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Everything posted by JJFIVEOH

  1. His ATOI is significantly higher than Larsson's. That's not 'not going to be given a chance' or 'it's a shift then it's over'.
  2. Because of Grigorenko? Or maybe it's because Grigorenko really isn't panning out. There's a reason why he is an NHL coach and we're not.
  3. I don't know about you, but I'm seriously thinking about shutting the door on this place for a few months. There are a handful of people that really ruin it.
  4. Deslauriers must have had something else on his mind.
  5. Again, and again, and again, and again, and again................................................. Babe, I got you babe................
  6. Sorry, I can't read what you typed............
  7. Either we all have very similar movie tastes, or I watch too many damn movies.
  8. Need I remind you, you were the one that went after anybody calling it a tank crowd. Don't go throwing grenades and blaming somebody else for pulling the pin. Nevermind, I'll just use the ignore feature. Never thought I'd have to do that around here. Nobody needs to read this nonsense.
  9. I'd love to run in 60° weather.
  10. Seriously dude, give it a break.
  11. No, I'm pretty sure every single person here is aware of the long term possibilities of a 30th place finish.
  12. Boy you sure got me. Have a great week.
  13. I've never called anybody here a muppet, worst I've called you is a tanker which is exactly what you are. There are some that enjoy wins, there are some that recognize that finishing last is the best thing for this team, there are even some that fit both molds. Then there are some that really take it to extremes by making their own lives miserable. I really love hockey and I love the Sabres. But if I let tanking consume so much of my life to the point where I need infiltrate every single thread with pissing and moaning and belittling everybody that thinks differently....................... I would seek help. Jesus Christ man, take a vacation. :thumbsup:
  14. Thank you. That's not exactly what he said, was it?
  15. Is it really any different than you telling us every single game that you want them to lose, but try to sugarcoat it by telling us how much it kills you to feel that way? Like I said, it must be miserable to watch a game hoping they play poorly enough to win, all while being even more miserable if they happen to win. I just couldn't watch games hoping to not be entertained and then bitch about it afterwards. I've really got much better things to do than spend 3 hours of my day hoping to be bored to death. By the way, it's 'losing' not 'loosing'. What's not to get? :P
  16. Guess what, every team has hot goaltenders throughout the year. If you can't see that this team busted their ass tonight with what little they have to offer at the moment, I don't know what to tell you. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- And the fact that we're all arguing after a WIN just makes me nauseous. Some of you guys just don't know when to give it a break. With that said, I'm outta here. Goodnight ladies. (2 separate posts....................................)
  17. And for anybody that says Nolan shouldn't be coach, he's leading a team that should have a 15 point cushion on the rest of the league and he's still finding ways to keep this team focused and competitive no matter how much Murray is trying to finish 30th. His worst mistake might have been not firing Nolan at the start of the year, now his worst mistake will be if he fires him during this offseason.
  18. Well, there's another game on Friday so I'm going to go step in front of a cargo truck.
  19. Question for the tankers, if you root for the team to lose and then come here and get all defensive when some of us celebrate a well-deserved hard fought game.................. why do you even bother to watch the game? Seems like an awfully miserable form of entertainment. Can't you just take a break and let some of us enjoy a win?
  20. You may have a point, but it''s besides the point. When you're one of the people relentlessly ramming it down our throats for months, don't get upset when you get labeled a tanker.
  21. Absolutely! I would have been disappointed for him if they lost this game.
  22. Stop talking about it, we'll stop calling you that.
  23. That was one of the best goaltending performances I have seen all season.
  24. Pool's up to 81°
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