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Everything posted by JJFIVEOH

  1. It's really unfair to gauge the quality of a player based on which line he belongs. Comparing Ott to Stewart is apples vs. oranges.
  2. Stafford has been much improved under Nola. Leino hasn't changed a bit. Trying to hit the cap floor next year, there is no reason Stafford shouldn't be on this team. He's not detrimental to the team.
  3. Great game by Enroth, the beginning of a new era! I never gave up on Myers, but I never thought he would turn himself around the way he has this season. If Ott doesn't return, it seems to me he's making a push to be our next C.
  4. He's the difference between a 3 and a 5 year rebuild?
  5. With Moulson and Stewart possibly bringing in two more 1st round picks, do I read this right that we could possibly have six 1st round picks in the next two years? That's with a complete defensive core?
  6. With Moulson and Stewart possibly bringing in two more 1st round picks, do I read this right that we could possibly have six 1st round picks in the next two years? That's with a complete defensive core?
  7. The outcome of this trade will depend on whether or not Ott really wants to come back. Period.
  8. Halak's had some pretty good numbers over his career.
  9. Will somebody go give Koziol a hug? :lol: TrueBlue, I'm just picking on him. :P
  10. No real need to get a goalie in return from St. Louis. Both Halak and Elliot are UFA's at the end of the year, if Murray wants one of them he can wait until the offseason. Not like they need another goaltender to finish off this year, start Enroth 80% of the time and bring up Hackett.
  11. I agree with you. I don't like the 'Cup or bust' mentality. I want a competitive team year after year. With the draft picks the last two years, and a possibly loaded draft this year for the team, there are plenty of resources to fill the holes with.
  12. Contending for a playoff spot. Once that happens, the kids will be gaining experience and head the team in the right direction and Murray can start working on the fine tuning.
  13. I still don't think Miller is getting traded. But if he does, I hope he goes out with a bang tonight. Hope the rest of the team steps up to get him a win.
  14. I agree with you. Between all our draft picks, a couple of key UFA's and re-sign Ott and Moulson.... this team isn't far off.
  15. Highlight film save by TIm Thomas! Too bad they lost. http://video.panthers.nhl.com/videocenter/console?id=563325&catid=93
  16. Apparently a couple hours late too.
  17. Ralfi Torres' first game back tonight, he's got two more goals than Leino has all year. Look at some of these scores (some aren't even completed) 5-2, 4-4, 7-3, 6-5, 5-4, 6-1............ the NHL needs to take breaks more often.
  18. Ehrhoff? Myers? :censored: http://www.thefourthperiod.com/news/buf140227.html
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