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Everything posted by JJFIVEOH

  1. If I implied all BLM are extremists, I wouldn't have needed to specify. Or maybe you just refuse to acknowledge that black on white racism exists far more often than you'd like to admit. Instead you just passive aggressively belittle my point in an effort to minimize what is otherwise a bigger problem than you realize. Readily? Hardly............ You really should brush up on the differences between double standards and equality. That could be where you're running into difficulty.
  2. I never said all BLM are extremists. I was referring to the select few that are. No, I'm not going to.
  3. There are a few very left leaning posters on here who will defend the actions of rioters, BLM extremists and criminals who put others in harm's way................ or at the very least refuse to even consider criticizing their actions.
  4. I agree. They've always been pretty good at responding to questions about the service.
  5. I can't speak for Sabres games. But down here, ALL Panthers games are blacked out. Doesn't mean it's the same where you are.
  6. People that stick up for blacks and racism without taking into account any factors that may actually imply guilt and wrongdoing.
  7. The issue I have is when people like you either use these "-ists" or support somebody that does and then can't back up your claims. Calling somebody a white supremacist, or a racist, is a pretty serious label if you can't back it up. The black apologists on this board would get worked up into a frenzy if they were labeled something similar, so how come it can fly when the role is reversed? You tend to come in, toss a grenade, and run away. If you're going to show up and support claims of racism and white supremacy, at least have the balls to stick around and back it up. If there is some validity to the claim, then prove it. Nice.
  8. Absolutely! People that rescue deserve a gold star in life.
  9. Didn't he miss practice because he went to the All-Star game with his sister?
  10. Scoring 145 points wasn't enough for you?
  11. 185 MPH. That is an impressive eye. https://weather.com/storms/typhoon/news/super-typhoon-meranti-satellite-images
  12. 180 MPH Categroy 5 Super Typhoon Meranti about to wreak havoc on some small Philippine Islands. http://www.accuweather.com/en/weather-news/typhoon-meranti-to-intensify-b/60033731
  13. Story on Setoguchi. http://www.thehockeynews.com/news/article/devin-setoguchi-rises-from-rock-bottom-to-earn-another-shot-at-the-nhl
  14. I see Torrey Smith breaking through for 60 fantasy points tonight. Wait and see!
  15. I see where you guys are going. I just think that the PC stuff is where the other threads sometimes go off the handle. The political thread, the Kane thread.......We can be talking about Kane, or politics but when the subject gets dicey people either get upset with each other or they leave because it's offensive. I just figured this thread could be a place to go to for those who don't get offended easily, or don't mind talking about those touchy subjects while derailing the other threads. Or even to be a thread where we can go knowing we can talk about potentially offensive topics knowing that nobody is intentionally trying to belittle anybody.
  16. I specifically started this thread to keep it out of there.
  17. I love the title of this thread, it reminds me of my college days.
  18. Hard to believe there are Bills fans old enough to drive that have never seen their team in the playoffs.
  19. OK, I was exaggerating a bit. Not much though. It was one of the dullest games I have seen in some time. I was watching six games at once and found myself avoiding the Bills game. Although I was thoroughly entertained, watched all this at a Jets bar so watching Fitz be Fitz surrounded by Jets fans made my weekend. I've accepted the fact that the Bills will never make the playoffs. Just entertain me until hockey season gets here.
  20. Fitz being Fitz.
  21. This is one of the most pathetic offensive games I have ever watched.
  22. There's always next year.
  23. Exactly.
  24. Impressive. Nice to see them push you too. Yeah, that is a tough one to turn down.
  25. The real question is, what kind of Instagram posts is Robinson 'liking'? /sarcasm
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