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Everything posted by JJFIVEOH

  1. Good point. But while I agree that performance declines with age I don't think it drops that dramatically when they hit 30. I just picked a few big names off the top of my head to support my point which was (in my opinion) the game isn't rewarding the names we should be hearing on a regular basis. It's not so much that these guys aren't putting in an effort. I watched a bunch of Wild games down the stretch and they were really exciting. They should be the kind of team that dominates in the playoffs, but I think most of us knew they wouldn't last long once playoffs rolled around. And if a team builds for a playoff run they're going to be boring as hell to watch in the regular season. Something needs to change because it's only going to get worse. There is room in this league for scoring AND hard-hitting/physical teams and right now we're not getting either of them.
  2. The league has created two different games, regular season and playoffs. It's always been like that, but no where near the scale of the last few years particularly this year. Regular season scoring is down, games are leaning towards boring. The playoffs make that look like an all-star game. It used to be fun to watch the wide open offenses vs. the physical, enforcer type teams play each other in a series to see which one could prevail. Now we have neither. Today's playoff hockey neuters most gifted forwards, the few that succeed are the elite. Vanek used to be a pretty decent playoff goal scorer (20 goals in 53 games) before this year. Currently there are only 7 players scoring over 1PPG in the playoffs, including those who are already knocked out. Crosby, Malkin, Vanek, Nash, Pominville, Parise, St. Louis, Stamkos...................... most of these guys have hardly been visible. Is it because they're not giving it their all, or is the game rewarding an entirely different style of hockey once mid-April rolls around?
  3. I wouldn't mind seeing Lindback and Enroth split duties next year, compete for #1. I see less and less reason to invest big time and money in a goaltender. Would be nice to see both those guys in situations where the goal is finally to win games. A Cup isn't in the next year's plans so bring back both of these guys and wait for an opportunity to present itself in terms of a long term starter if that's what Murray intends.
  4. Vanek Pominville Stewart Leopold Ballard Gaustad Ott Pardy Stafford Myers Thorburn Byron Kassian Miller Mitchell Flynn MacArthur Boulton Neuvirth Halak Moore Ehrhoff
  5. Thanks, I'll wait to get caught up. At least to the point when this thread was started so I don't spoil it for myself.
  6. What are the rules for the spoiler tags? Is there a time frame from when an episode is released to the time a tag doesn't need to be used? Are all spoilers tagged no matter how old? I'm only through episode 11 but don't want to break any rules.
  7. Edited, my bad.
  8. Total goals per 60 minutes average in the playoffs 2005-06: 5.414 2013-14: 5.316 2014-15: 4.735
  9. Great effort by Vanek after the turnover.
  10. I don't have any issues with these guys calling each other names on the ice, not like it's anything new. But the league needs to look into this. I've seen players get 2 minutes for calling refs much less than that, I've even seen on several occasions players getting 2 minutes for calling another player a name. Assuming these is some truth to this the league needs to address the situation because if they're going to allow their officials to act like that on the ice then they need to legalize the same for the players. If there's one thing I can't stand it's double standards.
  11. That look on Michelle's (thanks Roenick) face was "Price"less!
  12. Wow, thanks! That's more than I needed, that helps tremendously. I never read the books so I wasn't familiar with the past. I didn't want to do a search in fear of spoiling it, already made that mistake once and found out the fate of one of the characters.
  13. OK pardon my ignorance as I am only halfway through the first season. Simple question, the Lannisters appear to have royalty in their bloodline but the king comes from another bloodline. Even though he is king, the Lannisters seem to be the powerful/wealthy family. Are they royalty only because the sister is married to the king? If not, how did Baratheon become king?
  14. I'm on episode #6 of Game of Thrones, only 45 more to go just to get caught up to the current season. The most difficult part, keeping track of the bloodlines.
  15. If Lack and Miller split duties next year, how is Miller supposed to become acclimated to Vancouver's defense? :w00t:
  16. I think so. The Buffalo News should have a responsibility of providing qualified journalists to bring us the news. There is a line to be drawn between news and tabloid fodder. I understand if a news outlet hits the sports team with tough questions, things the public wants to know because that's their job. However, journalism is rapidly making a 180° turn and integrity is a dying breed. Not saying this played a part in the reasoning to not have a season ending presser, but when the Buffalo News has clowns like Harrington and Sullivan I can see the team's point in not wanting to deal with it. As much as I bitch about PHam, at least he still maintains a level of professionalism. Harrington and Sullivan (and others) threw that out the window long ago. For me, I drew the line with Harrington when Pegula had the ground-breaking for the Harbor Center(?) and he made a scene asking Pegula about the firing of Lindy. It was the wrong place, the wrong time and completely unprofessional. If the Buffalo News wants opinion pieces, fine keep the clowns. But if you want the organization to take you seriously send somebody to presser and into the locker room who takes pride in their work. Rant over.
  17. Must have been somebody else's fault. It always is............. :angel:
  18. If there isn't any issues with post ######, why is this board set up to automatically merge multiple posts from a member in the same thread?
  19. I decided to take the plunge on Game of Thrones. Got 5 seasons to catch up on............. Still a couple others I want to check out that you all mentioned.
  20. Might not be able to place blame on Miller for all the goals, but he didn't get $6mil/yr to just stop the shots he should stop. If everybody had the perfect defense in front of them, life would be so much easier.
  21. Yeah, they do a great job of blending in modern music with a show set in post WWI. I like watching a show where most of the cast is unfamiliar, no big high $$ American stars to soak up all the spotlight.
  22. Since we're checking out all avenues, I do also watch Nurse Jackie and Masters of Sex. Once you're seen a few episodes of Lizzy Caplan you'll forget all about the fact that Mary Louise Parker is 50 years old. I think of all the ones I've mentioned so far, Peaky Blinders is the best, although I'm only seven episodes into it. Good point, technically it's not even four seasons going by the typical 13 episode standard (not including the start of season 6).
  23. Yeah, outside of Netflix I've been tempted to find out what all the hype of Game of Thrones is about. Not sure I want to find myself getting interested and have to catch up on 5 seasons.
  24. Lillyhammer huh? I'll check it out. Good series, I watched it when it was current. The last season was kinda weak, almost like they planned to finish the series two years earlier and they just needed something to kill time.
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