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Everything posted by JJFIVEOH

  1. So they spent all this time stockpiling draft picks and they're going to use two of them on this? Unreal.......
  2. I don't care, this is getting ridiculous.
  3. If Myers gets traded, I'm giving up on this team.
  4. Probably because he's sick of getting the same questions asked to him every single day. I'd probably repeat myself too.
  5. #1 star last night. That's tough to do as the losing goaltender, not to mention in somebody elses house. I really hope Halak is dealt. Any other time I wouldn't mind keeping him if he wanted to stay. But I want to see Enroth get #1 minutes with him knowing he is the #1 goaltender. I don't want somebody backing him up that has been a starting goaltender.
  6. I saw this tweet earlier. I don't understand how Luongo's contract would apply to the rules of the new CBA. Seems to me it shouldn't be retroactive since the contract was made with the previous CBA guidelines. James MirtleVerified account ‏@mirtle Here are the cap penalties from Roberto Luongo's contract for the Canucks if he retires early. Could be really ugly pic.twitter.com/0dNIQAipg6 Reply Retweet Favorite CAP ADVANTAGE RECAPTURE (Roberto Luongo Rule) Teams receiving a “cap advantage” from long-term contracts — defined as seven years or more for contracts signed prior to the January 2013 CBA — will be penalized in the event the player retires or “defects” from the NHL before the contract expires. A team receives a “cap advantage” when the player’s actual salary exceeds his cap hit in a given year. Following retirement/defection, the “advantage” will be “recaptured” and charged against the club’s cap in equal amounts each year until the contract expires. This penalty applies to any team that received a cap advantage from the contract — ie. a traded contract — except in the event that the trade occurred prior to the new CBA coming into place in January 2013. [ Edit: June 2, 2013 ] Teams do not receive a credit for net negative cap benefit (where cap hit exceeds salary over the course of the contract prior to retirement). However, in calculating net “cap advantage,” teams do receive a credit for seasons in which cap hit exceeds salary. Please note, contracts that fall under the "over-35" rule do not qualify for cap benefit recapture, the NHL has confirmed. In these cases, the team is charged with the player's full cap hit. Also note, the 2013 CBA defines "Long-Term Contracts" in Section 50.5 © (ii) (A) (P. 265) as any contract entered into prior to the execution date of the agreement that has a term in excess of six years, meaning all contracts signed after the lockout are not subject to recapture penalties. LINK: CapGeek Recapture Calculator » As wrong as the contracts were with Luongo, DiPietro and Kovalchuk........... they found the loopholes and they exploited the loopholes. The NHL addressed it so those would no longer exist. I just don't think it's right that Vancouver should be penalized because the followed the rules of the previous CBA. This probably doesn't belong in this thread. Not sure where to put it though.
  7. Oh I know, and neither am I. I'm just venting. At least the Hawks and Pens had a couple of proven veterans when Crosby and Toews debuted. The rate Murray is going, there isn't going to be anybody left. I think he's going overboard, but that's just my opinion. Not even the Pens and Hawks had the draft lineup we have over a three year period, we certainly don't need more.
  8. I hope nobody would get offended if Murray sent Battista to answer the door.
  9. Like I said, a line needs to be drawn somewhere. A team of 20 year olds isn't going anywhere no matter what kind of talent they have. If you're comparing a draft pick that is comparable to the leadership of Toews or Crosby, I've got news for you. A draft pick won't be captain material for quite some time.
  10. All the more reason to leave Ehrhoff and Myers out of the discussion. Aside from Moulson, the other UFA's aren't necessarily core players. Moulson said he wants to stay, we know what we're getting with him. It makes no sense to me why Murray would want to get rid of Moulson. Tallinder is getting old and Enroth needs a full season to himelf without Halak around creating a goaltending controversy. If Murray wants to trade, trade them. Kesler is only 29, no rebuild takes 6-7 years. I highly doubt Kesler won't be valuable at age 32-33.
  11. It's not one trade. Over the last year and change the Sabres have made more trades for draft picks than any team I have ever seen in the same time frame. A line needs to be drawn, some veterans need to stay. There is no sensible explanation why Moulson, Ehrhoff and Myers need to be traded. They are all types of players that will be needed in the future so why worry about draft picks to replace them when they're already here? Any more trades and this is beyond ludicrous.
  12. We've got 78 draft picks in the top two rounds the next two years. How about we just call it a week and focus on re-signing Ott and Moulson. Then on to UFA's.
  13. Here's a novel idea..................... How about we just keep Ehrhoff? I think we need to trade Zadorov and Ristolainen because they're just way too old. This is getting ridiculous.
  14. Markstrom was just named AHL goaltender of the month.
  15. Well, at least Luongo doesn't have to worry about gagging in the playoffs. Not a bad deal.
  16. Apparently it's Luongo for Jacok Markstrom. There HAS to be more to it than that.
  17. Drew Shore involved? It was announced Shore wasn't playing tonight.
  18. Luongo to the Panthers Renaud Lavoie (@LavoieRenaud) tweeted at 4:33 PM on Tue, Mar 04, 2014: #canucks traded Roberto Luongo to Panthers. ( )
  19. I just read the other day that Vokoun was cleared to play.
  20. I'm with you. I think they're starting to get carried away with acquiring draft picks. I don't care how badly a team plans to tank and rebuild, there is a line that needs to be drawn. Loyal, consistent and dedicated athletes willing to rebuild are not that easy to come by. You don't just trade them for more picks on a whim. Murray needs to find the brake pedal and find the phone number to Moulson's agent.
  21. Isn't it a little early to be drinking?
  22. That's tough to do as the losing goaltender at away games.
  23. I was just about to type that I've been fairly impressed with his game tonight. THAT is how you clear somebody out from in front of the net.
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