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Everything posted by JJFIVEOH

  1. Sorry, I was just making a point. If you don't like it so often, don't read it.
  2. I'm not sure it makes him better, but he is a much more hard-nosed coach than softie Phil. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Whether you're a rookie coach or not, I like a hard-ass coach who sticks up for his team and is a cheerleader. Hence my like for Spuddy Gallant.
  3. Point taken. But of all the veteran coaches that are left, who would you take? Me, personally, I'd take Boogie. People might think I'm crazy, but they also thought I was crazy too when I mentioned Spuddy.
  4. Of course it's speculation. But based on the history of the Pegulas, and Murray's attitude, is the possibility really out of the equation?
  5. I also mentioned he hasn't been a head coach in years. Did you miss that? But I'd take him over Taylor or Keefe any day. Same goes for Boogie.
  6. I also think Cooper isn't head coach material. Never was. He took a team with a ton of talent and led them to the playoffs. But he also got swept with the best team the NHL has seen in over 20+ years. He deserves to get fired as much as Housley.
  7. Martin hasn't been a head coach in years. I'd like to hear your knock on him. Boogie was only fired because Tallon had Q-Ville lined up. I'd like to hear your knock on Boogie.
  8. I'm not making the comment based on the fact Housley sucked. I'd just rather take Martin or Boogie over a rookie coach.
  9. Not sure if that was snark, or a simple observation. I accepted the criticism, and yet I still get criticized? Do you have a valid rebuttal or not?
  10. Are you saying that most people haven't brought up the fact that Murray wasn't fired for another other reason? It surely wasn't because he wasn't performing because he never had the opportunity to prove himself. He deserved at least another year.
  11. I just accepted the criticism because there was no facts to back it up. It was merely an opinion.
  12. Off topic, perhaps not the right thread. But who are the best anthem singers? My top three are Todd Angilly, Jim Cornelison and Lyndon Slewidge. Sorry, I put a lot into anthem singers, it helps to get pumped for a game.
  13. I mentioned previously that Botterill is a "yes" man. I took criticism for labeling him that because I really had no proof, it was merely an opinion. I guess the criticism was justified. But, based on what is general knowledge that Murray got fired for calling Kim bad names, I can see how the owners meddle in the decision making. With that in mind, I don't agree with that mentality. Viola meddled in the decision making for the Panthers, especially when it came to the GM by committee concept. Until he figured out that didn't work and gave power back to Tsllon. And Viola hasn't been heard from since.
  14. In the last ten and a half months, we're closing in on 80" of rain. 2" so far today with no end in sight. Almost a half foot this week. The yard is completely saturated. All time records have been set. Granted, I love the rain but I never saw these kind of totals in 20+ years in South Florida, one of the rainiest places in the country.
  15. I don't want another rookie coach. At this point I'll take Boogie or Jacques Martin over any other rookie coach in a heartbeat.
  16. I think it's a stupid rule, it was an obvious goal. But by rule's standards, it was a bad call. It never should have counted.
  17. Excellent points. I just don't see who the Sabres can nominate at this point. But I agree with you about Rob Ray when he got nominated. As well as other players who aren't/weren't captains.
  18. Only 3%.
  19. Not saying it's no big deal. Just not sure who else they'd pick.
  20. So, besides the rookie coaches, a la Marlies and Amerks, who are left that are veterans? Guy Boucher? Jacques Martin? Boogie?
  21. I looked it up. Yes, each team does nominate one per team. Matt Murray? Leon Draisaitl? Tom Wilson? Good for Jack and Lou. Lou did a ton for the community after the Parkland shooting. Of course that was last year but this may have been the last game he played in his career.
  22. I guess my point was, I thought each team had to nominate one, just like the Masterton Trophy. Not sure McJesus wasn't nominated, but on the Sabres side of things, who else would they nominate? If each team doesn't have to nominate one each, somebody please correct me. I'll admit my mistake as I'm not 100% sure.
  23. I was under the impression that every team had to nominate one. If that's the case, who else is BFLO going to here if not their captain?
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