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Everything posted by JJFIVEOH

  1. About time Gerbe gets some time on a scoring line. Him and Foligno generated more scoring chances in one period than Stafford did in the last 4 games.
  2. How's Martin St. Louis been doing lately?
  3. Ain't that the truth!
  4. This is why I would like to see some select ADULT ONLY games throughout the season. 21 and over. It will never happen but it's anovel idea. Society today revolves more and more around the kids to the point of redundance. Nowadays you can't go to an arena and let it all hang out without getting the evil eye from parents. I'm not talking about getting abusive and profane, but at least getting loud, starting chants and being rowdy. That's what I remember about the Aud and it didn't matter if the kids were there or not. The parents didn't either. I'd just like to go somewhere some evenings where I can be void of children and not be forced to go to a bar (hell kids are to be found in some of those too). This obsession with kids today is geting out of control. I have no problem with family friendly events, kids need entertainment as well. But at some point society needs to draw the line and find a happy medium. Have 5 or 10 adult only games throughout the season and let us have some fun. 2 for 1 beers, no silly games, ID required and open the gates an hour early and let the fans relax and have a couple of drinks before the game starts. But this is America, do this and there will be a discrimination lawsuit within an hour. OK, rant off. :angel:
  5. Thanks everybody for the input. All your posts are very insightful. Excuse my ignorance, I haven't really skated much for several years, when I bought the skates that I just had to toss there wasn't much of a selection on the market in the early 90's. I have to assume the Mission Inhalers are what replaced the Axioms? There are no T's or A's any more, just the Inhalers AC (1-6). From what I've read, Mission is owned by Bauer. I'm getting the impression they are pretty much identical with the exception of aesthetics. There are exactly 7 models for each and it seems each upgrade is the same.
  6. Quick question. Aside from the obvious differences of offset wheel sizes and a designated boot like an ice hockey skate, is there any signifcant difference between recreational roller blades and roller hockey skates?
  7. That's hilarious and I can visualize it like I was there. So many memories about that place, gotta love it. I bet there could be an entire thread on it.
  8. How disheartening. Professional athletes are getting soft nowadays.
  9. The other two were weak. You need your superstar goaltender to make those saves. He's getting shown up by a backup goaltender once again. Unfortunately without Enroth in net Lindy has no excuses with Montreal on the 2nd game of a back to back.
  10. First one was kinda weak as well. This game is on Miller. But Lindy will blame somebody else.
  11. Couple more weak goals in the top corner with Miller on his knees. It has to be Enroth's fault somehow.
  12. So that's 25% of the games BFLO scored 3 or more for Miller. Compared to 4.5% for Enroth over the last 22 games he started. That's comparable? Last year BFLO scored more than 3 goals 20 times, yet only managed to do it once in Enroth's last 20 starts. Yet for some reason it's all his fault.
  13. Here's a neat little stat. In Enroth's last 22 starts, the Sabres have scored more than 3 goals a grand total of ONE TIME. They scored three goals only seven times. So in 68% of Enroth's starts the team scores two goals or less. But it's all Enroth's fault.
  14. Thanks everybody for the input! I'm going to look around and see if there is anybody locally who stocks Mission and Bauer and try them out. Maybe Incredible Ice has roller hockey equipment.
  15. I did notice that. The few times they showed him he was just looking up ad down the bench giving everybody the evil eye. I'll agree, Enroth didn't play well. He could have won a game tonight. But a couple of huge mistakes by the team in the first period could have easily prevented a couple of goals. It really is disapponting to see the way the fans and media trample all over this guy, he hasn't had much to work with the last two years at all. He's been thrown into the worst situations and then had the bus driven over him each time he loses. What's even worse is the way Lindy holds him to a higher standard than Miller. Calling out Enroth in his press conference was completely uncalled for. He needs to get his team under control before he can openly criticize a guy who sits the bench for weeks at a time.
  16. It's finally become unanimous?
  17. Hmmm, how many others can they send down?
  18. All I have to base it on is Inline skate review searches. http://k2skates.com/inline-skates
  19. Did Stafford play today? I saw him play a shift on the Ennis goal.
  20. Miller didn't play when they went through their worst stretch in history. Miller doesn't sit for weeks at a time. Miller has started more than 5 games in the last 12 months. Miller is a superstar. Trash Enroth fine, but hold Miller to the same standards. I didn't hear WGR address one single breakdown in the first period, it was all Enroth's fault.
  21. It goes both ways. Eveybody can use it against him, why can't it be used for him? ;)
  22. I use to have respect for Koziol and Hamilton, but I've never seen these two jump on somebody the way they have tonight. Especially a backup that's started what 5 games in the last 12 months? Maybe on here he does, but not WGR. And Miller hasn't made 5 starts in the last 12 months.
  23. It's got nothing to do with wanting Miller gone. It's the fact that they're completely trashing him, moreso than they've trashed Myers all year. It's about the double standard, had that been Miller he wouldn't even be mentioned. Look at the games Enroth had to start last year, arguably the worst stretch of games the team has played in it's history. His stats prove his W-L record was not indicative of how well he performed. Thank you.
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