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Everything posted by JJFIVEOH
Tarnasky could whoop Jon Scott. He's got that Andrew Peters killer instinct.
Haha, Thank You! :flirt:
The dude is kickass! I suggested the Sabres sign him probably 2 years ago. I guess the archives don't go back that far.
I don't see a problem with it. I'm kinda sick of hearing the saem scripted garbage over and over. He shouldn't have had to apologize. Brett Myers is on Lex & Terry all the time and says whatever is on his mind and nobody says anything.
And Gerbe could crush both of those guys without even blinking an eye. So I'm not sure what the height thing has to do with anything. I don't see how it's a hindrance on his performance. I don't seem to be the one to keep pushing this to the top. :P
I've been keeping an eye on them and Tallon has had a plan for the last 2 years from a complete rebuild. If they struggle it will be this upcoming season but will only get better. But, I don't think they will struggle. He's got a real nice rotation of veteran contracts coinciding with when they plan to bring up there prospects. All those draft picks they had over the last couple of years aren't going to come up all at once, and Tallon's got a nice combination of veterans to help the transition. Should be interesting. I'm glad you remembered my comment about 8th seeded teams. ;) I pride myself on not being a hypocrite. I always try to be fair with my comments; with that said I've been very consistent with my opinion of Miller. If he was treated the way I feel he should be treated I would have no problem with him. I've always given him credit for his consistency from game to game and I've always given him credit for speaking up about what is on his mind.
I knew you'd be back. :angel: I agree with you on this, I'm just hoping DR hasn't made to big a swing towards size and strength whille not having enough offensive talent to balance it out. I don't go by snippets in the news or carefully selected out-of-context quotes. I don't get the BFLO paper. I probably listened to 90% of the post game shows in their entirety last year. 1. He didn't have a choice with Miller's injuries. 2. Ruff wouldn't play his backup more often if Lundquist was backing up Miller. I can't disagree with this. Why doesn't FL ever get any credit? Sure defense equates to GAA and SV%. (Why does that never pertain to Enroth and the fact he rarely got a start with a healthy team in front of him?) But when your forwards are hurt your goaltenders need to step up even more because there is even less scoring going on. You say most of our roster hadn't played together around mid-season. More than 75% of FL's rosters hadn't played together PERIOD to start the year, and then throw in the injurt problems they had, not to mention a rookie coach. Why isn't BFLO considered a defensive team? Lindy tries so hard to force offensive players to develop a two-way game so we are stronger defensively, yet FL never gets credit for having good goaltenders just because of the way they play. They don't use the trap like they used to. This is a completely different team than the last decade. I'm not overexaggerating his streaks. His streaks are generally very long good and bad. I guess that's a positive thing in his direction, unlike Luongo who is hot and cold from night to night and you never know what the hell you're going to get.
It's not so much worrying about two years from now, it's about worrying about Enroth and if he decides to sign because his coach has no plans to even give him a chance to start. If Enroth wants out and then later on so does Miller, then you're really screwed. Which would be really poor timing because it seems most fans thinks DR is planning on being a contender in a couple of years and not being an immediate goaltender. It would be a shame to have all these young guys kicking ass and stepping into the league and all of a sudden you have no goaltenders. I can't answer that. I don't know what they were thinking. Just seems to me like they've gotten more post-season success out of Leighton than any other..... and where is he now? :rolleyes: Fluery has never impressed me much. He's had his moments but again it goes back to my last post. Any goaltender in today's NHL can slump just as easily as streak because of the types of goals that are scored on them. I really think Pitts will find themsleves in a situation where they will be looking for cap space and keeping Fleury might hurt them. It also got FL a lower goals against than BFLO. And they made the playoffs and won the division which is more than BFLO could say. AND they did it with 14 different players on the roster. Making the playoffs and winning the division with a team where more than 75% of your roster didn't even play together the previous year is pretty impressive, goaltending played a big role. They were very consistent which makes it easier to win games. It's much easier to be successful with consistent goaltending than elite (yet inconsistent) goaltending. Oh, it also got FL one game 7 OT goal away from eliminating the eventual Stanley Cup runner ups. ;) Oh, and before the injuries are mentioned, at one point about the same time BFLO had their injuries, FL had 9 guys called up to fill in for theirs. Welcome!! That's all I ask is for the team to stop pretending he is the Golden Boy. If he was treated like an average goaltender, sat for a few games when he gets into a funk, and stop pretending like the world revolves around him then I would be much more accepting.
