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Everything posted by JJFIVEOH

  1. Trump is using this as a publicity stunt. The fact that he is even relevant in the minds of our national media sickens me. The major news networks are an embarassment, I have turned them all off and don't even watch the news any more. Why bother when they don't talk about news. My confidence in this country dwindles daily.
  2. Too late, you had your chance. :D
  3. Thanks. I can respect that. I don't necessarily agree with some of it, but I can respect a point of view when somebody puts some thought into it.
  4. Where do you stand on present day gun ownership and gun-free zones?
  5. Because the Framers did not specifically state that possessing firearms for personal use was a Right, does not mean it wasn't. Owning a firearm for protection was a necessity, it would have been redundant to state so.
  6. What is your vision of 'meaningful'?
  7. One of the rare shooting that occurred in a non gun-free zone. http://www.kgw.com/story/news/2014/07/24/12405148/
  8. They all drove cars to get to their destination......... Religion......... Prescription psych drugs........
  9. Thank you.
  10. If that recruitment office had not been a gun-free establishment I bet the chances of this incident happening would have been slim to none. So you want gun control? Possession of heroine is illegal and a felony. If the solution to society's ills is control, how come there's a heroine epidemic?
  11. I agree. Whenever people compare the US to other industrialized nations in terms of gun crimes, more often than not we're compared with the least racially diverse nations on the planet. You can't compare apples to bacon. Giving me heroine isn't going to protect my life from a heroine addict. That's just a silly analogy. Whites may commit the most violent gun crimes but in my attempt to keep this sentence from sounding racial in an ever increasing politically correct society, let's just say go look up the demographics per capita.
  12. This was a MILTARY recruitment office. With MILITARY officials. Maybe we'd be better off banning religion and prescription drugs because those are the catalysts to most of the incidents. Maybe we need to ban cars because that is their means of transportation. I'm no gun activist but I do believe in our Rights. And I also find it highly ironic that weapons are banned from a military establishment, even if it is a recruitment office.
  13. -There is no way to get the Sunni and Shia to get along -There is no way to improve economic conditions in the Middle East to the point it improve relations -There is no way to monitor and track every single person in the US to prevent these incidents substantially -There are no gun laws that will make any significant dent in these incidents -If somebody has their heart set on taking out an entire group of people, creating any gun law isn't going to stop them from getting one If these recruiters had been armed this shooting would have had less victims, if it had even happened at all. We need to stop worrying about the Middle East from within and monitor it from afar. We're wasting our time and money. I agree.
  14. Thanks, I'll check back and see if it's made public tomorrow, and then read it and get back to you.
  15. What do you think is the best solution at this point in time? I agree, there are consequences either way.
  16. It's a pisspoor article no matter how you look at it. He takes a three game span in which he bases performance on QB rating, and attempts to convince the reader that Marrone changed how EJ was used. What he failed to mention is that his QB rating for the rest of the season remain unchanged. So obviously based on the author's parameters NOTHING changed. He did however bring up his 3rd down usage. What he failed to mention was how good EJ actually was on 3rd down. If you're trying to convince the reader that his 3rd down performance was another parameter in gauging his abilities, the play selection is completely irrelevant. What should have been used was his passing stats on 3rd down. This article does absolutely nothing to convince me Marrone had anything to do with EJ's progression......or lack thereof after the 3rd game. (I assume he was trying to convince me it was a regression...... I couldn't tell).
  17. If somebody has the capability of killing 50 million (much less 20 million) they certainly have the capability of building/buying nukes without anybody knowing. I'm quite sure nobody wants to test our military capabilities...........
  18. Then perhaps if the author is going to use QB rating as his basis that EJ was so much better in a 3 game span, he probably should mention that his QB rating was almost identical from game 4 to the end of the season.
  19. Exactly, three games into the season and EVERY team's strategies change when they get a better handle on things. Three games isn't enough to prove anything. Besides there really wasn't anything out of the ordinary except for the Carolina game....... stats-wise at least.
  20. Shouldn't have anything to worry about if our national security is up to par. If not, then we get to use the equipment we've spent trillions on for the purposes in which they were intended.
  21. That's not what I meant. :rolleyes: Don't be snide. There are detailed stats then there are ridiculous reaches. It proves absolutely nothing. Why did they stop at three games, did reality set in by game four?
  22. http://www.sportingcharts.com/nhl/players/329287/cody-franson/#Turnovers$Trades=1&GameType=106022709&SeasonMax=9999&SeasonMin=1990
  23. .......while wearing red or black underwear, less than 3 days facial hair growth when the temperature is between 46° and 72°. Seriously, how do you even come up with a stat like that?
  24. I second that motion.
  25. I think what pisses me off is the fact that O'Reilly will now have to go before the Peguals and Murray and apologize for the incident. He'll have to tell them how he plans to change his life, get counseling, etc etc etc....... Then he'll have to do community service, probably give some speeches about safe driving and the dangers of alcohol. Then the league will talk about it for months, he might even get punished by the league and/or the Sabres. All while there will be many other players in the league this year get into accidents where they were at fault because of texting and they will get off without penalty, probably not even a ticket. Both situations are preventable and equally as dangerous and O'Reilly will be the one put on a pedestal. I know what you mean about the idiots. Just today I was going down a main E-W 4 lane (2 per) road and I'm coming up on this soccer mom in the right lane. We're in a 50MPH zone, she's onher phone going 17MPH!!!! I pull up alongside of her and lay on my horn to tell her to get off the road before she kills somebody. She doesn't even see me. As I'm doing this the cop I passed earlier finally catches up and she's right behind me. I turn around and look straight at her and put my arm in the air like "Look at this woman next to me, DO SOMETHING!!!" She didn't....... she just kept looking at her computer not even realizing we're going 17MPH. But O'Reilly will be put through the ringers for being borderline intoxicated in a podunk town at 4AM with nobody on the streets.
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