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Everything posted by JJFIVEOH

  1. It's OK to make mom jokes, but quote sombody to point out hypocrisy and all of a sudden you're an ######.
  2. Helmet rule loophole. :rolleyes: http://beta.thescore.com/news/296203
  3. For the record, the Panthers had 6,600 in attendance of the second game of that pre-season double header. The NIGHT game. Here's a Tweet from Huberdeau, here's a night game in Dallas. Jonathan Huberdeau ‏@JonnyHuby11 1h Game vs Dallas tonight ! pic.twitter.com/Hr8bFxUILT Details
  4. Who's blaming anybody? Don't you have some more snide comments to make about somebody expressing their opinions?
  5. Lighten up dude, I wasn't being serios. And the rest of the sentence had nothing to do with Byrd, hence the reason I didn't include it. Damn this place is uptight and regular season hasn't even started yet.
  6. .........
  7. Wow :o
  8. Schopp: 'That guy that kicked a 55 yard field goal'....................... :unsure:
  9. Who cares!?!?! I gotta say, that surprised the hell out of me, and it worked to perfection!
  10. Dictionaries are updated, most often to add words. Not to change a word to mean it's exact opposite. Oxford still doesn't consider it proper English. I stand by my previous statement.
  11. Why bother learning proper English, just change the rules. :angel:
  12. As opposed to figuratively?
  13. Atlanta is horrible! Sad part about it is, there is no rush hour. It's bad all day long. When I came home from North Carolina a few months ago, I went from Franklin, NC to Macon, GA via US441. I completely skipped over I-985 and I-75. I'm not quite sure I lost any time doing it either. Very pretty drive. Only thing I didn't plan on was hitting Graduation Day at UofG haha. You're in it for the long haul now. ;)
  14. I wonder how much a new location will change their attendance.
  15. Had to bring the capacity down to 14,500. It was the only way they could make it look 2/3 full.
  16. You're one classy guy.
  17. How old are you?
  18. Who carries post game player interviews?
  19. He said hard salami.
  20. I love that area. Once you get there, there doesn't even need to be any set destinations. Just drive, the beauty presents itself.
  21. I know it's just preseason, but going into the 4th quarter, our 5th string QB leads all Bills in yards (receiving, passing or rushing).......and it's rushing yards
  22. Thanks. But I was talking about injuries.
  23. Ah OK. I got it now, thanks! I wasn't so sure how this was all going to play into the current situation again, I figured it wasn't relevant any more. Obviously, that's not the case as it somehow plays into the conclusion of the series.
  24. So Gilmore is out 8 weeks. In terms of starting lineup, how is anything different besides the fact that MAYBE Manuel isn't ready for one week? Let's not get too hasty here. If anybody hadn't noticed, Gilmore has been less than impressive himself. He was getting roasted until he got hurt.
  25. I really should have watched last year's episodes again before this season started. I've found I forgot a few things that happened. What is so important about the ricin at this point? Even though we saw Walt go back to retrieve the ricin in the first episode this year, I thought he had it in the first place, not Jesse. When did Jesse get his hands on it again? And why does Jesse care if he was about to leave for good anyways?
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