I agree, and it's been a major point of my OP. Goaltending can make or break a team but in today's NHL where more goals are scored based on lucky breaks, scrums in front of the net, screens, etc..... there is much less difference between an elite goaltender and an average goaltender like there once was even 7-8 years ago. The difference between a $1 mil D-man and a $6 mil D-man is much greater than goaltenders with the same salaries. Seems today any goaltender can go on a hot streak whether he is considered elite or if he is an unknown. I just don't see the reason to spend $6 mil on a goaltender, on a team that is near the cap when anybody can get hot. I think that $$ could be put to better use to improve the team in front of the goaltender instead of putting all your eggs into one 'elite' goaltender when things could go sour real quick if he gets into a slump. All this trade talk to bring in an elite forward, it makes more sense to me to trade the guy who is taking up cap space who could just as easily ruin a season for a team if he gets into a funk instead of trading away already valuable forwards or D-men. But, that's just my opinion.
No, not you. I enjoy talking to you whether we agree or not. ;)
No, not really. You guys really are being defensive and condescending. I tried to keep it civilized until the mockery started coming in. At some point it just gets to where it's not worth keeping up on the thread any longer. How did Schneider get the chance to show he could be the starter? Because his coach gave him the opportunity more than once every 3 weeks. Luongo is not a fan favorite which I think plays a major role in his trade status. What's going to happen in 2 years if we find out Miller really doesn't want to be in BFLO and has absolutely no plans to stay with the Sabres? Going to thrust Enroth into the starting spot or give him ample time to prove he can or can't do it before it's too late. I made this point in an earlier post...... how did Philly going after an 'elite' goaltender help them last year compared to the previous year when they relied on an AHL'er? How did the 'elite' goaltender work out for Pittsburgh? I can't see FL going after Luongo, I really don't. I give Tallon too much credit and the only reason he's rumored to come here is because he had issues with management in the past and they are no longer here. FL has Markstrom coming up and probably ready to play this year. The combo of Theodore/Clemmensen last year certainly didn't hurt their year, they were an extremely consistent duo. And Dineen usually sat who wasn't playing well (something Lindy might need to learn).
So when there's talk, without facts, about Derek Roy being a locker room cancer everybody jumps on the bandwagon and posts pictures of his metrosexual extravaganzas. But when there's talk, without facts (even though his interviews are pretty damn clear) about Miller being a locker room cancer then it's simply called a conspiracy theory. Holy ###### you people can get defensive when you don't like somebody's opinion. Now I remember why I don't start threads on here, and when I reply to others I usually take a week before I reply again because y'all are some bitter condescending pricks.
He does it all the time!! He critiques every single game! He'll mention when his D doesn't play well, he'll mention when the power play didn't step up, he'll mention when the forwards need to create better chance!. All of which I LOVE that he does but there is one problem............ HE IS NEVER THE PROBLEM! If he lets in a couple of soft goals while the rest of the team kicked ass the only thing he has to say is ' Well, ya know, WE played pretty good, ya know, good enough to, ya know, win the, ya know, game.......'. Whenever the team lets him down to Miller it's always their fault, but whenever they lose because Miller let's in a couple of soft goals it's 'WE' and not 'ME'.
Or perhaps the inability to recognize the obvious.
Because many teams are willing to give a one hit wonder another chance with 'different scenery'. Especially teams that need to pad their cap hit. When there's another so called "elite' on the market that may of interest to another team, would you choose the one with 2 years left on their contract or 8? Really? How many rounds did Philly go with an AHL goaltender as opposed to when they picked up an 'elite' goaltender with a massive contract? That didn't turn out so hot last year. How did Pittsburgh make out last year with a goaltender with an 'elite' contract? Fleury is probably even more overrated than Miller and probably would have won that series with an average goaltender and they used that extra $$ to shore up their defense. No. You're wrong. Too bad he's the only one with the balls to say it. Did you happen to notice that Miller actually took the blame for a couple of losses (although VERY reluctantly) right after that was said?
So when exactly should he be thrust into a starting job? When do starting goaltenders get their chance? Do the backups' starters just sit back and say 'Hey, I'll ride the bench for a while so he can get a shot......'. :doh:
Double standard? The only double standard I see is how people whine about the "core" never getting it done yet Miller seems to get a pass. Tell me, how can anybody expect Enroth to put up big numbers and steal games when he only plays once every 3 weeks? Option of an equal quality goaltender? I would have taken Vokoun in a heartbeat last year for $2 mil over Miller. Hell, I would have taken Vokoun in a heartbeat at Miller's salary. Let's face it, if Miller didn't have a one hit year he wouldn't be where he is now. But for some reason because he came up big in the Olympics and his Vezina year people seem to think he's a hall of fame caliber goaltender and they treat him accordingly (including the front LR and DR which makes it even worse!) I'm sick of the Golden Boy treatment he gets.
