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Everything posted by JJFIVEOH

  1. Have fun! I love it there, I'll be up there in the fall. Which one of those has food?
  2. Coastal Louisiana is in a subtropical zone. Rain, and lots of it, can happen at any time. The system that dropped all that rain was a low pressure system that didn't have time to turn into a tropical storm. Climate change didn't cause it, lack of television coverage didn't cause it. It was an unfortunate weather event that hurt a lot of people. So many factors come into play that leads to flooding, it's nearly impossible to prevent it all. Katrina made headlines because at one point was one of the largest hurricanes ever recorded headed straight for the US. We're comparing apples to steak. Snow storms aren't the same as two feet of rain. What's the worst people have to worry about it a major snowstorm, weight? Flooding usually occurs, but the snow doesn't melt as fast as the rain came in Louisiana. Sorry to the people that lost everything, but this isn't anything new, or more prevalent. I'll settle for a cookie.
  3. I admit race is still an issue. The problem I have is the narrative that black people can do no wrong. Black man kills a cop? It's the white man's fault. Black people burn down a neighborhood? It's the white man's fault. A black cop kills a black man in Milwaukee and thugs in the street call to burn down the white neighborhoods? It's the white man's fault. Black people loot local businesses during a protest and nobody on the left questions it. It's a disturbing pattern of the black community always being a victim so they're free to get away with what others wouldn't. What would happen if a group of whites were rioting in the streets and chanted to burn down black neighborhoods? What would happen if a white man held an entire city hostage and killed a bunch of black cops? What would happen if a white football player protested the way whites are treated by kneeling during the national anthem? Any one of these situations would lead to riots and whites being labeled as racists............ but blacks do it and it's still the fault of the white man. I'm sick of the double standards, I'm sick of the victim narrative. And of course if anybody even questions any of this, they're labeled as a racist.......... which is another disturbing trend in itself. Hoss called me a racist simply for posting demographics. Come on.................. I'm sure some won't like that post, and I'm sure several will take it out of context.
  4. You're right, being privileged may have gotten him less time. But to say being white made a difference is ludicrous. The black man is always a victim nonsense gets old because it obviously isn't always the case. And when it's not, it's usually swept under the rug because it doesn't fit the narrative. Not saying you personally implied that (although you may agree with it), it's a general statement.
  5. A couple of years ago I had over 18" in one day. Can I get some recognition? I'll even post pics later.
  6. Sorry, since your initial post was so vague I was simply asking for clarification to see which way you were going. Because knowing this place, if I didn't address what you never stated then I'd be charged with deflecting. The only question you asked me was way back on post #23367, that was answered.
  7. I second that.
  8. I'm curious as well. What is your take on the story and what is the significance of his skin color?
  9. The Dems are going to be upset they couldn't do more to convince Biden to run.
  10. I have to admit, I haven't kept up on that. Although I do have the report downloaded for later. Somehow I'm not surprised no side is coming out smelling like a rose.
  11. Good possibility it would have been double digits. Since you brought up race and length of term, I was just balancing it out with an instance that shows race doesn't always infer preferential treatment.
  12. And yet I'm not the one that starts any of it. I'm not here to pacify you. Nobody is here to pacify each other. If you don't like it, either contribute or move on. Resorting to unprovoked attacks just makes you look childish.
  13. I'm not the only non-linear that you've personally attacked on here, so I'll just take that for what it's worth. Try discussing with me....... We'll find out who is irrational, as long as you have an open mind.
  14. Kaepernick makes headlines by bringing up the issue of skin color, but I'm racist for talking about it. Smell brings up a story about an athlete getting out of prison, focusing on his skin color, but I'm the racist for talking about it. I defend Evander Kane for now, but I'm racist, how is that? I must be sexist then. Don't like my point of view, just use your favorite -ist. Fantastic. No, it's quite obvious you're not in any condition to discuss something rationally.
  15. I feel bad for you. It's sad that people like you need to play the race card on somebody when you can't defend your side. The sad part about it is, I never start the race discussion, I only partake. But I don't see you attacking the people that start them. The double standards are running rampant.
  16. With all due respect, you're trying to generate discussion with little to no direction. You post a link and asked for thoughts. You did focus on race, prison term and profession. So I'm really not sure what you want, I contributed by adding a similar situation for comparison. Do you have something to base this on?
  17. What does this have to do with Presidential politics?
  18. No opinion on the matter, but I do know that's 3 months more than Ray Rice spent in prison.
  19. Uh oh, Evander Kane just liked an Instagram post about a 23 year old pedophile. That must mean Kane supports him. What are we going to do with this guy? I mean seriously, this like literally happened in the last hour.
  20. Two fruits, I also used some blueberry syrup.
  21. Kaepernick now says that he will donate his first one million dollars to charity. What a great deed by a great American. Except when you consider that the 49ers would most likely cut him to save the 14mil for this year. So now he's going to try to make the 49ers look bad by cutting him in order to try and save that $14mil. Why is anybody supporting this douchebag? I'd love to see them cut Kaepernick and then donate TWO million to charity. How great would that be?
  22. Is anybody keeping an eye on Kaepernick's Instagram "likes"?
  23. This season can't start soon enough.......
  24. I was able to swap video cards into a different system, I put a good one in mine and the bad one in the other. Mine worked just fine, the other system wouldn't even display anything. So the card is toast. I like your thought process though, that makes so much more sense. In fact, it probably has something to do with it, the bad video card might be sucking up a ton of power leaving the system short so even though the PSU is good the symptoms are exactly what you say. Good points, some things you just can't tell. I guess it pays to do a little more troubleshooting even if you think you've got it figured out. I was ready to order a new MB/CPU. I might order another thumb drive just to have Linux handy, that makes so much sense.
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