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Everything posted by JJFIVEOH

  1. You won't be so happy if Lacy misses significant time with that concussion.
  2. Sorry about that. I read your response when you posted and completely forgot to reply. No, I don't think it's a stretch. Most actors/comedian/entertainers will tell you that if you are lucky enough to get a window into stardom, it's usually a very small window. Once you miss your chance you may never get it again. From what I have read over the years, Robin's craziest drug days were in the 70's to mid 80's. It started before he became famous. He got the attention because of his off-the-wall, eccentric delivery. Cocaine helped to accentuate that delivery. Once he became a star he was able to showcase his talents. If he hadn't been a coke addict in the mid 70's and his act hadn't been quite as unconventional he may have been overlooked for the next guy on stage. Not saying any of this is good or bad. But like has been mentioned, entertainers that rely on creativity for their livelihood sometimes need to find an advantage. Maybe they are creative because they found drugs first. Who knows, everybody is different. Do you think anybody would know who Judy Garland is if she wasn't an addict? How about Philip Seymour Hoffman? Jim Morrison? Jimi Hendrix? Stevie Ray Vaughan? I don't think we would. Some of our most beloved and influential entertainers have been addicts and most of them got that way because of drugs. With the highs come the lows and that's why so many of them end in tragedy. They knew the risks, they chose fame first. As tragic as it is for the families involved, not to mention the fans, we should thank them for choosing the self-destructive route because we may never have been entertained by them otherwise. This is the way I see it. Your mileage may vary.
  3. I hear ya, looking back on it I made the wrong decision. Luck, Brees, Rodgers and Manning had already been taken and didn't want to chance losing out on a QB that has the potential to put up points. Stafford was available but he puts up twice as many INT's as Brady. Picking a WR in the 1st, everything just dominoed from there. But, that WR was Megatron, so there's that. Good luck to you too. Looking forward to both leagues no matter how bad my team is haha. ;)
  4. Me and you. Good luck this weekend! I picked 6th out of 10. Went with Brady with my 2nd pick becuase that's all that was left as far as QB's. Had no choice. My logical choice for #6 was the same player I picked for our league, Aaron Rodgers. So I went with something different and picked Megatron. It was then I realized I screwed up taking a WR in the 1st. Oh well, we'll see.
  5. Who is 'VIck in a Box'? I didn't make out so well in my other league. (Seriously, do we really need to merge posts?)
  6. If the Bills didn't do anything to improve one of the weakest WR cores in the NFL at the draft, the city would have been up in arms. I think you guys are reading WAYYYYYYYYY too much into this. It has nothing to do with the owners (or lack thereof) it has to do with management taking a risk to try and improve the team. Risks........ something this team has been sorely lacking for 15 years.
  7. If I can pick up a quality QB later in the draft (this doesn't work so well with a lot of teams) I will because it's nice to have in case your #1 goes down......... or to use for trade bait. I'll bet right now somebody comes to me for RGIII before the season is up.
  8. I got a B+, 8-6 record T3.
  9. I got an Email grading my team. What did you all get?
  10. Ppfftt..... who needs rankings? (probably why I suck so bad at fantasy football) :unsure:
  11. Not sure why you're not given the option to choose which league. But here is the link to our league. http://fantasy.nfl.com/league/2631523 Who is Vick in a Box?
  12. I really can't remember. Maybe Derrico can chime in. If you're already signed up you shouldn't need the league ID and password. If you log in with your NFL.com ID and password the league should already be there for you to click on.
  13. The Max version is tempting. Supposedly they're looking at a October/November release. Nothing concrete though.
  14. Yeah, I am really impressed with the build quality. The aluminum case just makes it feel so much more sturdy. The front facing speakers make so much more sense. Not like I'm going to make it my primary audio source, but it is nice when watching videos. I still have the M7, not due for an upgrade for a few months. But, Sprint and HTC still gives us every update. Kit Kat 4.4.2 and HTC Sense 6.0. What's the biggest difference between the M7 and M8?
  15. I agree that college football players are different than hockey prospects in that they are about 4 years apart when drafted. But, a WR can become a difference maker in his rookie year. So can a RB, lineman, DB, etc................. But QB's are rarely ready to take control and become a star in their first year or two. The potential of a QB cannot be determined after 10 games, especially when the WR core was pathetic at best during those 10 games.
  16. I asked you a simple question. It's really not that tough. If you get this defensive over a simple question, I hate to see how you react to real problems. If you say so.
  17. I'm not bitter about anything. You can't hurt my feelings. Just saying, in your effort to try and be funny, you made little to no sense.
  18. I guess I'm just a moron then.
  19. I know what Obamaphone means, I know it was a Bush policy. Just didn't see your connection, stop trying so hard. :rolleyes:
  20. I returned an S4 after a week and got the HTC One instead. Glad I did.
  21. I have no idea what this means.
  22. Drug addiction helped mold Williams' career. Drugs helped Cobain become the artist he was. A combination of drugs and the type of personalisty that goes along with these types of people helped make them who they eventually became. If they weren't those types of people there is a pretty good chance we never would have known who they were.
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