.
  9. I'm fascinated by this kerfuffle between Faulk and Kane. I'm further fascinated by the team's response tonight. Faulk is not exactly a team leader, which caught my attention initially. He calls out Kane in front of the team and they responded tonight. To me, this is some sort of unconscious vote by the team that Faulk was right. Is Evander Kane a team killer?
  10. I live in Denver and the local version of WGR (The Fan) has the same voice over guy and the stations often sound the same, with the exception that NO ONE talks about hockey out here. Anyway, the other night I heard voice over guy talking about the The Fan's hot take line, where listeners call in and leave a message with their thoughts about the Broncos (because that's all anyone talks about). I realized that this is the same damn thing as GR's "Whiner Line" and it struck me how negative the entire Buffalo sports scene has become. There are so many great reasons to be negative when talking about the Bills and Sabres - I get stuck in it myself. When you think about Phil trying to stay positive and keep the players positive, despite the bad results, Mike Harringtons and booing fans, it sounds pretty foreign to most of us, but I do think it is the right approach. We have to realize that we (the fans) are conditioned to expect crappy results, so we play into the negativity too. This doesn't mean that we should all be unrealistic and Pollyanna about the team but maybe it is wise to zoom out, cool off, and give Phil some time to fumigate the stink of the last decade from the building.
  11. 25 - Varada 26 - Plante 27 - Peca/May 28 - JBotts 29 - Pommers and Vladimir Tsyplakov 30 - Miller 31 - Poopa 32 - Ray 33 - Doug Janik; OK really I think of Benoit Hogue 34 - Jeff Jillson 35 - Noronen 36 - Matt the Rat (I also associate the stick provocation of Garth Snow to his armpit, right before he got up and started firing) 37 - Curtis Brown 38 - Paetsch 39 - Dom 40 - Lalime Don't poo poo this game so quick! There will be some real obscure beauties in there.
  12. 11. Gilbert 12. Randy Burridge 13. Yuri Khmylev 14. Dave Hannan 15. Dixon Ward 16. LaFontaine 17. JP Dumont 18. Snuggerud! and Michal Grosek 19. Connolly 20. Don Luce
  13. 1. Jacques Cloutier 2. Horton, then I go to Derian Hatcher 3. Grant Ledyard 4. Warrener 5. Bob Boughner 6. Housely 7. Rico, John Tucker 8. The Bodg 9. Scott Arniel 10. Hawerchuck Damn, I could have swore the Boogeyman wore 5. 4 in the gold and blue and then 6 in red and black. I have to go Mike Ramsey.
  14. Dutchy is a soft, underachieving player. He was always in Roy's doghouse. I cannot fathom a situation where he makes sense for the Sabres to acquire. Even if he were free, I'd have to think about it for a minute.
  15. https://youtu.be/H07zYvkNYL8
  16. Interesting that CBJ and DET move back to the West in this map. I've wondered how a team in Quebec fits if they plan to keep those two teams in the East. Sorry DET, you're on the wrong end of Lake Erie. Living in Denver, I will be very upset if this somehow changes the current scheduling format where every team plays in every city at least once during the season. The years where the Sabres came to Denver once every 3 years was terrible.
  17. Can we have Mogilny back while we're at it? Also, I hear John Gurtler is going to split broadcasts with Dan Dunleavy.
  18. Watching the Masters right now and Smylie Kaufman's caddie is wearing a Sabres t shirt under his overalls! I'm getting such a kick out of that.
  19. I agree that sportswriters should function as a provider of accountability for an organization but I'm not sure the current level of negativity is warranted. I'm looking for balance. What's going well? What's not going well? There is also a need for hope within the fan base, which is not a naive, baseless hope. Harrington struggles to provide this perspective. We're watching a very young team early in a rebuild, it seems that now is the time for hopeful patience. It's not like the mess of the 2010 team with vanek, stafford, Roy, which was going nowhere and we all knew it.
  20. Ugh. Gleason, Sullivan, and Harrington. That's an triumvirate of grouchiness. I can accept some level of negative coverage, including a healthy dose of cynicism, but it's a bit too much from Harrington IMO. I think the average Buffalonian is too negative/cynical and his type of coverage helps makes the general hockey/local sports culture an unbearable stew of anger, pessimism, and angst. Whoops, left out "unparalleled" before triumvirate.
  21. Is it just me or is Mike Harrington one of the most negative media types ever? Someone on here once called him an "insufferable prick." I'm trying to stay positive with the state of this team and the rebuild but then I read a tweet from MH and it seems like the sky is falling. Is it time to unfollow him? Is there anything he is right about?
  22. Ok, I'm in my mid 30s and find myself wanting to go back to the days of the Aud. The game was different, the fans were different, and the place always seemed to have a buzz. It could be that I was a kid just getting into hockey but every game was entertaining. I also remember the atmosphere in the goat head years, where we made playoff runs, as electric. A favorite memory was starting a "Ray Borque sucks" chant during the '99 Bruins series. That was a blast! I think the primary issue is that the average fan's attitude toward actively participating in the game/atmosphere has nearly vanished. With Jumbotrons, cell phones, and mega sound systems endlessly blasting rock the fan has been pushed further and further into the role of a passive consumer. IMO the best part of any game is being part of a sustained "Let's go Buffalo" chant. It's hard to pull that off these days, unless the fans bring it during a lengthy run of play. It would also help for the current team to play some playoff hockey to bring some more energy but I see the issue being more connected with fan attitude/expectation. I fully intend on pissing off Avs fans here in Denver with plenty of "Let's go Buffalo" chants next month. Maybe some of you can join me.
  23. One of my favorite Milt memories - some sort of promotion gave each fan a large, sturdy piece of paper. The game starts to go south and a few paper airplanes, made from the paper, start to trickle out of the Oranges. Milt comes on the PA and says, "Please do not throw paper airplanes." This seemed to incite more airplane throwing as another dozen or two drift down to the ice. Bad promo.
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