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Everything posted by JJFIVEOH

  1. Bring it! :flirt:
  2. Seriously, anybody up for a Florida meet up?
  3. Dude, you hit the midnight deadline in the head! Hopefully I have enough Internet speed to watch.
  4. What do you all consider high blood pressure compared to what your doctor considers high blood pressure? I like to base my fitness on resting heart rate, and also how quickly my heart rate drops from a full sprint to resting.
  5. You are correct. Now see, that is harassment if not predatory. That was not a one time deal.
  6. For some reason I thought you were older than me. Not that it matters, just that after you spend so much time on a forum you tend to estimate ages of the people on the forum based on their posts. Yes, I know you're not 22. ;)
  7. Seriously, I don't see this thread as getting out of hand. It's much more civil than most other forums I'm on. Eleven, how old are you if I may ask? I will certainly understand if you don't, I'm just curious.
  8. On a serious note, I wish somebody would grab my ass more often.
  9. I don't see anything wrong with it.
  10. What were you saying about reading comprehension? Don't be upset because we all don't want to live in your socialist fantasy land.
  11. Yup. Early 30ish. Be prepared......................
  12. There are countless people perfectly happy living without rules. Just because you support them, doesn't mean they should apply to all. If we lived by what you consider acceptable, we'd all be living in a bubble.
  13. That's offensive.
  14. If a dude hits on a guy's girl and he's there with her, he should expect an ass-whooping whether or not he grabs her ass. I'm all for making it more difficult for mates to meet....... hell make it impossible for all I care. This planet has a serious issue with population growth, anything that deters that I'm all for.
  15. No, I'm not. Repetitive, yes. Initial............. no. You really should explain yourself better before trashing people trying to express their opinions. Millenialls are singled out for a reason.
  16. That explains why most times I go into a bar or club I see more of the over 30 crowd conversing with others while the under 30 crowd sits by themselves. They've outlawed themselves out of any form of social interaction.
  17. Really.........................
  18. Man, tell me about it. They've done some incredible things with injectors, fuel curves, fuel deliver, cam and ignition timing over the last few years to make the high performance market golden. Mine wouldn't be too radical, just something fast and cruise-worthy. Something better than a diesel lol. That's IF I do it. Lots of IFs at the moment.
  19. Sure, but an ass grab doesn't constitute a lawsuit/criminal conviction. It shouldn't. Used to be an ass-grab was a slap to the face, at worst. Now, people are afraid to tell a woman she's wearing nice pants.
  20. Has anybody noticed how the movie 'Demolition Man' becomes more and more accurate as the years go by? That's in the workplace. What about a social environment where people go to purposely interact with others? I don't want a legal description, I don't need to have to fill out a disclaimer when trying to interact with women.
  21. Of course, this is 2016 so I'll probably get slammed for using the term 'airheads' even thought it doesn't apply to a specific sex. Do I need to apologize ahead of time so I don't get labeled a sexist?
  22. I'm not a real aggressive person when it comes to hitting on women. Probably because I usually avoid the airheads and go for the intelligent ones (it's not too difficult to figure it out right off the bat). But, at what point is somebody supposed to draw a line when showing some attraction to another person? I'm not saying grabbing a girl's ass is appropriate (Not saying Eleven did that, his was accidental, this is a hypothetical) but it certainly shouldn't be taken to the level of accusing somebody of harassment. If you're the kind of creep that walks around bars grabbing people's , it won't last long. But if you grab somebody's ass and the other person finds it uncomfortable, you say something to let them know you don't like it. Keep repeating the same process, now THAT'S harassment. Of course this applies to after hours scenarios, bars, clubs, etc.............. Grocery store, workplace is a totally different situation. Is it going to get to the point where people will need to sign disclaimers before entering a bar/club? Will it get to the point where you need permission from another person just to talk to them? (Based on how so many people nowadays have their faces buried in their phones in a social environment, it wouldn't surprise me). That might seem far-fetched, but it doesn't seem like a line has been drawn. It appears as though a line keeps getting dropped lower and lower to the point where social interaction will become non-existent. I spent a couple of hours with an Australian girl the other night, and it's rather humorous how the rest of the world views the American social life. I am a fairly sociable person, but I've gotten to the point where I sometimes don't even waste my time any more. It might explain why I'm not married, lol. Really? A-s-s-e-s is censored? But A-s-s isn't..................
  23. Yeah, I hit Devil's Whip just because it was the only way to my condo. I hit the Dragon on a slow day and made sure there was nobody rarin' to go behind me so I didn't hold anybody up. You'd be surprised how well an F-250 can take the turns with all the weight in the front end and oversized tires. Best way to do it is to turn off overdrive and put it in 2nd gear. After 21 years of drag racing, I'm seriously putting in some thought to taking my car and turning it back into the corner carver it originally was back in the day. THAT would be fun. My god I missed the smell of autumn.
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