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Everything posted by JJFIVEOH

  1. 27 pages of songs you all can't get out of your head. Hopefully there's room for other things to go through your minds.
  2. Ennis has been nominated for an ESPY for Best Play of the Year. Looks like he's the only NHL'er to get nominted. GO VOTE! http://espn.go.com/espys/2015/?voting=bestplay http://espn.go.com/espys/2015/
  3. I don't see how 'Spuddy' Gerard Gallant wasn't at least in the running for Jack Adams this year. Most improved team in the league deserves some credit.
  4. I use https://www.privateinternetaccess.com/ and I can change which server I use. Does tunnelbear give you the option to use a server in Canada?
  5. Thanks. I see it now if I mask my IP.
  6. Brought to you by Barnum & Bailey.
  7. Theoretical................. hypothetical.............. you get the point. :bag:
  8. We can all look at the standings and say this is how the season would have panned out if................... But that season wasn't played under a theoretical points sytem that wasn't in play. If there were a 3-2-1 system teams would have played a different game and more often wouldn't have settled for an OT point if 3 points were awarded for a regulation win.
  9. Not sure if it's been mentioned, but Netflix recently added every single episode of M*A*S*H. That's on Netflix?
  10. Lieuwen played almost half a season with double vision when everybody thought he was fine.
  11. 93° The pool is 93°!
  12. Haha, I know what you meant too. I was being sarcastic, I probably should have been more clear. I've got that album, you can't be too old. At least I hope knowing that song isn't what passes for being old nowadays. :P
  13. We lost in 1999. What was there to celebrate?
  14. Yeah, I guess Hyman wanted to make the jump straight to the NHL. Tallon had other ideas.
  15. Setting the market? https://twitter.com/FlaPanthersPR/status/611971851716296704?s=03
  16. My bad, it sounded like Harrington. It was tough to hear it.
  17. What was Harrington crying about towards the end when they told him they would address "it" afterwards? It did make for a rather dull presser. Although I did get a smile out of the 'GM's are like women' comment he almost went through with.
  18. I've noticed GMTM has been getting much better at selecting his words carefully so the hacks that be (BN, WGR..... you know who you are) don't twist them as they see fit.
  19. Mass shooting at a Charleston, SC church and I've turned to CNN three times in the last twenty minutes......... all three times they've been talking about Donald Trump. Network news has really gone to hell.
  20. I'm glad to see Lebron lose another, I have no respect for that arrogant jackass.
  21. I agree, it's possible there is more to the story. It could just be that Murray wants to rid himself of as much as possible of anything with Darcy's name on it. No doubt he needs some work on different aspects of his game. I just think right now it wouldn't benefit the team at all by getting rid of him this year.
  22. Let's put things in perspective here. Cody had an embarrassing year. There just isn't a way to sugarcoat it. But let's look at the rest of the time he's been a Sabre. In 2012-13 he was 2nd on the team in goals and points on an 82 game pace of 26 goals. In 2013-14 he lead the team in points and was 2nd in goals all while missing 10 games, 8 more than Ennis and only 1 goal behind him for the lead. Making an 82 game pace of 24 goals. Which is an impressive number considering that team was the worst offensive team the league has seen in 78 years. He also managed to put up a combined 19 goals between Vancouver and Buffalo in 2011-12. So two 2 out of 3 years he's been one of, if not the best scorer on this team. The kid hasn't even played 300 games and he'll be going on his 5th coach. The Sabres won't be cap strapped for a couple of years. For every year he isn't bought out we save an extra year on the cap hit (as has been discussed). There really isn't anything to be gained by buying him out at this point. Let Disco Dan work his magic and see if he can get Cody back to where he was, perhaps even better. Cody is a very one-dimensional player, but this team will be much more geared towards his dimension moving forward than the last two years.
  23. The last time the Cup wasn't at the arena for the clinching game was in 1938................ the last time Chicago won the Cup at home.
  24. I agree. This is counterproductive. I'm not trading picks and/or prospects for an aging veteran. Granted he has a couple good years left but if I'm going to use assets it will gave to be for somebody on the other side of 30. And if the Sabres by chance make the playoffs sooner than we think, I don't want to give up all those pieces to get somebody that disappears after game 82. 10 goals in 60 playoff games..... no thank you.
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