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Everything posted by JJFIVEOH

  1. Oh I know. I gave up hope around week 7. Even if they won today I still would have known better than to think they'll beat the Seahawks next week. Just would have been nice for one more game to have some sort of meaning. (Actually, I don't have DirectTV so I go out to the local bar for lunch and drinks to watch the game. Now I've got no reason to go next week. :rolleyes: ) Yeah, that was embarrassing. This team is good enough to make the playoffs, it's a shame that a coach can prevent them from getting there.
  2. Now the Steelers and Bengals have to go and lose................... nice.
  3. Gailey needs to be fired IMMEDIATELY!! This season, and especially this 2nd half, has got to be the most pisspoor play calling I have ever seen. If I were Lindell, I'd be awfully pissed right now.
  4. Teams should be owned by the people/city, not owners. Too much at stake for local economies. People like Pegula and Mark Cuban are the rare exceptions, more owners need to be like them. Not saying it's all their fault, but it would take one less factor out of the equation.
  5. See ya guys next year.
  6. I found out that I'm a litle rusty. :rolleyes:
  7. I actually pulled out my Genesis and played NHLPA 94 and NHL 95 today. How pathetic is that?
  8. At this point I don't care. This was the make or break game and now they're done. I find myelf less and less interested every year and now I move on to other things on Sunday. This whole team has been a laughing stock for 15 years and haven't put together a quality product in that time. Wannstedt needs to fired, the secondary needs to be revamped and Gailey should be at the bar with Wannstedt next Sunday. The Bills are headed to another cycle of rebuilding so next year won't be any better.
  9. Wow, another game gets blamed on Fitzpatrick. The 11 penalties in the first half, the two NE scoring drives that were kept alive by pass interference calls on 3rd down. Thanks Fitz. :doh:
  10. Y'all have spent the last 2+ pages griping about our politicians and how you could have done it better, and that's exactly what they wanted. They thank you.
  11. I agree. Along with it's liilte brother the 'scare tactic'. I'm not hoping this storm causes as much havoc as they say..... but if it doesn't people are going to start not taking the media seriously any more and eventually it will backfire. Their reputations rely on the severity of this storm..... not that our MSM had much of one left to begin with haha.
  12. Haha, that sounds like a plan! Not gonna miss any games.
  13. Yup. I'm not saying it's not going to bring in a bunch of bad weather, but these things get more and more overhyped. Of course people should be prepared, the two storms colliding could be bad. But Sandy, which is just SE of me right now, isn't going to be very strong when it gets up there. I think it's going to be widespread precipitation and some severe weather in places, but when it's al said and done it's just going to be another Irene. Y'all up in the northeast are no stranger to bad weather in the winter. Just be prepared and be smart. I'm used to all the sensationalism down here. Big storms are no big deal to anybody here yet the news channels love to make it seem like the end of the world. When Isaac went by us, we had 15" of rain...... and went out to dinner that night, and the restaurants were busy. One of these days we really will be in a serious situation down here and nobody will take the media seriously any more.
  14. Don't fall for the sensationalism.
  15. Hindsight sure is convenient after the fact, isn't it?
  16. Take away the SF game and BFLO has scored 28, 28 and 34 points in losses. Like Eleven said, it's not their problem they need more in order to win a game. Did mistakes prevenet them from winning? Sure. But if the offense didn't look really good before the last drive the game would have been over after the 1st quarter. Right now the offense is the last thing I'd be worried about. The offense more than did it's part. In fact you can't ask for a much better game. Edit: Nevermind, I can see most of this has been covered already. :doh: NHL is done for this year, the Bills aren't going to make the playoffs for the 13th consecutive year, NASCAR sucks, free agency ruined baseball.......... I need to give up on sports and find another way to occupy my time.
  17. When your defense has been in the bottom 5 in points per game allowed for the last 3 years, I will hesitate to put any blame on the offense. This defense is the joke of the NFL. This season is done. The Bills are the poster child of futility in the NFL. Until they officially make the playoffs I am no longer going to get my hopes up (not that I ever really did). At least they've given up early so I don't have to worry about learning their jersey numbers.
  18. Pathetic! Absolutely pathetic! Somebody needs to lose their job(s) immediately!!!!!!!
  19. Bob McKenzie ‏@TSNBobMcKenzie Any existing deal in excess of 5 yrs would carry cap hit in every year of contract, even if player were to retire with year(s) left. Vancouver should have dumped Luongo while they had the chance.
  20. Bob McKenzie ‏@TSNBobMcKenzie On trading of cap space/retaining salary, it would be limited to $3M for each contract year left or 50 per cent of AAV, whichever is less Bob McKenzie ‏@TSNBobMcKenzie Each club, in any given year, tho, would be subject to a 2 contract and/or $5M limit in terms of retaining salary. I assume the second would only apply to teams looking to rebuild. This retaining salary will only through another factor into the equation; make it even more difficult when determining what you can and can't afford. Like the past CBA, it'll take teams a couple of seasons to figure out how to abuse the system. I could be wrong about all this, just my impression..... Not sure how retaining salaries plays into all this... if at all.
  21. Pierre LeBrun ‏@Real_ESPNLeBrun More on NHL offer: calls for 2012-13 salary cap of $59.9 million but teams can go over up to $70.2 million in Year 1 as part of transition I can see this affecting the Sabres in a bad way. I hope this doesn't stand. Not just for BFLO, but it's just not fair for teams that have been planning ahead based on the previous cap.
  22. Haha, that's not my game. EA Sports is simulating a season day by day and BFLO got off to a good start. Click the link under the score.
  23. Leino getting off to a nice start. WOOHOO! http://www.easports.com/nhl/news/article/season-sim-week-1
  24. Is Tarnasky waived, or is he just clearing waivers so he can be sent down to Rochester?
  25. He must really be a dedicated Coyote because I bet there were at least 10 teams knocking at the $30 million door he thought he was worth. :rolleyes:
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