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Everything posted by JJFIVEOH

  1. There are some people that whine about certain players only because they want to make the team better. Then there are others who just whine.
  2. I'm not going to make a prediction until I see the final score. :P Let's go Enroth!
  3. Lou has this incredible talent for choking at the most inopportune times. Give him a 2 goal lead in a meaningless game and you're never going to beat him. Give him a tied game that has a lot on the line chances are he's going to blow it.
  4. One thing that really bothers me is when they let somebody off and that having a clean record was one of the factors in the decision. There's a first time for everything!
  5. Touché
  6. You're slow! :P http://forums.sabrespace.com/topic/21292-around-the-nhl-2013/page__st__2000
  7. HAHA!! Joffrey Lupul ‏@JLupul If someone can explain the decisions on what warrants a suspension and what doesn't, please let me and the rest of guys know..
  8. Since you're going on shots per game, wouldn't save percentage be a good comparison?
  9. I sure hope you plan to edit that to include everybody else who is guilty. Right, because everybody is the same. :rolleyes:
  10. Or because it affects their performance. 'Sure boss, I'll wear a visor but you paid me to score goals and it affects my vision especially when it gets fogged up and covered with water droplets. But, you want me to be safe...........Don't come crying to me when my numbers drop off'
  11. Hope I didn't hurt your feelings. Is that a misdemeanor yet? :angel:
  12. They won't wear them? Why not?
  13. Bob McKenzie ‏@TSNBobMcKenzie 15m NYR and FLA have been told by NHL there will be no supplementary discipline for Rick Nash's hit on Tomas Kopecky.
  14. If they're required to wear them growing up, why make a rule requiring visors if they're most likely going to use them anyways? Just more legality nonsense.
  15. Again, it's about the line needing to be drawn. When does it stop? Not just in hockey, but in general. Is sugar going to be outlawed? How about texting? Ott got a penalty for blowing a kiss, how long before the league has a list of naughty words and hands out a 2 minute penalty for hurting somebody's feelings? Is salt going to be outlawed? How about taxing people for ordering food with too much saturated fat? How about a BAC test to get into the FNC to make sure you don't get too rowdy (we already get patted down at the BB&T center). There is a line between preventative safety and going overboard.
  16. On a side note, Vanek and P-Ville are #6 and #9 in takeaways.
  17. I do too, try to keep it unbiased. But when the feet came off the ice and the elbow came up to head level, that pretty much seals the deal. I wonder what Torts has to say about it.
  18. I'm not talking about the visors per se, I'm talking more in general. How many more regulations and rules are going to be instilled for each fluke incident before there's nothing left to watch? Again, I'm sorry you missed the point.
  19. There is a line, I'm sorry you can't see it.
  20. And like Chz said, where do you draw the line? Will the switch to roller hockey so guys don't get cut? Outlaw hits? FIghts? How about weekly check-ins with the team during the offseason so they can monitor your health? Will the owners prevent their players from doing any extracurricular activity during the offseason? No reacreational activities? Nothing that has the potential to injur? No 4 wheeling, no bike riding? A line needs to be drawn somewhere because it's getting out of hand. It's no different than our government and society. Lines need to be drawn yet nobody is drawing them yet. It's like NASCAR. These guys drive tens of thousands of miles, 43 cars in the field.......... fluke incidents are bound to happen. So with every fluke incident that happens they change setups and rules. Now it's gotten to the point where there are so many damn rules and the cars are so cookie cutter that the sport has gone to hell and nobody watches any more. And it's gotten to the point where grandma can now jump in one of these cars and finish a race on the lead lap.

    Keep 5

    Now wait a minute, that's why I included a tie breaker. You two don't get off that easy! :w00t:
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UObosPe7i9Y
  23. Keep in mind, the GM's have been right up the street in Toronto for their meetings. It was the closest game in town.
  24. OK, that's the one I was going to go with. I just wanted to make sure.
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