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sabre snipe

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Everything posted by sabre snipe

  1. Penguins actually don't live in Antarctica... :)
  2. SOLD! He looks like girgs flying around the ice poke checking and tossing guys when the poke check fails. I wonder why he dropped
  3. Must've been pretty high in the first considering other teams were able to trade up? And I guess he doesn't have a guy left he really wants at 31 :(
  4. Well everyone wanted to trade up for barbashev... It's going to be funny to watch everyone lose it if we don't take him at 31 haha
  5. U gotta believe Murray had ample chance to trade up if he felt there was a player worth trading up for...still I'm disappointed
  6. And it's a pick they shouldn't have had...
  7. I'm gonna be pissed if New Jersey takes barbashev at 30. Or ho sang even
  8. I'm in the don't trade Myers unless it's top 10 camp. Or for 24 this year, one of our seconds this year, and for their 1st rounder next year but that's me dreaming
  9. No, definitely not now
  10. It works out that way if u decrease by .5% for every non-playoff team. Not sure if that's how they'll do it tho. Cutting the last place teams chances in half? If was already just a 1/4 chance it's such garbage. I swear if Boston misses the playoffs this year barely and lands mcdavid I will absolutely lose my ######. Something else that would piss me off would be if Detroit misses the playoffs for the first time in 20 something years and lands mcdavid. Will be exactly like the colts and andrew luck
  11. Yep a couple of us were arguing the even strength points and points per 60 minutes stats the other day on here -- Bennett is at the top and reinhart is quite a ways below him. I also found it interesting that Bennett didn't have a single EN goal or assist...bad luck or was he not on the ice? His point totals are a little more impressive in that regard (reinhart had 6). This analysis also puts more value in the younger player, which I've tended to do also. this article agrees with me that Bennett is the best forward in this draft but obviously it doesn't take intangibles into the equation and scouts are paid for a reason. Still I wouldn't be surprised if we took him. Can it be 730 jeez
  12. Seven points ahead of Edmonton? (I'd assume they're last or close to it) If I had to guess id say maybe the changes won't go into effect until the 2016 draft. Especially considering trades have been made for the 2015 draft that this would greatly effect. I mean the islanders made the playoffs last season. That would hurt us since we have their pick
  13. Damn! Could've tied there gotta finish those
  14. Portugal goal!!!
  15. Germany goal. Ghana goal. Uh oh If Ghana wins 2-1 and we lose 1-0 we are out
  16. I literally don't think we touched the ball other than a deflection or a goalie save for the entire first ten minutes. So that definitely hurt us there. Definitely played much better after that although I'd say the Germans still controlled play
  17. I'm loving Jones! Far and away our best player in the tournament so far. He just needs to avoid a second yellow card
  18. Bradley with some good through balls but his touches have been horrible near the Germans box-- just keeps giving the ball away. Germany dominated play early but I like how we responded. Had some decent chances. Portugal up 1-0 which is good for us
  19. This may be a stupid question but hypothetically speaking could we sign a guy to a one year, 8 million dollar contract and then trade him to a contender at some point during the year or even right away and retain 90% of the salary just to help reach the cap floor and get something out of it at the same time?
  20. I really don't care who we draft as long as Murray gets who he wants ill trust the decision. But Bennett had the highest points per 60 minutes average out of everyone (by a good amount), is younger and is only in his second season compared to reinharts third. he is also a more explosive skater and is a relentless attacker. Those are a few reasons I could see Bennett being the pick, but I'll admit I don't know jack and would rather trust the general consensus rankings that have reinhart first haha Oh and I agree with u 100% about ho sang in fact I advocated the same earlier today in this thread
  21. That's the question...we can't answer as well as any GMs can, but this guy could end up being the biggest steal of the draft-- he has that much talent. Could see a team like Pittsburgh taking him and him flourishing. I definitely could see some old school dominant gms, owners, scouts whatever getting rubbed the wrong way by him because he isn't showing them enough respect, but if he can play and learn they need to look past that. Put him on the wing after getting a reinhart (safe pick) and that's potentially 2/3 of a talented 1st or second line for the next decade. Get mcdavid or eichel next year and look out. Certainly worth the risk of using a second round pick on him IMO
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