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Everything posted by JJFIVEOH

  1. And most likely she won't even get a slap on the wrist for destroying somebody's life.
  2. I knew if enough time passed we'd eventually agree on something. :angel:
  3. Derrico said Blue was more user intensive last year. If that's the case I don't see any changes that need to be made. But, I didn't make any mental notes as to what could be improved.
  4. Do you want a cookie?
  5. I agree.
  6. Did we merge the political correctness thread with the over 50 and under 50 threads? Buccigross and Weekes are really painful to listen to.
  7. :w00t:
  8. He doesn't offend me.
  9. It takes even less effort to ignore it.
  10. Some might find the display offensive for various reasons, that's fine and completely understandable. But for the most part I don't think the vast majority cold care less whether it's there or not. I don't think anybody should have to bend over backwards to satisfy the few that do. It's sterilizing our world. For what it's worth, I can't stand Walmart and never shop there.
  11. I agree with NB. Stretching, don't let it sit too long. Also get some light dumbbells and so some low weight reps. 5 or 10 pounders. It won't necessarily build anything up, but it'll add more resistance to stretching.
  12. I think so.
  13. Is this really offensive? http://wnep.com/2016/09/08/florida-walmarts-911-coke-display-sparks-outrage/ http://www.foxnews.com/us/2016/09/08/walmart-stores-911-coke-can-display-causes-social-media-furor.html
  14. PTO with the Panthers.
  15. No biggie, just thought maybe somebody knew off the top of their head the differences between the two leagues. I might still play in one. ;)
  16. Yes, that is very difficult reading.
  17. What kind of mile times are you getting?
  18. I'm eagerly awaiting to see where this goes.
  19. Which league is the one that has a bigger roster and allows more transactions during the week?
  20. I agree. I don't want to win because my opponent never showed up, nor do I want to be leading a division and have 2nd place win a week because his opponent not show up. I'd be open to doing an ESPN league, but that's not what this thread is for.
  21. I might play again, I'm not sure yet. I'm really not crazy about the Yahoo for at at all. Also not crazy about the fact that half the players give up by mid-season. If I have to make a decision today, count me out. I may just do the one league that has more movement during the week (I forget which one it is without being able to look it up right now).
  22. I haven't hitched myself to anybody. I thought it was a decent video, by somebody representative of a viewpoint shared by more blacks than most believe, and very similar to what I've been saying for the last couple of weeks in which some labeled me a racist. And he's right, too many people are unwilling to talk about it. In a time where all I hear liberal "mainstream media" mention that we need to have a national conversation, the conversation seems to end when the roles are reversed when blacks aren't necessarily given the benefit of the doubt. Personally, I have a hard time commenting on a post when I haven't completely read, or viewed what was linked.
  23. It makes a ton of sense. We can't address race and equality if we continue to focus on some issues while ignoring others. Equality means addressing the same issues EQUALLY among everybody. His view was pointing out the double standards. If you watched the rest of it you might have seen where he was going. Hundreds and hundreds of pages of controversial topics related to race and politics............ somehow I don't think the title is something to be concerned about.
  24. Everybody talks about race like it's a one way street. I don't know why we can't discuss it both ways without getting labeled a racist, or politically incorrect. I think the fact that few here will address it kind of proves his point. Like has been noted, you can't make progress with racism without input from all sides.
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