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Everything posted by JJFIVEOH

  1. Good point, lol.
  2. Can they leave PHam in Florida?
  3. How 'future'? Tampa might be looking for a new coach soon too.
  4. Oh nonononononononononononononono................ you take him back with you. I don't want him anywhere near my local team who will soon have a coaching vacancy.
  5. Yup, I'm the same height. It would take starvation, and months without any physical activity to lose muscle mass for me to get that low. No way, no how. Exactly. BMI is way too broad to be taken seriously. It works for you, but can be completely off for somebody else .
  6. I didn't watch most of the game because I wasn't home. Just bits and pieces. But why is it the Panthers actually looked like they were enjoying what they were doing while the Sabres looked like they were being held against their will just to be on the ice?
  7. Not sure about you, but if I lost enough weight to be on the HIGH end of normal, people would think I'm sick.
  8. BMI has got to be one of the most ridiculous health standards ever created. (No offense to those referring to it ;))
  9. Shawn Thornton's last game. Think a Sabre fights him for old time's sake?
  10. But they're so cute! :P Seriously, they're very docile animals and rarely attack people. That's a 15 mile trail and wide open to everybody with no barriers to the Everglades. As far as I know there's never been any problems. But, I completely understand why somebody wouldn't take my word for it, haha.
  11. Weird how that all works. It explains why if you ask 100 nutritionists/trainers how to lose weight, you'll get 100 different answers. Sometimes (not really) I almost wish I'd gain a few pounds just to see that something I did had some sort of impact. I've seen a lot of what you've posted and I'm sure you're in great shape. At some point it's so much better to know you've gotten to be in great shape because you've tried to lose a few pounds. Over the years I've done more and more at the gym to try and find a way to lose some weight, it probably never would have gotten to this point of working out if I had lost a few pounds right off the bat.
  12. We've been over this before, but it still baffles me that my weight never fluctuates no matter what I change. It sucks for some of you that it's so easy to put on weight. On the other hand, I'm jealous that some can shed it so easily.
  13. I'm concerned as well. Hopefully this is all just precautionary and everything will be fine.
  14. So, I'm not the only one blocked by PHam.
  15. They've been playing against teams that had something to play for. This game is meaningless for the Canadiens, or else the score wouldn't be the same.
  16. Why do I get the feeling this is RJ's last home games?
  17. Don't we usually do the Playoff Challenge every year, and isn't NHL.com the one who hosts it? I don't see it on their site. If I remember correctly, they opened it up early for people to get their groups together.
  18. You in for $100?
  19. So that comes one day after fans rented a banner plane to fly a message over the arena saying "ROWE MUST GO CALL HIM A CAB" http://www.bardown.com/panthers-fans-flew-a-hilarious-rowe-must-go-banner-outside-the-arena-on-monday-1.714395 Think y'all can pony up a few bucks to fly one around the Key Bank Center tomorrow night to fire Goober?
  20. So there's still a chance?
  21. Any chance Goober gets fired tonight?
  22. Wasn't it the Toronto media who made a big deal about Lehner posing for a video during a game? They just don't like him.
  23. Are Nilsson and Kane the only two who give a tonight?
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