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Everything posted by JJFIVEOH

  1. I'll be happy if we have any points by christmas. Apples vs oranges. Not a similar comparison at all.
  2. ESPN.com had something today about the Sabres being one of the teams that could be hurting with the new potential CBA, it was one of their subscription services so I didn't get to read the article and all the details. I would assume it has something to do with front loaded contracts becuase the teaser mentioned Luongo, Kovalchuk, Myers, etc..... I can understand the NHL wanting to get away from frontloaded contracts, but I really don't see how they can enforce any new rule to contracts made before the last CBA expired...... if that is in fact the deal.
  3. Yes it is.
  4. Most new coaches don't start off with 16 new players. My point is, I don't know what the hell the guy needs to do to get the credit he deserves.
  5. Tell me about it, this summer is dragging!
  6. One thing to keep in mind....... remember about this time last year and everybody was saying with the addition of Leino, Regehr and Ehrhoff how it would probably take 20-30 games for the roster to gel and the new guys to get used to the system and each other? Dineen had to go through the same thing too. Except the Panthers opening day roster had 16 different players, not 3. I don't care if they had a negative goal differential, they still took the division and made the playoffs. 16 players in their first season, DIneen deserved to be nominated for the Jack Adams. He had to deal with a lot more than Hitchcock did.
  7. Rangers? :doh: A couple of extensions today, do these teams know something we don't about the CBA? I would assume teams wouldn't want to sign extensions until they knew what was going to happen.
  8. Well aren't you just a ray of sunshine.
  9. Scott Hartnell signs a 6 yr/$28.5 mil extension. Wow, that's a deal, even if he goes back to being a mid 20 goal/yr scorer. http://sports.yahoo....11553--nhl.html
  10. Right, I think most coaches told the media at the start of the season 'Ya know, after looking at this roster I think we're really going to suck. We have little to no chance of making the playoffs. In fact if I were a fan I would probably second guess buying tickets unless I was really hurting for entertainment.'
  11. Like? Jose Theodore (Vezina winner) doesn't ring a bell? I love how people use pre-Pegula days as a basis for an argument that Ruff sucks. You can't blame a GM/coach when you're not given anything to work with.
  12. Aw geez...............
  13. Now that's kinda funny!
  14. Got it. After the late night news following the ceremonies I ended up recording a half hour of what I thought was the earlier pre-ceremony show since I only caught part of it. It ended up being the last half hour of the ceremonies. I can't recall any mention of the continuation of the ceremonies after whatever that new sitcom was. They went to commercial after the torches were put out.......... and that was it. I know something didn't seem right. Not a terrible job by NBC over two and a half weeks, but they've got some work to do.
  15. I was wondering what was up with the songs being sung by different bands, also missing was Pink Floyd (only the drummer performed) and half of Oasis. But, I jjust read two different articles that Townsend and Daltrey both performed at the closing ceremonies. Did I miss something? Or did NBC cut that out too? Granted I was up and down and may have missed a minute or two here and there, but not long enough for the three songs they supposedly played. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/08/12/the-who-closing-ceremony_n_1771025.html?utm_hp_ref=entertainment
  16. 5th least amount of regulation losses in the NHL. ;)
  17. And she's huge compared to the rest.
  18. Didn't the Germans have a 37 year old? :o
  19. She's not going to remember any of that.
  20. Wow, that US Women's BMX rider that took a face plant had no idea where she was.
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygE01sOhzz0
  22. It's possible. He never got his act together in Calgary like he did in Florida. He is a damn good pickup for a team that's not concerned about cap space. I forgot he was traded to Calgary for Leopold.
  23. Calgary wants him out. He's making close to $7mil/yr and he's probably worth 3. The picked up Wideman they can afford to dump Bouwmeester. Fans are sick of him, he makes Luongo look like a fan favorite.
  24. They all slept with Hartnell's wife? Well that could explain why he's single now.
  25. Yup, he demands the most out of his players and he has the temperment of Ruff from 10 years ago.
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