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Everything posted by TheChimp

  1. LIKE
  2. MIKE CHECK!!!!! WHAT I REALLY THINK IS THAT AS LONG AS DARCY REGIER IS THE GENERAL MANAGER LINDY RUFF IS PERFECTLY SAFE AND THAT WE SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THIS TEAM WAS GOING NOWHERE THE DAY PEGULA EXTENDED DARCY'S CONTRACT IN FREAKING PRESEASON!!!! what i really think is mmmlmlmllmmllmml darcy regier lalalala general manager ummmmmmmlalalalala should have known.....trees blablabla contract mlemlemlemlemlemle gas nuggets!!!
  3. For a dinner date? LIndy. But Staff can serenade us with his band and Myers would make a great bus boy.
  4. WHAT DO WE WANT? something to cheer about... WHEN DO WE WANT IT? now. :D
  5. Quick! Someone call eight eight eight eight eight eight eight!!
  6. I'm sorry, we will never know what this team could be with a good coaching staff.
  7. I thought he was still earning dividend checks up the yin yang on that. My bad.
  8. Cats. Don't forget cat antics. I love cat antics, cute little things :)
  9. He can always use the excuse that all of the tree huggers picketing his fracking operation have his mind elsewhere. I know I would. Those damned air and water-loving hippies.
  10. Let us pray and meditate about it. Terry looks like a guy that spends a lot of time in the ether. Maybe our thoughts can reach him there... OMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM :P
  11. Pretty sure that's what he was disagreeing with. :P And here he goes, ramping it up. Just wait a couple more games, gang. He will be downright brutal to read.
  12. TheChimp

    Tyler Myers

    I wonder what he was coached to do there???????
  13. I am shocked it took these dudes 7 games. Usually they are practicing their poster assaults by game 2. lmao
  14. It was the perfect lesson in what happens when you leave things up to fate and 'momentum'.
  15. No, don't give it a rest. Lindy needs to go.
  16. I would rather see him with the clipboard and all the players gathered around him. You know, COACHING Jesus get the team on the bus already.
  17. Enough about Myers already. When will we see STAFFORD this SEASON???
  18. No, the system calls for them to cover for the D-men when they pinch. The fact that they are NOT DOING THAT is indicative of a coach that can't get them to DO WHAT THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO DO. Everything they do is up to them. Again, look closely. Success, failure, both are pure accident with this bunch.
  19. So the overwhelming stack of evidence against Lindy gets reduced to a playoff spot in a shortened season for you? I don't get it.
  20. so why did nobody cover leopold's spot when he pinched in?
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