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Everything posted by JJFIVEOH

  1. Now we're talking about firing the coach after one game, one season after a 28 point improvement? This place has officially lost it. I used to think this place went dramatically overboard, but this is absolute silliness.
  2. That is my point. People seem to think it's possible to stack the defense full of superstars. It's not.
  3. What's so interesting about it?
  4. I hit two trails in one trip. The Augusta Canal Trail, and the North Augusta Greeneway Trail. Very pretty, both trails are real nice but completely different from one another. One runs in between the canal and Augusta River (canal system was built just after the Civil War) and is mostly gravel/dirt. The other is a new, nicely paved trail right through some more upscale neighborhoods. Although, I don't think they're too upscale, it is compared to Augusta. https://ridewithgps.com/trips/11392720?privacy_code=YgS6jgyoMX7jDYgX
  5. It's.................... One....................... Freaking.................... Game.....................
  6. Almost every team in the league has their Franson's and Gorges. With a shortage of high talent defensemen in the league and a salary cap, no team is going to have six quality top 6. None. If we get rid of Gorges and Franson, they'll only be replaced with somebody of similar caliber. Or, somebody else will be eliminated to afford a better replacement, which will deplete the rest of the team. No matter how well they'll play along the way, it'll never be good enough. It's nice to dream of six top 2 defensemen, but it's never going to happen. Ask any fan in the league, their team has their own Franson's and Gorges's. And I fear who will be the next injury.
  7. Be careful, this place will find some reason to bitch about it.
  8. Kane has been on a 25 goal pace four of the last five seasons. Stafford hasn't been on a 25 goal pace since he scored 30, six years ago. Here's the goals/per 82 games from Kane the last five years. 33 29 25 22 25 Last I checked, Stafford brings nothing else to the table.
  9. There's an advanced stat that says in 5v5 situations, against teams under .500, on a Wednesday, against 2nd pairing defense, at home when the temperature is between 46-72........... Kane and Stafford have the same numbers. Therefore, Kane and Stafford are comparable.
  10. Good points, that could explain why it works fine in some areas, and not so fine in others. I've done that in the past and it seemed to work pretty good. It never made any sense to me why they don't make a Roku that has solid state memory specifically dedicated for buffering for live video. Much like a hard drive in a DVR. Supposedly the RAM in the Roku isn't used for buffering.
  11. How many teams do?
  12. Do I need to be taking shelter in my ebola/zika bunker? (Just a useless thread created for my own entertainment. Feel free to delete it) But the doomsday atmosphere around here is rather comical, you have to admit.
  13. I'm a conservative and have never supported Trump. What do you want me to say? Of course that depends on the definition of 'conservative'.
  14. Jack's a terrible player because he put himself in that situation in the first place. He makes dumb decisions. Why would he even think about going in front of the net during practice? I don't want a guy like that on my team, making stupid decisions. Murray should have traded him when he had the chance.
  15. Ridiculous, isn't it?
  16. I was wondering who was going to be the 2016 whipping boy, now that he's injured I wonder who is 2nd in line. I'm sure the injury won't stop the whipping boy status though.
  17. OK
  18. It wouldn't work at all on my PC, kept coming up with an error. On the Roku, IF it made it to the point of playing, it would last for about 15 seconds before the "loading please wait" screen popped up......then it wouldn't return at all. It worked flawlessly on my Note 4 in HD. On the same network as the PC and Roku. Of course I didn't find that out until about 30 seconds before Kane got injured. Everything worked fine the night before. I wish they'd just admit that everything was overloaded and it will be better in a week or two. It happens every year like clockwork. I just figured it might be different since MLB took over.
  19. The guy puts in extra effort to get to the puck and gets injured on a fluke play. If he didn't put in the effort this place would be trashing him for being lazy. Now, all of a sudden, a freak injury is the final determining factor in the winners of the trade. I just don't get it. Probably one of the top 2 players on this team with the most heart and this place can't stop trashing him while he's down.
  20. The sky is not falling and the natives have been waiting for five months for something to be miserable about. With the Bills winning streak and nice weather, the home opener was next in line. Half the board would have been bitching if they won.
  21. On a positive note, it doesn't appear to be his shoulder. I think if he tore up his shoulder again he might never be the same.
  22. With this, I agree.
  23. Nice. I'm one that 100% wants him on this team and I sincerely hope there is nothing seriously wrong with him right now. If only for his own health and not for our selfish needs. That injury looked really bad and I hope he recovers fully.
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