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Everything posted by JJFIVEOH

  1. What did he say in the first three minutes that you disagree with?
  2. On a side note, I read about this the other day. Anybody looking for a new laptop? :blink: http://www.businessinsider.com/acer-predator-21x-has-first-curved-screen-on-gaming-laptop-photos-2016-9/#it-also-features-nvidias-g-sync-technology-for-super-smooth-gameplay-3
  3. He asked a valid question in regards to the double standards running rampant in this country. He made several separate points that indirectly relate to each other. The kind of points that most are reluctant to address in the name of political correctness. Should I have put this in the PC thread? The title is less than flattering, but who should be inflamed? Anybody who judges a book by its cover probably isn't a good candidate for rationally discussing controversial topics.
  4. How so? It's an 11 minute video, plenty was covered. What didn't you like?
  5. Great points.
  6. Great video, and a nice summary of what I've been talking about the last couple of weeks regarding double standards. Some might not like it, and if you don't like the word 'n*gg*r' I suggest you don't watch. But if you don't, it would defeat the purpose of the video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QwCCj8Dx-gk
  7. Same with Roku, you can pause and rewind as well.
  8. Deluca, how is this progressive and how does is promote equality? http://www.foxnews.com/us/2016/09/06/calif-university-latest-to-establish-black-only-housing.html
  9. The best part of those pictures? The retro light generator.
  10. You do a fantastic job of twisting my words. Kudos............
  11. 6? Lightweights......... :P
  12. Thanks for the update on the Discover card. I'll use that. I was hoping since AT&T merged with DirectTV that I'd finally get the option of Center Ice. Guess not. Back to another year of NHL.tv.
  13. I agree with Matt, I'd spend the extra $100. After messing with this 1060, it's quite a few steps ahead of the 900's. Each new series before were small improvements over the last. Not this one. I've got it pushing over 2000 MHz and it's not even close to getting hot. You are right! B-) Here's a good review of the Asus I bought.
  14. You're going to find for the most part that cards for editing and gaming are the same. The key is more RAM, and most video cards have plenty of them now. If you look at what is available, many even offer two versions, one with less RAM to save some $$. That's not where you want to save money for your purposes. I've been an Nvidia guy all my life. You get more for your $$ than the Radeons. Nothing wrong with the Radeons at all, they're pretty good cards. Just personal preference. You've got a damn good setup, get yourself a video card to match. Don't make that the weak point. When they release a new series, the previous models are taken off the market fairly quickly so you're not going to be able to save much by finding a leftover 780 GTX. The 900's are still out but they cost just as much, if not more than the 1000 series. I did some quick testing of my new Asus 1060 today (didn't have much time to get crazy) and it didn't break a sweat and I never heard it run. I suggest going with Asus, MSI, EVGA, or Gigabyte. If you get a 1060, you're going to be in the $225-$325 range. The 1070 and 1080 cards are for people that spend all day benchmarking and brag about their scores, there's just no reason to spend $500-$750 on those models when you'll never see the difference. Just months ago the 980 was the fastest on the market, now the 1060 is faster than the 980. So basically, the low end of the 1000 series is still faster than anything built up to that point. EVGA offers a single fan 1060, in the low $200 range. Most models offer either 3GB of RAM or 6GB of RAM. You'll want any of the 6GB models which is probably about $50 more. I really like this Asus 1060 I got. With three fans, it works less which means it's quieter. It's a big card but you've got room. Look on Amazon and Newegg and see what they have. Post up what you're interested in. And please, PLEASE don't use the on-board graphics, LOL! While that's good, it's still only for casual internet users who need battery life. Let the CPU do its thing and let a GPU do its thing. No reason to kill the CPU with added heat. And you'll never be able to edit with on-board graphics. Here's the Asus I got, and the Gigabyte I considered. https://www.asus.com/us/Graphics-Cards/ROG-STRIX-GTX1060-O6G-GAMING/ http://www.gigabyte.us/products/product-page.aspx?pid=5993#kf
  15. Nice '64 Galaxie convertible across the street on Union.
  16. Thanks! It can be a PITA to troubleshoot these things. It's all good, the part that broke was the weakest link. A damn good video card in its time, but it was holding the system back. Good timing, the new 1000 series Nvidia cards are a gigantic step over the 900 series. 1060's are faster than most 980's. Asus just came out with a nice 1060 that I just put in yesterday. Bang for the buck, a damn good card.
