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Everything posted by JJFIVEOH

  1. I wouldn't say he's the best in the league, but he is much better than that series. He is a damn good goalie.
  2. No, I always thought they were this good. It doesn't surprise me. The Hawks blew their load too early.
  3. Has Lindy bought a house in NY yet?
  4. Literally, literally, literally........................ When will people learn proper English!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR Engblom you sound like a ###### retard!
  5. Not saying you're lying, I just don't think it's very accurate. ;) Good point. I always push for Lexus level tickets (or whatever they call it now). Can usually snag a pair for $80.
  6. 441.......... if it's raining on one side, chances are it's dry on the other side.
  7. That in itself is worth the 750K. Anything more is just a bonus. Character players are important, something the Sabres have lacked for years.
  8. I'm going to go ahead and call BS on all of that. I've been to Sabres games and I've been to Panthers games. I can't even touch a comparable ticket in BFLO for what I pay here.
  9. In the grand scheme of things, I think it is a relatively low number of people that were killed. Considering half the people that died were in the school that had a basement. I'm not sure more storm cellars would have made a difference. I'm just guessing, but the few that died who weren't in the school could have been caught out in the streets, or were just put in situation where they couldn't get to cover. TrueBlue, I'm not disagreeing with what you said at all, more storm cellars can't hurt. I'm just saying storm cellars can be all over the place, but there's going to be a few that just don't make it. I think the death toll right now is 24, and while tragic that to me is very minimal to what could have been. On the other hand, I think the death toll would have been huge had this thing hit in the middle of the night. That right there is a reason to have more storm cellars, when an entire family is waken without knowing what is going on and no time to do anything but go downstairs. On a side note, I did see a lot of horses. How the hell did they survive because they sure weren't in the cellars.
  10. I think Torts is going to be updating his resume after the game.
  11. Pyatt with twice as many goals as Nash/Richards combined. How's that for bang for the buck?
  12. That's a good question. Things like tying the walls together and tying to roof to the foundation. Stuff that really isn't that expensive but can save lives. I don't know why they didn't improve. Every time you hear about a tornado, all too often it goes through an old established town so most of the homes are already old. You would think they would take the opportunity to step up. It's almost like in order for a town to modernize they need to get wiped out. It's unfortunate, but it's true. A lot of these towns just don't have the $$ to make major improvements to their homes. I wonder what Joplin is doing since they got hit. I'm curious how many states (or at least counties) have made major changes to their building codes. After Andrew hit down here they made HUGE changes and it's made a lot of these homes damn near indestructible.
  13. Well, there is that.
  14. I agree with you completely. My point was in reference to this particular tornado. Nothing was going to stop those kids from being killed. I'm surprised more construction hasn't gone the way of concrete. Especially when you consider that a lot of those homes were fairly new because of the last tornado in 1999. I don't think a concrete house would have made in a difference in this case, but it might in areas that have been hit by FE3's. From the looks of it, all those houses that got demolished were all wood frame. If most of those houses were post 1999, I would have smartened up. Right. There is no place void of zero possibilites of natural destruction. Some might be less than others, but it exists everywhere.
  15. Can somebody tell me what 'Dueling Banjos' has anything remotely close to do wth hockey?
  16. I thought Brad Richards signed with the Rangers.
  17. Not sure how many people I speak for, but I'm really over Macklemore.
  18. Keep in mind, with a hurricane, you will experience 75% of the eventual maximum sustained winds for 2 hours or more. So with a 160 MPH cat 5 hurricane you'll be getting no less than 120 MPH winds for at least 2 hours STRAIGHT. And that's the minimum, not to mention the gusts involved. So with a 160 MPH cat 5 you'll also be getting 180-185 MPH wind gusts. And, it's not like that's all of it because you'll be getting winds for 3 hours before and after that 2 hour span.
  19. Building codes have nothing to do with what happened here. They knew about the possibility of tornados two days in advance, but that area gets the possibility double digit times a year. you can't just close everything down for 1/4 of the country 15 times a year. Perhaps they could have closed school for the day, what happens if this tornado had shifted 500 feet and another part of the neighborhood was obliterated with some of the school kid's homes and the school was spared. Everybody would have been saying they should have had school to save the kids lives. There is no right or wrong, it just happened. Unless you get below ground there is nothing that will withstand, that is feasible, 200MPH winds. I've been through sustained winds of 125MPH for two hours with 140MPH wind gusts, in a concrete house, so I felt pretty comfortable. This house is about as strong as you'll find commonly. I don't think it would withstand 200MPH.
  20. They need to give Shaw a piss test. If Fleury don't get another chance to get in a prove himself, there might be another scenario for Miller. Nope.
  21. Well, that one went right over my head. :P
  22. The Sabres don't have any more or less softies on the team than anybody else in the league. One person said it would be nice to see them develop into third liners. But I get your point. ;)
  23. Nobody said otherwise. They do however play an important role.
  24. Keeping things light in the locker room can be important to make your team successful. Character players are just as important as talent in my opinion. If the Sabres had guys like Ott and Scott the last few years, probably wouldn't be in a position to rebuild right now. Great sign! Now if they can just convince Vanek and Ott that it will be a short term rebuild, extensions are a must!
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