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Everything posted by JJFIVEOH

  1. I got to thinking about this, doesn't it irk people that situations like this occur? Why is it considered racist when the conclusion of a study doesn't depict a certain black demographic in a flattering manner? People want change, they want equality, they want to help raise the levels of the urban community. How can we make progress when information that is vital to the solution is passed off as racist? Seems to me to be highly counterproductive, all in the name of political correctness.
  2. It was a statistical point about whites vs blacks getting shot, hard numbers. 50/50. The discussion wasn't about WHY they happen, the discussion was about who it happens to. Discussing the "whys" and "how comes" is a completely separate discussion. Alas, most of you have conveniently avoided the initial point in the first place because it just doesn't fit the narrative. I hold myself accountable for everything, it's up to you to stay on track. If we were having a discussion about "why" blacks are put in a position to commit more crimes, I'd certainly hold myself accountable for my views. But that wasn't the discussion, was it? No worries, my fault for not even catching that. Now that's a discussion I wouldn't mind having. It appears as though some think we're already having it. I just wish somebody would have told me. ;)
  3. 1. Blacks make up 13% of the US population. Is that consistent when it comes to crime? If I'm wrong, please feel free to correct me. Regardless of why certain demographics commit crimes, please correct me with some facts. 2. If you really believe that I implied that they should be shot (even though I specifically said that is a ludicrous claim) then your racial issues are worse than I thought. You love to throw the racist term around a lot, look in the mirror. Labeling me with unsubstantiated claims is just as damaging to a conversation as being racist. I differentiate between whites and blacks, because this is a conversation about whites and blacks. If we were having a discussion about men and women, and I differentiated between men and women, would you call me sexist? 3. Again, prove me wrong. I made an observational claim, if I'm wrong, prove it. 4. It backfired because he's getting much more negative attention than positive. I agree there are still pockets if deep, racial hatred in this country. You're never going to get rid of that, and that applies to whites and blacks. If his intention was to create more negative dialogue about race, then you're right, I guess he succeeded.
  4. I know full well what I'm getting into. I can't help it some find it difficult to accept the harsh realities of life.
  5. I've never once backed down from speaking my mind in here, with no worries about what anybody else thinks because I'm not here to sugarcoat my views just to keep others from getting their feelings hurt. If you don't like my views, that's your problem. With that said, if I was racist, don't you think I would have said so by now? Perhaps you should note that this board is so liberally biased that the median would be somewhere around Michael Moore. Good thing I don't work for a university. :D
  6. Don't patronize me just because you so badly want this discussion to go where it's not. I'm fully aware of the factors that drive poverty, I'm fully aware of our racial history. I'm fully aware of our demographical makeup. When it comes to demographics and factors that drive the trends they follow, I'm probably more familiar with them than everybody here. But do you know what? Those factors have NOTHING to do with the statistical point I was making. Nothing. That is a completely different discussion. I'm not sure why that is so difficult for you to comprehend.
  7. Lack of opportunity and poverty is completely irrelevant to the statistic. Why they put themselves in that situation has no bearing on the numbers that substantiate your 50/50 ratio. So the fact that blacks have a higher crime rate isn't racially motivated, but the fact that I brought it up as a key (if not THE KEY) factor in exposing the flaw in your argument is racially motivated? Are you serious? So now we can't use stats that negatively depict black people because it's racist. Seriously man, this PC crap is getting way out of hand. Stop putting words into my mouth (you seem to have a knack for that). I never said people in those situations SHOULD be shot. I said those are situations that can lead up to a potential shooting............. as opposed to somebody picking through the tomatoes at a grocery store. Why cops shoot, whether they shoot too much, what the suspects do to get shot....................... it's all irrelevant to the point. If we base hard numbers of those types of crimes, versus the racial composition of said crimes, and use those totals in the same statistical comparison, you're going to find it's a lot closer than 1:4,000,000 and 1:700,000. Your argument is akin to determining heroin deaths as a percentage of drug overdoses and including people that don't use drugs. It's not going to prove anything because people that don't use, don't belong in the study. I find it odd that you're trying so hard to justify the lack of compassion for whites getting shot by cops solely based on the argument that it happens to blacks more often. Even though I've thoroughly proven that in the grand scheme of things, it really doesn't. And since this is about Kaepernick, he's pissed off a lot of people. He wanted to be the center of attention, and it backfired on him. He's going to have to deal with the repercussions. He's done nothing to help the racial divide in this country.
