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Formerly Allan in MD

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Everything posted by Formerly Allan in MD

  1. What was Miller thinking? Obviously he wasn't. On the angle you cover the post. You don't go down and give him the corner. Can I stop yelling at the screen?
  2. You nailed it, especially with respect to Miller. What's also sorely lacking in this "system" is a floating point man. With our mobile defensemen, it's maddening to not see the point man moving across the ice. It's extremely difficult for goalies to keep track of where the puck is when the point moves because there is always another body screening the goalie. Larry Murphy was the master at this and look how many goals and points he racked up during his career (and he wasn't even that mobile overall). Next discussion: power play over the Ruff years. That's rough.
  3. Expecting any more from Hecht in the offensive zone is pure fantasy.
  4. He does look slow. What hasn't changed much are the bad passes in his own end.
  5. It's pretty much speculation until you put him with some good forwards for significant minutes. Let's see what he's really got and then make a more educated decision.
  6. It's a Sabres thing. Year after year this happens to Ryan. The team rarely gives him 60 minutes of hard effort.
  7. Fatigue factor, especially with no preseason to build on. But it's still no excuse for being outdrawn continually, especially in key situations, and getting too many bad penalties. I once again have to ask, exactly what does Hecht contribute offensively? He always appears to be lost out there.
  8. I prefer him as the 5th line center.
  9. Never liked Hecht. He has no offensive game to speak of.
  10. A mediocre middle inning reliever.
  11. Will all the children involved in this travesty please go home! Anyone hear of binding arbitration? I'm glad my employees don't hold me up every few years. I thought the boss was the boss, especially when you're generally overpaid to begin with.
  12. There won't be any movement until the players not making money off of this by playing in Europe get really antsy and start pushing for movement. Also, all the attorneys involved (including Fehr etc.) love this. The billables keep going up. Back to my initial sentence.
  13. What negotiations? There doesn't appear to be much "itch" on the players side to negotiate as so many are playing and Europe and making money. The ones not doing so need to become more vocal and "out front" as their interests and pocketbooks will ultimately suffer the most if there's no near term resolution. Another factor players generally overlook is that union leaders are attorneys who function like attorneys. That is, the longer you keep the pot boiling the more hours you bill your clients. Binding arbitration anyone?
  14. Haven't been up there in a few years but will be shortly. Is Rue Franklin still around? If so, is it still very good? The last time I was up I really liked Tempo. Also, did the guy who ran the excellent Italian restaurant at the Radisson by the airport a few years back ever open another place in the area?
  15. I thought this thread was about the Sabres' number one line on the road trip.
  16. As a Buffalo sports fan, "Every Day I Get The Blues."
  17. Anyone notice that trade deadline deals for scorers, such as Boyes and Torres, wind up blowing up in the Sabres' faces. Anyone think Lindy and his "system" have something to do with it?
  18. Hodgson is very fast and has a really quick and accurate shot. I'll take it. Kassian's upside appears to be questionable at this point. That said, we do need strength up front. Is Foligno ready?
  19. Miller was being nice.
  20. Check out Lucy's Retired Surfers Bar on Tschiatopoulas Street. It's not in the Quarter but not that far.
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