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Everything posted by JJFIVEOH

  1. RR needs to be demoted. He is not a pro level coach. He is in way over his head, he's a teacher not a motivator. Anybody in the big leagues should be beyond getting taught.
  2. Some big fat rebounds let out by Miller tonight. Myers on that PP............ just bench him the rest of the game. I can't believe somebody can be that bad and not be doing it on purpose.
  3. The sections behind the bench were offered an additional package where they could move to a part of the arena with unlimited food and drinks. That place is never as empty as it looks on TV, just really poor planning.
  4. How is this team not in last place?
  5. This is pitiful, it's not going to be any different than the Tampa game.
  6. I hope so, Markstrom is due for a bad game.
  7. Markstrom is going to be an excellent goaltender. He's been unbeatable lately, but the games he's lost he got scored on very early. Sabres need to come out flying with a lot of shots right off the bat, Markstrom gets rattled early. If not, Markstrom will shut them down.
  8. They should, let's hope they do.
  9. His TOI was going down, then he got a chance for some more minutes against the Islanders on Sunday. He ended up being the only Panther on the ice for all 3 NY goals. However the last two were empty netters so take that stat for what it's worth.
  10. He's been slacking. Yes I have watched the games. Hence the reason he got scratched last game. The Panthers are loaded with a ton of young players, Dineen is letting them learn from their mistakes and not punishing thme with less ice time or scratches. But he doesn't accept lack of effort very well.
  11. Because Soupy and Kuba have been playing well. Outside of his first game Brennan has been going through the motions....... and that's being generous. And Tallon isn't showcasing anybody. He's got what he wants, it's just a matter of time. The ones he was probably going to showcase are injured.
  12. The way the Panthers have been playing lately, the Sabres shouldn't stand a chance. Panthers fans don't know what they have in store for them in the very near future. The BB&T center will be packed soon like it was last year.
  13. :doh:
  14. To Quebec. NHL re-re-alignment set for 2014.
  15. Sorry for slacking. :flirt:
  16. Hey Darcy, sign him! Can't be any worse that what we have. http://www.cbssports.com/nhl/blog/eye-on-hockey/21953966/video-mr-t-shoots-from-center-ice-in-chicago-correctly-predicts-pain
  17. Right, these team has numerous problems so let's try to fix it with other teams' problems. Jokinen was in such high demand that nobody picked him up. Even the Panthers who are down 8 guys. Who are these free agents that Darcy is letting walk?
  18. It's Hodgson's defense!
  19. So why have you spent so much time on this thread trashing Hecht? Do you have a favorite player that you're reluctant to put any blame on so you use Hecht as your whipping boy? Do you enjoy jumping on the Hecht bashing bandwagon? Did trashing Gerbe get old? Perhaps trashing Hodgson's defense just wasn't on your list? You say it's not Hecht's fault yet you haven't said anything on this thread about Rolston or Darcy. If you have, cetainly not to the same extent. It's become so blatantly obvious those who can't form their own personal opinion and have resorted to regurgitating the same talking points from their favorite media outlets.
  20. How old are you? Time to move on. Back to the topic.
  21. In your attempt to be a smartass you forgot to actually read what he posted. Eighteith, as in 80th. But hey, at least they both have an 8......... you're halfway there. :angel:
  22. He doesn't get a pass. The most player specific gripes tonight in this thread were Hecht's offense and Hodgson's defense. My whole point was why does everybody else get a pass? Hecht's offense and Hodgson's defense are the very least of this team's worries. Hecht was signed for damn near league minimum to be used as a fill-in and/or a defensive shutdown forward when needed. He wasn't brought back to score, he wasn't brought back to set up Vanek. If there is anybody on this team who is doing his part it's Hecht. Whining about Hecht's offensive production because he got thrown into that role (because of injuries and because the rest of the team is inept) is like whining about Regehr not scoring two goals tonight. I don't know about the other Hechtites, but I'm criticizing your criticism. It is misdirected just as much as the ones who whine about Hodgson's defense. I'm all ears, you can't offend me. ;)
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