  8. Don't play the "whining and running whenever somebody suggests racism" card on me because you just might be one of the most racist posters on this board. You mentioned a 50/50 ratio of unarmed killings but claim it's a deceiving stat because the racial demographics in the US are not 50/50. YOU added "more likely" to my statement. I never said "more likely". "More likely" is predictive, or implying an act could happen in the future. THAT would be more indicative of a racial comment. My statement was based on those that get, and have gotten themselves into a situation to get shot. i.e. running from the cops, high speed chases, robbing a store, resisting arrest.......... Those types of situations are generally what lead up to police shootings. Open your eyes Hoss, these types of situations ARE NOT in line with the overall racial demographics of the US. For whatever reason, these situations involve blacks above and beyond their 13% population demographic. That's not a racial statement, that is common knowledge. If I pointed out that crime rates are higher among blacks, would that be racist too? Facts can't be racially motivated. So when you say a 50/50 stat is deceiving, you need to consider all factors not just random population totals. You can't base it on the general population percentage because cops don't go into a grocery store and randomly shoot people. Stop blaming the big, bad white man for all of America's downtrodden.
  9. Resorting to calling somebody racist because you don't like their point of view. Classic. That never gets old.
  10. Don't tell me what to do. That's oppression. Narrow those stats down to the people that get themselves into a situation to possibly get shot. I'll bet the numbers are just about 50/50 as well. Like I said, nobody cares about white people getting shot. You're already finding a way to deemphasize it.
  11. If we talked about things we did see eye-to-eye on in this thread, it would be a rather stale thread, don't you think?
  12. I wouldn't mind having one of those donuts though.
  13. 1. Every nation has its own traditions and customs. That's one of ours. I'm not offended (nor do I really care) if somebody doesn't stand for the anthem. The problem I do have is when an overrated athlete who is quite possibly at the end of his career does it for attention. And not just an overrated athlete, but one that is half-black, playing in a highly racially disproportionate league, making eight figures a year and has been busted for calling somebody a n*gg*r................. telling us about oppression. 2. Nobody seems to care? It's on television for days, it riles up the nation, people burning their cities, rioting and looting. Don't tell me nobody cares, it creates more attention than anything in the news. Want to know what people don't care about? Cops killing white people....................... 3. I replied to #1 before I read #3. He did it for two more weeks because nobody caught on the first two. What has he done about it? He's got a shitload of money, is he donating anything substantial for a cause? I've got a real problem with people in the spotlight who look to direction attention to themselves for a cause......... and do nothing about it. 4. I'm no fan of modern day mainstream media. It's ratings/drama driven and generally creates nothing more than divisiveness. From time to time I like to add things here that you won't see in mainstream news, in an attempt to generate some discussion. Like cops killing white people, for instance. But, nobody wants to talk about what we don't see on FOX and MSNBC. 5. If you're making national headlines berating cops, I'd say he's fair game for criticism from said cops. If Kaepernick wants to paint with a broad brush, he'd better be prepared for the backlash. If I'm risking my life, every day, to protect the citizens of this country and somebody wants to send a message about cops killing blacks, I'd be pissed too. Most black people don't want to be lumped in with the ghetto thugs that leave everybody with a bad taste in their mouth. Guess what, white people get sick of getting lumped as racists. Feelings get hurt, we'd all be better off if so many didn't think theirs is more important than everybody elses. I'd love to hear your solution, even if I don't like it.
  14. If you all think this Epipen deal is ludicrous, you should glance over an itemized hospital bill. Wanna see why insurance costs are through the roof? That'll give you an idea.
  15. How so?
  16. SF police demand apology from Kaepernick. http://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/nfl/san-francisco-police-demand-apology-from-colin-kaepernick/ar-AAieFsn?li=BBnb7Kz
  17. RIP, Willy Wonka.
  18. Driving an Impreza in the rain......... now THAT'S fun! Especially on a track.
  19. I hate Palin and Nugent with a passion.......... but wouldn't it be great to see deluca wearing this avatar for a while? :w00t:
  20. Nope, because I really didn't think you would touch my post. You proved my point. Do you really believe I want replies to every word I type? Or was there a possibility I just hoped for an answer or two since I asked you some questions directly? Either way, are you interested in carrying on this conversation? Because I'm not going to waste any time on your post if you don't want to hear what I believe to be some huge flaws in your logic.
  21. I considered Tidal a while back because of the high bit rate. I'm really picky about the sound quality of my music. To the point where I rooted my cell phones just so I can run the Viper4Android app. I decided to go with Spotify because of the huge selection of music compared to Tidal. I've gotten in deep with my playlists now. Is Tidal catching up to Spotify?
  22. No, I don't think every word I speak requires a response. But responses are usually what follow questions. Is the snark really necessary? I'll look over your answers in a bit.
  23. I didn't realize Enroth had so many tattoos.
  24. Didn't think Hoss would touch my post.
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