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Everything posted by JJFIVEOH

  1. I'd still rather have O'Reilly, but a guy who is capable of 30+ goals is fine with me.
  2. If JBots can sign him to an extension, this is a kickass trade!
  3. Call me ignorant, or out of touch. But what is JAG?
  4. The elevation helps.
  5. We have yet to hit 90 this year.
  6. There are some really awkward moments on that show. And while I'm sure there is some scripting involved to run a major show, once they get on camera, it's totally unscripted. Very genuine, which is what makes it so funny.
  7. I've heard about Impractical Jokers for years, just never watched it. Since I was laid out from my poison ivy infections I decided to check it out. I've been binge watching the show ever since, probably the funniest show I have watched in years! It takes an awful lot to make me laugh (Ron White and Doug Stanhope are the only two to make me laugh). I don't know how they keep it fresh with new material after 8 years.
  8. I've still got small bright red patches on my arms, large patches on my legs. But, the infections are gone and that's all I'm concerned about. Folks, if you're in an area affected by kudzu, make sure you know the difference between kudzu and poison ivy. If you're ignorant like I was, it'll lay you out on the couch for a couple of weeks.
  9. LOL!! Here I am thinking PI meant 'politically incorrect' because I said 'balls deep'. Around here, I'm not sure what to expect, lol. Even though the infection didn't hit my bloodstream...... now that it's done (3 weeks later) fighting it off, I feel much better than I did. I'm ready to finish off this trip this week, go back to Florida to get my pets and my motorcycle, come back here and get settled in. Then I'll get serious with this poisonous crap.
  10. I'm beyond itching, 3 weeks later, I just got over the flesh wounds on all four limbs. The 'balls deep' comment was a figure of speech in that I was buried in the bushes/brush. Nothing PI was intended. Don't read too much into it.
  11. I don't think there should be much concern. He's put up pretty decent numbers considering he's still very young, been through two coaches, been flip-flopped between center and wing and played on the worst offensive team in the entire league over the last few years. Not saying it's the way to go, maybe everything just came together in Florida and with a ton of cap friendly contracts and a solid core for several years. But I keep watching there teams handing out massive contracts to guys who don't really deserve it, if Reinhart wants a long term contract the Sabres could probably do it with a lower cap hit. I think Reinhart will only get better considering the circumstances, if he gets a bridge contract he will probably end up asking much more in two years. The players I mentioned from Florida all signed long term contracts at a very young age before they had a chance to establish themselves as players deserving of larger contracts. In turn, the Panthers will be a dominant team for several years because they are able to afford so many talented players. Again, maybe it's coincidental. but I don't think so.
  12. Come to find out, the issue I had was that I was actually handling poison ivy for over two hours (and then let it sit on my skin for another couple hours before I showered). Apparently, poison ivy has a couple of different shaped leaves and one of them is almost identical to kudzu. So, that day when I thought I was dealing with poison sumac, I spent a couple of hours yanking out what I thought was kudzu. Instead, it was poison ivy. So not only did I just brush up against it, I was breaking this stuff, some leaves came off, some of the oil got all over my body........... and this went on for two hours. Brushing up against poison ivy, and being balls deep in it for two hours is an entirely different story. Knowing what I know now, I'm damn lucky I didn't touch my face, or inhale the stuff. However, I did find a massive grape vine growing in there. They are edible, can't wait to see how they taste around late fall.
  13. Dale Tallon built a Cup winning team in Chicago. The problem was he didn't look long term and the cap hurt them eventually. He learned from his mistakes. Unlike most GM's, he'll sign extensions in the middle of the season with young players who would still be RFA's even if they signed a bridge deal. By doing so, the young player is happy with the long contract, but the cap hit wouldn't be as high as if they were given a bridge deal and turned out two great seasons that would warrant a much higher contract. With this strategy, the young player is happy with the term, the team is happy with the cap hit. Tallon has at least six core players that have extremely cap friendly contracts which wouldn't have been possible if they were given bridge deals and then ended up asking more in the long run. Huberdeau, Barkov, Trochek, Bjugstad, Matheson, Ekblad.......... I'm sure he'll give Dadonov an extension sometime in the middle of this year. If the Sabres really have some semblance of confidence in Reinhart, give him 7-8 years now and save on the cap hit in the long run. If you give him the bridge contract and he turns out to be a stud, you're screwed in the long run.
  14. I'm not going to search the thread to recall if I mentioned it, but Peaky Blinders is one of the best series I've seen in quite a while. I'm glad they finally got renewed. I'm not sure if the actors are A list in England, but they aren't big names here. Except for Adrein Brody, Americans might recognize San Neill. The rest of the cast is relatively unknowns which makes it a fun show to watch. Some top notch acting in this series.
  15. Thanks everybody. I was told what I thought was poison sumac is actually a black walnut tree. What I didn't know is most of the underbrush to the right of it is poison ivy. I'm going to conclude that I'm allergic to poison ivy. Shrader, I'll keep this in mind if I find anything else back there that I'm not sure about. Thank you. I've gotten better since last night, just totally covered in scabs and the infections are going away.
  16. Sorry for your loss. I'm always intrigued to read about different culture's and religious rituals. Learn something new every day.
  17. Yup. Like Lehner (when Housley didn't neuter him), Ron Hextall, Billy Smith.......... I wish there were more goaltenders like them all in the league. Emery should have been given more of a chance to become a regular starter. He was a starter at one point but I don't think his numbers were indicative of how good he could have been.
  18. Some might still remember Biron's last game as a Sabre, fighting Emery. One of the best games I have ever seen. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=ulyEnFh9Wvo
  19. What do I have to do with this?
  20. Oh yeah, I've heard you can also get this stuff in your throat and esophagus even if you don't burn it. That could turn really ugly.
  21. In reality, he didn't shine. But relatively speaking he did. With a team that had so little heart and the same level of talent, he did "shine". On a good team, I think O'Reilly has the potential to be a borderline elite player. It's tough to find good all-around players nowadays. I hate to lose him, but he deserves better. I thought he should have been the captain.
  22. Thanks again. Yeah, I'm spending some time identifying what is back there that messed me. I was told of a couple of apps that can identify plants. If those aren't accurate I may have somebody come in that knows the local plantlife. The vegetation here is much more similar to Buffalo than south Florida. But when I lived in Buffalo, I was too young to care. I had some problems sleeping for the first few days. Then I went and bought some zzzquil. That took care of that problem, lol. Don't want to keep taking that stuff if I can avoid it.
  23. Thank you for the offer. I'm not nauseous and I don't have a fever. I'll wait and see how I feel tomorrow. As long as I can see progress, I'll be happy. I've read (and I think somebody else here mentioned it) that it could take a couple of months.
  24. I'm in western NC. The pharmacist there said the steroid I needed was prescription only. That doesn't mean they don't have what you and Brawndo said to use. You're the doctor, I'd take your word over hers. I'll stop by and check tomorrow if this doesn't show any improvement over night. Although, I did go to Ingles and not Walmart. Thanks for the info, everybody.
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