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Everything posted by JJFIVEOH

  1. Almost all these fires are arson.
  2. Wildfires in Tennessee have forced mandatory evacuations in Gatinburg. http://wate.com/2016/11/23/4-smokies-trails-again-closed-due-to-another-wildfire/ This is just a couple blocks from downtown. https://twitter.com/NewMarketMauler/status/803420291506507776
  3. Unless it involves guns........ Time to ban people who can't recognize sarcasm. :)
  4. Time to ban machetes.
  5. It won't surprise me of some players want out. Spuddy's firing had nothing to do with their current record. Viola, who knows nothing about hockey, brought in an analytics group to monitor the entire team. As mentioned, Spuddy is old school and is big on players that bring in leadership and character. Viola is all about numbers and doesn't care about the intangibles. Some of the players they got rid of recently didn't meet his analytic standards, while Spuddy thought their character and leadership more than made up for some bad analytics. Between the character of the players and the respect Spuddy got from his players, this was a tight knit team who busted ass every night. Which, in my opinion, is more important than analytics (some will disagree, that's a discussion for a different day). Somebody mentioned robots, that's what Viola wants. A team full of robots. Spuddy didn't like it and neither did the team. He went to bat for the players who didn't like what was going on. It finally got him fired. Now Viola has a ton of pissed off fans and yes, the team will tailspin. This is going to blow up in his face. The first day I saw Viola, I knew he was a fraud. Totally classless move. I'm quite sure I won't be going back to BB&T Center. I'll go to Tampa when the Sabres come down south.
  6. Looks like we're going to have six teams at either 7-5 or 6-6 for place 2nd-7th. Wild card spots are heating up.
  7. Where's the 'like' button?
  8. https://twitter.com/DougMaclean/status/803063524041687040?lang=en
  9. Bastards could't even take him back to the hotel or airport. http://www.thescore.com/nhl/news/1168112-look-gallant-awaits-cab-after-being-fired-by-panthers
  10. Was that before or after he imprisoned and in some cases murdered Cubans for not giving up their assets? Was that before or after he imprisoned homosexuals? Deprive Cubans of their human rights? How about shutting out the entire country from the rest of the world? Isn't it sad that we knew about his death 12 hours before the rest of Cuba did? How about economic freedom......... why is it Cuba is ranked 177 out of 178 in terms of economic freedom (according to heritage.org) beating out only North Korea? I see where you're coming from, really I do. He did bring the previous regime down and restored some semblance of order. But as soon as he got into power, nothing changed. He took over a poor oppressed 3rd world nation and left it a poor oppressed 3rd world nation. It's no coincidence that the country started turning around as soon as his health prevented him from running the country. Eleven said that we only hear the bad stories because those are the ones that came to the US. Many didn't leave out of fear of getting killed, or dying on the trip over. I'm sure not everybody is celebrating his death, they're mourning it. But people don't celebrate the deaths of revolutionaries and visionaries; they celebrate their lives. This is my opinion, take it for what it's worth.
  11. Two of his top three centers have been out almost all year. He's got four new defensemen not to mention at least four new forwards. Things aren't going to gel right off the bat. He coaches a fast game, they've been playing better of late. They'd have a much better record if Reimer could pull his head out of his ass.
  12. This is all political. The sleazebag from Brooklyn who bought the team, Vinny Viola, has been bringing in all his guys. It's why Tallon got pushed aside from his GM spot. Apparently there was differences between management and coaching about the direction of the team and Viola needed a reason to get his buddies involved. He is a fan favorite, the players love him, and this certainly doesn't have anything to do with performance. Don't be surprised to see Tallon gone before long. It wouldn't surprise me if he steps down because of this. I've hated this Brooklyn douchebag from day one, I just didn't think he would reach down as far as coaching to puff out his chest. Viola is about to ruin a 4 year rebuild that was just starting to come to fruition. You think attendance in Florida sucked before? Spuddy was a fan favorite, there are going to be even less fans now. I guess it's time to head to Tampa to get my hockey fix, I'm not giving that a penny of my money.
  13. I just don't get that at all........................... I'm completely flabbergasted right now.
  14. "Spuddy" Gallant.......................... MAKE IT HAPPEN!
  15. Whatever you say...................... I asked how Castro was good for his country, and what made him a revolutionary/visionary. Several told me I was wrong about him being a detriment, only one person chimed in with a discussion. Not sure how that makes me an ass. If you tell me I'm wrong, I would expect an explanation, and a retort. That's usually how a discussion works.
  16. I was ready to get into a full fledged conversation about everything, all I did was ask for clarification from several people how I am misinformed. To this point, nothing. There was a window for a discussion................ it's closed now. I get sick of people who tell others they are wrong and have nothing to back it up.
  17. That's fair. I've got a pretty good idea who is capable/willing to have a rational, adult conversation.
  18. Feeling left out? :angel:
  19. Sigh..................
  20. Combined passing yards between both teams in the first half...... 60 yards.
  21. BFLO sports teams seem to have a knack of bringing every team they play down to their level. Very few BFLO games have any semblance of entertainment value.
  22. They why the hell are you all arguing with me? Jesus Christ, do you people argue for the sake of arguing?
  23. Icalled Castro a dictator and a tyrant. The members of this board didn't like it but nobody can tell me why. When you all start arguing with me and telling me how ignorant I am, but can't seem to tell me why........ Of course I'll repeat the question. Sorry for expecting some sort of explanation why so many are challenging my viewpoint.
  24. I quoted Juju, not you. Did you ever stop to think I didn't read your post yet because I'm posting on my phone? I can see you're not interested in having an adult conversation. The gang is here and the attacks are flying. That's the SS we all know and love. I've been ready to discuss his actions in the 50's and 60's but it seems nobody is interested in talking about why they call him a visionary. For the record, he kicked out a government so that he could have complete control. THAT is what dictators do. He didn't do it for the benefit of the Cubans.
  25. Can't answer the question either, huh? See, I can be snide too. I just don't start it.
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