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Everything posted by JJFIVEOH

  1. I think Russell Wilson pretty much destroyed any chances I had of a win this week. :censored:
  2. And I don't agree with you getting put on leave either. If the NHL is so certain he did something wrong, suspend him without pay. If they're not certain he shouldn't be suspended. Yes, it's in the contract and it's a judgment call. But it's a bad judgment. That's just my two cents. ;)
  3. Fair enough. But I don't think there was enough evidence at the time the suspension was handed out. Correct me if I'm wrong. I know I'd be pissed if my workplace reputation was discredited by a suspension or firing because I got charged with something that didn't happen. Then again the NHL isn't a 40 hour job and the players did agree to the suspension guidelines that were used regardless of what 'innocent until proven guilty' means.
  4. And the Varlamov situation turned out to be nothing. Good thing they didn't suspend him. The NHL should form its own identity and not take after (or improve on) somebody else's mistakes. Hey Gary I've got news for you......... THIS ISN'T THE NFL!
  5. Ah OK. Thanks.
  6. Why is Dixon's name 'Boobie'?
  7. I can't believe we wasted a 1st round pick to move up in the draft for Watkins. Let's face it, neither Fitz or Manuel gets that drive done.
  8. This is one pathetic football team. I'd settle for halftime.
  9. As has been mentioned, the process is in motion. Whether you like it or not. The process included stripping the team of almost all the players Darcy had a piece of, ridding the team of talent in place of high draft picks and being bad enough to be near the top of the draft. This is fact, this is reality. We can't go back and do it your way and trust me, I didn't want the tank either. So I guess I can sa that we can't go back and do it OUR way. But, there are players that are untouchables and that includes Hodgson and Girgs. Hodgson was arguably the official beginning of the rebuild. Hodgson is playing terrible. Why? It's not because he's terrible it's because most of the team is terrible. There is not enough of a supporting cast to allow the talented players to showcase their talents. Girgs is untouchable. Why? Because if you get rid of him you're starting to defeat the purpose and prolonging this rebuild even further. The entire point of this tank and rebuild is to stock up on high picks and get through the tough times because there is a light at the end of the tunnel. And don't say the owner is to blame. An entire arena full of fans booing Darcy, media trashing him every chance they got, and a team going downhill.......... even if the owner wasn't listening to the fans, he had no choice. Everybody knew it, most people went along with it. We talked all offseason about how bad this team was going to be. W've talked for two years about how we're going to be the worst team in the league. Now that it's happening, people are upset because they're losing? You cannot (not you personally now) ask for a tank season to get the best player in the draft in ten years and then turn around and bitch about how you're losing.
  10. So you're sick of the tank and were never a supporter of it.............. so you want to get rid of any talent we may have left............... What was he supposed to say? Sabres fans are going to suffer? Oh wait..................
  11. Whether anybody wanted the tank or not, how can you not expect this? How can anybody throw Pegual and Nolan under the bus based on the results? This team has TWENTY top two round picks in a 4 year span from 2013....... where did they all come from? By trading away talent. This was the plan. This is what happens when you have little talent on the ice. Don't blame the coach, don't blame the owner. People wanted a total rebuild based on what Darcy didn't do. This is what you get. Nolan can only do so much.
  12. So when was the last time a home team has been shut out consecutively in two days?
  13. Ted finally realize that any coach on this team is just a puppet? I can't disagree with your point. At this point it's a lost cause (their psyche) whether they score or not.
  14. I liked when he called Enroth's goal in the first period.
  15. If this team doesn't improve they just might be worse than last year when they were the worst team in almost 15 years.
  16. I like him. He adds some personality to the game and an on-ice perspective that an ex-player couldn't point out. I can't think of a better person.
  17. I'm sure I'll see posts on here pointing out the mistakes Duff and Dunleavy make tonight.
  18. By the way I feel the same way. There are some annoucers that sound like school children and makes me question where they got their degrees. The same lack of talent has overspilled into the national media, but that's another story for another day. It amazes me how some of these guys got degrees and found a job on top of it. I think it's unfair to give Rob Ray as much criticism as he gets.
  19. I don't consider on ice or on field crew "announcers". Announcers are the people that call the game. Feel free to criticize them.
  20. That's their job. They went to school to do that. They're professional announcers. Rob Ray stands down on the ice to give a players' perspective. It's literally apples vs. oranges.
  21. Sorry, I just think it's kind of petty.
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