Or the Concept of Ryan Miller. The concept states that just because Miller has an Olympic MVP and Vezina trophy he is and always will be the best goaltender in the NHL. There is nobody anybody would rather have in net to win them games than Ryan Miller. Even though his attitude sucks and his numbers barely make him an average goaltender. But hey, he's making 6+ mil a year so he must be that good. This is probably the fourth time you've mentioned this on this thread. Just trying to pad your post count or do you plan to back up your words eventually? :P
But there's one really big difference that pretty much negates your point. Enroth backed up his kick ass rookie year that got us to the playoffs with an even better year statistically. Nothing much he can do about his W-L record last year when the rest of the team sucks around him. Well then maybe he shouldn't have been playing. Enroth played out of his mind and in a contract year (so I'm guessing you are immplying he purposely played better to make money?) So what does it mean when he put up even better stats AFTER he got his contract and AFTER other teams had him figured out. And once Miller came back the team scored a total of 12 goals in 8 games for Enroth and he wasn't playing with a healthy team in front of him. Miller just happened to get better when the team got healthy. How many game did Enroth play from February on after the team broke out of their funk? Excellent points.
Miller had the benefit of a healthy lineup and a surging team. It took that incredible run he made JUST to get up to Enroth's save % and still end up with another average year. Enroth was a game changer when he had a healthy lineup in front of him too............. remember the playoff run two years ago?
If you say so. I can't wait for the 'I told you so.....................'. :rolleyes: :P Quick question, with all the guidelines, rules, medical clearances, extensive tests.................. how could Miller have come back too early from a concussion? How could he have had a concussion from taking a shot to the head and be right back out there playing? Can't anybody connect the dots and see that he uses that as an excuse until he starts playing well? We have Enroth who finished with better numbers than Miller, why was Miller starting when he wasn't up to par? Funny, these 'post concussion' issues never seem to pop up until after the fact; but the doctors let him play?
You need to watch some other games from now on besides just the Sabres.
Maybe not one for one, but he sure could be used as the key component to get an all star forward. Would you rather give up Myers or one of our first round picks? Luongo is grossly overpaid and highly overrated, he's still being rumored to get traded. There are plenty of teams willing to dish out big $$ for a couple of years because they have the room. The fact Miller only has 2 years left on his contract is appealing to teams in that they may not have to deal with it in two years...... as opposed to Luongo who has 63 years left on his. I've been seeing a lot of posts where people think the Sabres are playing to be contenders in a couple of years, no immediately. Boy, that sure would suck when we come to find out Miller really doesn't want to be in BFLO and he doesn't re-sign with the team when he becomes a UFA and end up getting absolutely nothing in return..... all because we kept him for a couple of years when people didn't think DR was trying to build an overnight contender.
He doesn't bail anybody out any more than the rest of the goaltenders in the league. With the exception of maybe St. Louis, most goaltenders are put on the spot. There were plenty of games during the season where Miller was flat out awful and could have won had he played a few "average" games. Did he step up at the end of the season? Sure he did. But his first half of the year was so terrible that even the tear he went on at the end of the season could only muster an average season overall. Disagree with me all you want, but with the improvements that have been made to this team, using Miller to pick up an all star forward would give this team a huge jump and the Sabres wouldn't have to rely on a goaltender. Seriously........... Myers or Miller as trade bait for an all star forward? Can you honestly tell me you'd rather get rid of Myers over Miller to pick up an all-star forward? Let's go back to around mid-season and see what people were saying about Miller. Let's go back to earlier in the season when everybody was saying nobody wanted to stick up for Miller when he get pummeled by Lucic. Let's go back and look at the excitement and the extra jump in the team when Enroth carried us to the playoffs.
Stafford praised his coach highly at the end of the season. Yet everybody accuses him of being a core cancer. So what's your point? I have a question for you, what point are you trying to get across to me by capitalizing your one statement? Did I say otherwise? No..... in fact I mentioned a couple of times where I liked the fact that Miller points out who did wrong after almost every single game, did I not? It's the fact that nobody else has the nads to do the same to Miller.