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Everything posted by JJFIVEOH

  1. I agree, good point about Cam Ward. For the last year and a half people have been salivating about the huge return that Miller was going to bring, and since nothing happened everybody wants to place blame on Darcy. There is a reason big name goaltenders don't get moved via trade; it's because goaltender is a high risk position. D-men and forwards are low risk. If a team trades draft picks and/or prospects for a big name forward/D-man and said forward/D-man gets hurt, the rest of the team can pick up the slack. If a team trades draft picks and/or prospects for a big name goaltender and said goaltender blows out his knee the first game of the season, their season is done and so is some of their future. Now let's throw in the fact that Miller last year had a very pedestrian season, not to mention the fact that he is aging............ no sane GM would have given up anything substantial for Miller. Even though he's had a great season this year, the fact that he is now a pending UFA negates all that. He wasn't worth anything last year, he's not worth anything now. It wasn't Darcy's fault that Miller is still here. The only way Miller was to get dealt is/was a Cup contending team loses thier #1 goaltender and a GM goes into desperation mode and if I had to bet, that's what Darcy was waiting for. The only exception I can think of where a big name goaltender got moved recently was Cory Schneider. That is a unique situation because it didn't put the Devils at risk because they already had a goaltender that could play 55-60 if Schneider got hurt.
  2. Nothing to do with playing time. You said they both could have left on Saturday which is entirely untrue. Miller could have gotten here a day earlier.
  3. So if the best offer that came his way during the off-season was a 2nd round pick, everybody would have been good with that? Nobody knows what kind of offers he got. And if the only offers he got were low the best bet would have been to wait until the season started to find a contender that lost their starter due to injury. As I said, Darcy was damn good at getting maximum return in his trades, somehow I just don't think he blew off any major Miller deal.
  4. Miller had a pretty subpar season last year. What makes people think that Darcy could have had any takers last year? Just because Darcy didn't trade Miller, doesn't mean he didn't try. He's gotten above and beyond maximum value for almost all his pending UFA's over the last couple of years, I doubt he was really to get low-balled for Miller.
  5. Enroth had a game on Sunday. But you knew that.
  6. I've got a source that says we're going to be disappointed.
  7. I've gotten the impression that Moulson and Ott want to stay. With this team moving forward the Sabres need to have some veterans to build around, I think it would be a HUGE mistake to part ways with Moulson and Ott. They already got picks in the Moulson trade, get Moulson was a bonus. It would be a shame to lose what ended up being a great trade. Getting draft picks is nice, but you can only have so many. They had a ton of picks last year, they have a ton more already this upcoming draft. Keep what they have and start working towards the future. There is plenty of young talent in the system, time to start focusing on re-signing UFA's, looking at potential offseason trades and big name UFA signings. Miller won't be traded. A non-playoff team won't trade for Miller and a bonafide playoff team won't risk hurting their own chemistry at this point in the season. Murray won't get a significant return for Miller and the organization will spend the rest of the season trying to convince Miller to stay. The next week and a half will be very anticlimactic.
  8. Thanks. They mention what baffled me as well, the timing. The team wasn't notified until 20 minuted before the game? That had to have had a significant impact on the game plan. A player of his caliber to be unexpectedly removed from the game at the last minute................ Sounds fishy to me.
  9. As a head coach with the Florida Panthers, Kevin Dineen had plenty of experience being behind. :rolleyes:
  10. So Sweden was told 20 minutes before the game that Backstrom was DQ'ed because of an illegal substance found in a test taken after the Slovenia game four days ago?
  11. Take two of these and call me in the morning. http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/partners/ http://www.opera.com/mobile
  12. Nobody said anything about being ashamed or criticized them for crying. The men should be ashamed. The women could have at least pretended to be honored when presented with their medals. Some did, most didn't. Women can cry and smile at the same time.
  13. Of course there would be a writer that says that. There is always the idiot that purposely sticks out for the sake of attention. However, I'm sure the vast majority would appreciate the team pulling themselves together.
  14. I've got no problem with crying, especially with the women. I've got a problem with the attitude. Some of the women couldn't even smile at the person hanging the medal around their necks. I do recall (I'm not very familiar with the women's team) one girl towards the end of the medals presentation, she looked devastated, but also grinning from ear to ear. Most of her teammates weren't like that. I have a problem with the way the men played today. It was obviouos from the first puck drop that they were running for the bus. It was an embarrassment, the men's team should be ashamed. Then there were the speed skaters that were blaming Under Armor for their losses when it was obvious they just weren't that good. To me it's just the typical arrogant American attitudes. These kids/young adults were raised in this new t-ball society where it's OK to lose but are taught to think they're the best. That arrogance carries over to an event like the Olympics where these athletes think they're the best, but when reality sets in and the realize they aren't as good as they were lead to believe then they can't deal with it. The rest of the world is laughing at us today because of our men's team. Great job boys, come home and get your cookies.
  15. I understand they were heartbroken to lose a game like that. I understand that athletes should be upset when they lose. I've been involved in some sort of competitive sport since I was five, it sucks losing. I get pissed when I lose, I get pissed at myself when I do something wrong. But when you're in the global spotlight, representing your country, you suck it up and at least act like you're honored to be in that position to begin with. The men were no different four years ago. I'm not going to get into what I think about American society and what we've done to pussify this nation, but our American hockey teams represented this country perfectly.
  16. Embarrassing, typical product of the American t-ball mentality. Very much like Pittsburgh.
  17. Well, I guess we know who is starting in goal against Carolina on Tuesday.
  18. Great letters, I think. Pension Plan Muppets (@mlse) tweeted at 11:23 AM on Sat, Feb 22, 2014: Harsh letters man RT @chris_steller: Gosh, _who's_ petulant? http://t.co/fqWojVOXuV
  19. Speed skating would be much more exciting if they removed the soft walls.
  20. We shall see. ;)
  21. Not sure what's going to happen. I just get this feeling that the trade deadline will be very anticlimactic. I don't think Murray is going to get enough offered in return to ship Miller out and he'll rather keep him here and try to re-sign him before the season ends..... gives them time to try and convince him to stay. Nothing against Miller, I just don't see a playoff bound team making a move that significant and I don't see a non-playoff team trading for a pending UFA. St. Louis might be in need of a goaltender, but they have a team with pretty good chemistry and I don't see them risking losing that chemistry (good or bad) before the playoffs start.
  22. Mark my words, Miller won't get moved at all.
  23. I agree, it's been gradually getting worse since the last lockout. Something needs to be done because it's not going to get any better. Cutting 1/16" from the goaltenders pads isn't going to do it. Let's hope Enroth can bring home a gold.
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