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Everything posted by JJFIVEOH

  1. Hey, it worked for Jeff Skinner. Or was he a ballerina?
  2. Anything in moderation, I guess. Like they say, you can always put more clothes on but you can only take so much off. On a positive note, that's quite apparent if you've ever been to South Beach. :D
  3. I really believe people are born cold or warm weathered. I've seen people come down here and within a year are wearing sweaters when it drops to 60. Then there are those who still walk around in shorts when it gets in the 40's, 20 years after moving here. I've been here 20 years, on days when I go to the track, I've gone through 9 bottles of Gatorade (32 ouncers) and not piss once. But some of my friends who are natives don't even break a sweat and nurse one bottle of water. I just don't get it.
  4. Where do you live?
  5. Trust me, it gets as old as six months of snow. What I wouldn't give to actually have to wear pants to go outside.
  6. I really envy you northerners. Here it is almost mid-December and it's 82° outside at 7:45PM. It has dropped below 70 for a total of two hours in the last 11 days. I don't care where you live, the AC shouldn't be running this close to Christmas at 3AM. In the last seven weeks we've had .3" of rain. What's the weather like where you're all at?
  7. He's had a decent career up to this point, with an excellent last two weeks. It's two weeks. Let's not get ahead of ourselves.
  8. Regardless of back to back, he's faced Washington, Edmonton, New York and Pittsburgh in his last 5 starts. That's not weak.
  9. Ah OK, I was referring to the latter, the 1v16,2v15,3v14 format.
  10. Aren't you a bundle of joy................. You were there too?!?!
  11. Haha, thanks for the clarification. That makes more sense. ;)
  12. I think you're all correct to an extent. My point was in response to Briere48 who said Murray is on the cutting edge of advanced stats (but then finished off the statement with "old school style" which I'm not quite sure what he meant). I know Murray doesn't shy away from analytics, but I know at one point when he was hired, some criticized him for his reluctance to use it more often. It was discussed here as well. While he's probably broadened his horizon in terms of analytics, I don't think a coach like Spuddy is out of his range. While Spuddy is old school himself, he's been working with a staff that is over the top analytical at this point in time. He just didn't like the fact that his character players were traded and nobody upstairs even considered the fact that the character/heart aspect more than made up for their analytical downfalls.
  13. Which part is inaccurate?
  14. 1981 was the last year for that format. Get with the program, will ya? ;)
  15. Well, I guess that's not as bad as three quarters times.
  16. Quick, trade Kane while he has value!
  17. This is Buffalo Sports a la Groundhog Day. Let it go.
  18. That's right, they did. I think Bleacher Report tweeted out that 0-6 stat. Maybe the meant to say the Bills are 0-6 against the winning team. :lol:
  19. Murray was pretty against analytics when he came to BFLO and he's only warmed up to the idea recently. I could be wrong, but that's the impression I got.
  20. Well, the Bills did cure one bad habit. It seems we always butch that they lose to bad teams, the Bills are 0-6 against winning teams this year. Which means they are 6-0 against teams 500 or worse.
  21. Gionta's had a pretty good year. I wouldn't mind seeing him back for one more.
  22. Just once, I'd like to see Jeopardy use the category 'Words the start with the letter Q".
  23. The Bills mediocrity only spanned a few years at one point as well.
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