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Everything posted by JJFIVEOH

  1. Do you know what's worse than watching this pathetic game? Being forced to watch the Leaves broadcast on NHL Network.
  2. As opposed to figuratively?
  3. Ekblad got hurt at the World Cup just before the season started. He had multiple concussions up to that point, they listed his injury at the WC as a 'neck injury'. He also just got a 'neck injury' his first game back from his latest concussion. Crosby had 'neck injuries' too.
  4. We still wouldn't be heading to the playoffs and we'd all be wondering "what if we had a team".............. that's exactly like it is now.
  5. LOL @ pud. Used to use that term in school when I was a kid. Now what are you two pud knockers gonna have? (I know, completely different meaning but it was the first thing that came to mind)
  6. I just can't believe that anybody can do something heinous enough to get a lifetime ban. I've been on numerous forums and this is easily one of the more civilized forums, even when the political thread was still open. I question why banning is even warranted at all unless there are instances of threats and physical harm.
  7. Why didn't somebody tell me I was missing all the fun??!!
  8. I see it on occasion, but yeah, I'm surprised it's not more common down here.
  9. Can't say I've had it.
  10. I don't want him. He'd be unwilling to play on a 3rd or 4th line and I certainly wouldn't make him a top 6.
  11. They'll even look out for your bike for you when you go up to the observation deck. No crossing without any tolls.
  12. Some pics and a video of the Shark Valley Trail. Ironically, no sharks but you'll pass by a couple hundred gators on a sunny day if you ride the whole trail. No exaggeration. https://www.dropbox.com/s/d7pr6zgvegz7q0z/2017-01-10%2017.18.47.mp4?dl=0 Whole lot of nuthin' out there. From the observation tower
  13. My "care meter" about the Bills and football in general is about 1.15 on a scale of 1-5. But I got a notification from The Score today that Pegula held a presser to ensure fans there isn't any rift between Whaley and the new head coach. If there is even a rumor of this, why would there be a rift between the GM and a brand new head coach, unless the owner is the one doing the hiring? Is this more proof that Pegula might be the one doing the hiring?
  14. He's not an NHL player. If he makes this team next year, Murray isn't doing his job. I like the kid, he's got heart. He's just not NHL material.
  15. How am I supposed to remember that, I was put in the geriatric group so my memory ain't so good.
  16. Do we need to resurrect the 'over the hill' thread for the slow guys? :P
  17. So you're saying there's still a chance.
  18. This isn't helping Goober's imminent termination a-tall.
  19. :D http://www.barstoolsports.com/philadelphia/18-year-old-czech-model-tries-to-blackmail-jaromir-jagr-after-he-banged-her-jagr-gives-zero-shits/
  20. Hey, I'm 40, why do I get lumped in with the geriatrics?
  21. I thought it was stupid to try and bring him back last game. You're right, sit him out the rest of the year. Rowe admitted he shouldn't have brought him back even though all the doctors cleared him to play.
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