  17. That puts her to sleep.
  18. They have mock drafts live at all times that you can enter and get used to how it works.Our league is a standard format. http://fantasy.nfl.com/draftcenter/mockdrafts?leagueId=2631523
  19. Thanks for the pic of the menu, that's looks enticing. Last time I was there I went through the River Art's District. I didn't stop in because I had just eaten, but the aroma coming from 12 Bones Smokehouse on the river just off the Haywood Rd bridge was enough to make your mouth water. I also read about a place called Burger Bar that is supposed to have the best burgers in town. I'm open too all kinds of places, fine dining, fast food, holes in the wall......... When I looked this place up, it really is a hole from the outside. Those are usually the best places though. It's been there for years and I might have to stop in. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Burger-Bar/117798551579430
  20. Funny, I'm not the one that starts these racial discussions yet for some reason get chastised for adding my opinion. Because it differs from yours, out come the attacks. I've done nothing but add my opinion without making it personal. But you, typical of your ilk with the likes of Hoss and Bagboy, just resort to personal attacks with absolutely no effort to create some sort of civilized dialogue. Most people that don't want to discuss, stay out of the conversation. You're just here to attack me. Stay classy, buddy.
  21. You're right, those are pretty good rain tires. I've found it to be a pretty good bike in the rain. I considered some fenders for it, but I thought it would take away from the looks of the bike. Then again, I don't use it to get to work so when I go out I'm already expecting to get sweaty and dirty. I'd probably think differently if I used it for work. There is a pretty decent selection of fenders out there if you really want to get serious about it. Some trunk racks have a fender built right in.
  22. Do you know what the term 'ignorant' even means? Lately, it seems to be a popular buzz word to throw around when somebody can't counter with a legitimate reply. Don't go calling me ignorance if you're not going to back it up. "You're ignorant and you can't form an opinion" is a pretty lame reply, which in itself is pretty ironic when you think about it. I'll go toe to toe with anybody when it comes history, any day. By throwing out insults and then running with nothing to back it up is restorting to BagBoy levels. We're equals, but what does history have to do with how we expect others to behave? Because we had slavery we should let blacks incite violence by telling others to burn down white neighborhoods even when a black cop did the killing? Because we had slavery we should accept it when blacks steal from local businesses during riots? I wasn't alive during slavery, my ancestors weren't even in this country during slavery. And here's the kicker........ Nobody in the black community today was alive during slavery. There isn't a single black person that knows oppression like a slave. So tell me, what does historical context have to do with how we act on today's society? Seems pretty ironic to me that the majority of whites who speak the loudest about equality by resorting to history........... call themselves progressive. Yet the people that want true equality and expect everybody to be treated the same, expect people to behave the same, tend to lean conservative. Now, going back to my initial point, if we are to have true equality in this country, why do we have these double standards? We need to make ground in the racial department in this country. That doesn't happen overnight, but we've made tremendous progress. Is the best way to solve racial inequality to balance it out with letting them get away with more elsewhere socially? If your child was bullied in school, would you go to the school and tell them the best way to deal with the bully is to let him get bullied back? I want equality by having true equality. That means you, me and every black person get treated the same and expect us all to act the same, hold each other to the same standards. Unfortunately the progressive's idea of equality is to balance it out with what happened when none of us were even alive, living by the double standards. Double standards don't exist with equality.
  23. Yes, this nasty summer heat does put a damper on bike trips.
  24. Cool, thanks for the info. I'll definitely check out Wicked Weed when I go up. Enjoy the rest of your stay!
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