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Everything posted by TheChimp

  1. That would just be another player to enter a system and be abandoned of all learning opportunities and eventually fall into oblivion. I wouldn't wish that on any more up and comers. Not a chance.
  2. No, it is absolutely indicative of a coach that leaves it up to his players to figure out what they are doing wrong and fixing it. A game manager. Lindy is the worst at that, and if that isn't obvious by now, when will everybody get it? These guys are on their own out there. Good coaches make their players look smart. Our players look stupid. They didn't get this far, have the success at EVERY level up til this one, by being stupid. Did they.
  3. Lindy thought that "momentum" was going to carry the team forward. As if momentum was something you don't have to WORK to maintain. This team is playing like a team without a coach. Sorry, these are just random thoughts...
  4. Look, the very simple fact that Myers and Leopold were not broken up as a pairing shows how bad a coach Lindy is.
  5. If Darcy truly felt that Myers has such a tremendous future to sign him to such a monster contract, then to see him faltering in this way HAS TO have Darcy thinking of a coaching change, not a buyout. If Darcy gets rid of Myers and not Lindy now, then nothing about this "organization" makes any sense.
  6. A team this roller coaster-ish is indicative of a team without a real leader. Or a plan. Success or failure, with this team, it's pure accident, either way.
  7. The problem, as I see it, is one of focus. They lose focus WAYYYY too often and far too easily.
  8. This is exactly what we all should have expected.
  9. TheChimp

    Tyler Myers

    We have far too much defensive talent in Rochester to get crap play like these two are giving.
  10. Myers is getting near the point in his career where he can't depend on who he gets paired with. Frankly I think HE is dragging Leo down right now.
  11. Ruff had them ready tonight. Gutsy win.
  12. It's different than the lottery was before? How so?
  13. Your sarcasm there hit me like a brick LOL
  14. OK gang see you Tuesday for the next loss :D
  15. GOOD GAME GOOD GAME BOYS!! We only lost by one this time we are ROLLIN!!!
  16. Well hey if Vanek can do it, anyone can right? LOL
  17. HAHAHAHA love it :lol: Why would that be bad? And hey, Waldo sorta predicted it earlier :P
  18. You mean, aside from his dumb penalty that gave Washington the 2 goal lead?
  19. A really strong team would start hitting everything that moved right now. Energy, energy!
  20. Well, seeing how much of a shmuck Pegula is, a little while more.
  21. I'm on a massive time delay, don't do that.
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