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sabre snipe

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Everything posted by sabre snipe

  1. It's astounding how bad fleury is in the playoffs my goodness. Singlehandedly bringing that team down the past few year. How they won a cup with him, I don't know, but they won't win another with him. Crosby and malkin and just one cup that's not good enough
  2. What did John Scott get, 10 earlier in the season? I know it's playoff games but cookes been suspended 7 times. Not saying they were wrong with the Cooke number but just shows the bias against Scott he got screwed
  3. I was curious about this earlier today, and saw a tweet response from Kevin oklabijiza- something or other saying that he wasn't at practice and still has a nagging lower ankle injury, and probably wouldn't crack the lineup regardless. This is my one under the radar prospects I have a decent feeling about I think he can surprise
  4. Loo choch just punched abdelkador in the back of the head away from the play. I'd slash his knee and take him out like Bombay got taken out in mighty ducks. Or like vanek got taken out in our playoff series a few years ago on the breakaway against them.
  5. Awesome. Guy who should b suspended for a game scores.
  6. No hook there?!?
  7. I'm surprised marchands nose can even fit inside his visor. Maybe he has a custom one
  8. Count me in the group that thinks the suspension of three games was enough... Also put me in a group that hopes the bruins get their monster beaks ripped off. I'm looking at you, lucic, Marchand, chara.
  9. 7 points in first 2 playoff games. SEVEN! He keeps this up he wins conn smythe easy…still very early obviously. kids outproducing crosby when he came into the league i overreact a lot haha
  10. I know thats what is depressing. leave it to buffalo to tank the wrong year, right in between two drafts of 'generational' franchise players. Just like the bills…they don't suck enough the right years to get the qb they need to be a successful franchise.
  11. ANOTHER gorgeous play by MacKinnon and ANOTHER assist. 5 points in just over his first 4 periods of his playoff career! I'm actually getting angry seeing this haha especially cuz our guy this draft most likely won't be as good.
  12. For anyone who doesn't want another top 2 draft pick next year go watch Nathan mackkinnon play. Incredible. We need that. One. More. Year.
  13. This would please me
  14. Milbury laughing about the lucid incident…how does this guy have a broadcasting role?
  15. Sounds like a bulkier version of grigorenko. Especially if he needs to work on his skating and compete
  16. Someone should've told seabrook you can only do that and get away with it if you play for the bruins. Dumb dumb
  17. Have to admit I didn't know that. Should've been 10k then haha
  18. Haha I know it. I don't think Virtanen will be able to do half the stuff he did in those videos in the nhl. I did like draisaitls passing and vision though
  19. I was impressed with Virtanen and draisaitl from those videos
  20. 5000$!! Hahahaha whatta joke what's that a nice meal at an expensive restaurant for him? Ya I'm sure that reallllyyy hurts him. That's probably one equal to one shift for him. I'm sure he's really sorry too...until he does it again. Watch him sign autographs of pictures with his stick in the guys sack for bruins fans like he did for them with the pic of him truck sticking miller But seriously this guy makes what like 50k a game? He makes 5k in like 2 minutes of ice team for him literally. Pathetic Rolston got fined more than that for putting John Scott on the ice!!! Quenneville got fined 25000 for grabbing his own junk while lucic gets 5k for destroying another players. Sorry I'm losing it. NHL is a joke
  21. LOL at Lucic apologizing now and saying he doesn't know why he did it. waaah wahhh wahhhh. Sounds exactly like when he didn't mean to plow straight thru ryan miller when he had plenty of time to get out of the way. His punishment is that he has to make a phone call to the league office (not a phone hearing). Not making this up. As long as Lucic says he's sorry or he didn't mean to in a phone call, i guess it is okay in the leagues eyes. NHL bending the rules for this guy/team
  22. I saw Perry's and while i think he should be suspended as well, Lucic's was much much worse. Perrys was a little love tap to the guy who was facing him. Lucic completely wound up and tried to sterilize a completely unaware Dekeyser, behind the play, and then looks around to see if anyone caught him. Bushleague. Should be a one game suspension minimum. The league sends a message that this is acceptable now. I hope Lucic gets 5 of those next game and a taste of his own medicine. You see no-name players trying to make a good physical play that accidentally make a mistake and hit a guy in the head or into the boards from behind on a fraction of a second type of play, and they sit for 4 games and actually regret what they did. Meanwhile Lucic has the most blatant attempt to injure you can possibly have, and he gets nothing. Its garbage and lets not forget this is the second time Lucic has done this exact thing in less than a month
  23. so reports from Kypreos that Lucic will not receive a suspension, and maybe a fine…go figure. only thing more cowardly than Lucic is the NHL itself, refusing to suspend a player because of his name. Completely goes against everything to protect player safety. And now once again Lucic escapes with the 'no past history of supplemental discipline' excuse, even though he should've been suspended four times already and clearly shows intent to injure. Not saying John scott belongs in this league, but Lucic is a hell of a lot dirtier than john scott who just does his job and fights/protects teammates. Then you have a coward like lucic who clearly showing no respect for other players, and won't even fight a man his size, and the NHL turns its back. He's gotta be thinking jeesh i really can get away with anything huh? ridiculous and pathetic
  24. heres an article from boston defending Lucic (!!!!)…have i mentioned i HATE Boston. unbelievable. if someone had done this to a boston player you know this guy would be the first to cry about it. what an embarrassment. bostonians are brainwashed http://www.boston.com/sports/hockey/bruins/extras/bruins_blog/2014/04/in_defense_of_lucics_cheap_shot_-_welcome_to_playoff_hockey.html
  25. holy cow no one is safe from criticism. no one is perfect, but he's one of the smartest players in the league
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