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Everything posted by JJFIVEOH

  1. What does that have to do with Flynn and Mitchell? Nolan is a head coach, his sole responsibility is to win. He thought Grigorenko was being lazy and going through the motions. Considering he is more of a one dimensional player, if he's not putting in an effort to score, he has no use on the ice. They have the option to send him back down to Rochester to learn. Others don't have that option without getting waived. It's not based on one game, come on man............
  2. No he didn't. Hodgson was on the 1/2 lines the first 25-30 games of the season. Mitchell was rarely on the top lines. If anything Hodgson was given his opportunities surrounded by more talented forwards.
  3. Fair enough. I just think he's been extremely limited all year. I can't wait for this nonsense to be over with, regardless of who is behind the bench. This crap has divided us.
  4. I need to point out that you're basing this on 4 games. How can you possibly determine what Nolan can or can't do based on how two players have performed in 4 games with a new team?
  5. Sample size and teammates' skill level. Apples vs. steak. None of that takes into consideration their linemates' skill level.
  6. Was just looking for you to hold others to the same standards. You called me out for making one comment directed at nobody in particular while not saying a word to the person following me around like a homeless puppy making snide comments every chance he gets. There are few things in life that bother me more than hypocrisy and double standards. You're entitled to your opinion and I respect it. I just think that most criticism directed his way is unsubstantiated because he has been given nothing to work with. I just don't understand the sudden disdain for him, almost like somebody flipped a switch, or decided to gang up because there's nothing else to talk about.
  7. I'm not a fanboy, but I would like to see Hodgson next year with some better talent. I supported him throughout most of the season and at this point just think this season is a bust for him.
  8. Pretty much. But some have made that implication. Hodgson had plenty of chances to correct his lack of production.
  9. Liger, can you take this one?
  10. So now Hodgson's lack of production is Nolan's fault? You know you've become the key whipping boy when your whipping boy status trumps that of Hodgson. Flavor of the week.
  11. Seriously, when you have comments like "The problem is Nolan only recognizes and understands 1 type of effort." what is anybody supposed to think? Seems to be an awful lot of that going around. Not sure what happened in the last week for this sudden disdain for Nolan, but it's eerily similar to every other time this place decides to gang up on their new whipping boy. Questioning his respect around the league? Do you guys even bother to open your mind and listen to the rest of the hockey world?
  12. You're loaded with snide comments. How about you add some substance to your posts. You're reminding me why I never read your posts in the first place. Grow up.
  13. Thanks! Somebody told me they had something similar from AT&T, I didn't know Sprint had one. I'll definitely check it out. The S5 is big improvement over the S4. I got the S4 last time and had it for two days before I returned it for the HTC One M7.
  14. And the league has yet to produce a significant number of quality young coaches that rely on an analytics/strategic game plan. Like the NFL, teams that look for a head coach have mostly gone back to the veteran coaches that mostly use the old school approach. Teams have assistant coaches that deal with strategy, a head coach's responsibility is to get the players to perform. When Nolan says teams are over-coached, he's right. The teams that have gone with younger coaches make things more complex and difficult. Ever notice how after every lost you can always find at least one player that says the need to make their game more simple? It's no coincidence old school coaches are the first ones getting offered jobs over younger, more strategic coaches.
  15. Only on SabreSpace can people complain that a coach preaches and rewards effort.
  16. If Ted does get fired during the offseason, can I pick the next whipping boy? I haven't gotten much say in the matter in the past. I think I've been here long enough to deserve some more responsibility. I nominate myself, I want to be the bus driver.
  17. Considering his resumè, I'm going to stick with he knows what's going on.
  18. He's been involved in Juniors and youth hockey for pretty much all his career outside the NHL. Do you really believe this?
  19. I noticed T-Mobile has rollover data which is nice. Not sure about their coverage though. That's what sucks, some brands will only update for so long after a release and cell companies seem to have a mind of their own when it comes to releasing those updates. I had the Motorola Photon before this HTC One, bought it the first week it came out. Not a month later a big Android update came out (I forget which version) but it took almost a year of customer complaints to finally release it. And that was the only update ever released. Now this HTC One I've had for almost two years, I still get all major updates that come out. Just got Lollipop a couple weeks ago. Problem is, you don't know if you'll ever get updates until you actually have the phone. I guess that's the good thing about the Nexus, you know you'll get all major updates.
  20. Maybe I shouldn't have said I don't want him on my team. Certainly I'd give them plenty of time to respond to criticism. They're young, as has been mentioned before, they need to know what it feels like to not be coddled. If they go an extended period of time without responding then the team might need to consider moving on without them. Each case is unique. What I was getting at is, it should not be held against Nolan for him telling the media what he thinks about his players.
  21. I don't mind players getting thrown under the bus. If they're not strong enough to deal with it I don't want them on my team. Larsson apparently got the hint, he's been playing well lately, and Nolan makes sure to mention it. Nolan wants Pysyk up here, he's had limited time with Pysyk. As far as Cody, he got significantly more playing time than others Nolan benched because of lack of effort. Hodgson won't change if he's not willing to be developed.
  22. Sorry, I didn't mention Sprint. That's my bad. Yeah 5" is good, I just use my phone for pretty much everything but making phone calls. I'm looking for something that barely fits in my pocket. Although, I use Sprint because I get a cheap employee plan because of a family member. They're always changing the parameters of the plan. Two years ago it was no questions asked, 4 years ago I had to jump through hoops. If I have problems this time I might switch. Where I live I barely get 1 bar, need roaming most of the time. But, Sprint doesn't go to roaming based on signal strength it's based on where you are on the map. Their 'map' deems me in a Sprint zone so I can't go into roaming. Verizon has a tower nearby.
  23. Nolan doesn't have control of who gets called up. Besides Grigorenko and maybe Larsson, who is currently on this team needs development that won't be gone next year? Zadorov and Risto have progressed nicely, probably much better than we expected.
  24. Fair enough, I can respect those observations. Me, I don't think it's fair to judge him based on anything that has transpired this season. I don't think it's fair to criticize his player usage because he hasn't had anything to work with. Flynn got big minutes because he was the best option. This team can't win games based on talent, Nolan has to try and win them based on limiting mistakes. Ellis and Flynn were better options in that case. We don't know if Nolan only has one mold because he hasn't had the opportunity to prove otherwise. He treats the kids differently than the vets because they need to learn early that they won't get rewarded for the mistakes. Something tells me he knows Mess is a lost cause and only gives him big minutes when necessary. It's not as easy to bench defenseman as it is forwards. I like your post, I just don't think any coach should be held responsible for this mess. He deserves at least next year to show he can do something with some more talent when Murray will be able to add to the roster.
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